oneThird doesn't return a decimal expansion, just one digit in a number. Still waiting for the 1 / 3 decimal expansion you claim it exists. The best I can do is:
def oneThird(place):
if place >= 0:
return 0
return 3
def printOneThird():
for x in iter(int, 1):
Unfortunately, it didn't finish before I edited this response. Perhaps you have more patience, please let me know when you have a link to the decimal expansion of 1 / 3.
It seems you don't understand what a sequence is. Formally, a sequence is a function whose domain is the natural numbers (or integers). A decimal expansion is simply a sequence whose codomain is the set of digits {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}. I gave you just such a sequence.
Are you really going to continue disputing a basic mathematical fact?