> Thiel's behavior shows this works and that most people seem okay with it. That's the problem.
Not only that, it is "celebrated". Call me a cynic but I'm sure it's also because Thiel hired a large PR firm to "massage social media" and frame the debate.
It was shocking to see how so much of social media "fell in love" with thiel overnight.
You would see threads about patent trolls suing small companies or large corporations using patents to destroy small companies and much of social media would be against it. But then celebrate Thiel as if he was some hero.
Even here, you see the same theme. The top comments are praising or defending thiel.
Probably because Gawker lost in the court of law for the horrible things they did. It also didn't help that Gawker editor A.J. Daulerio made that horrible quip as well. I doubt there was much need for "social media massaging" when you are dealing with Gawker.
Not only that, it is "celebrated". Call me a cynic but I'm sure it's also because Thiel hired a large PR firm to "massage social media" and frame the debate.
It was shocking to see how so much of social media "fell in love" with thiel overnight.
You would see threads about patent trolls suing small companies or large corporations using patents to destroy small companies and much of social media would be against it. But then celebrate Thiel as if he was some hero.
Even here, you see the same theme. The top comments are praising or defending thiel.