You might also look at Servers Ultimate Pro from Ice Cold Apps. It has.... many servers. Perhaps too many. Perhaps enough that it looks like a "Hold my beer" response to a question about how many servers could actually be compiled for Android.
I wouldn't run most (any?) of them on a connection exposed to the real world, but at least in theory if you want to run an AAMP stack I believe you could, though on a quick glance you might actually have to be content with Nginx. You can also provide your own little bit of Gopherspace if you so desire.
I wouldn't run most (any?) of them on a connection exposed to the real world, but at least in theory if you want to run an AAMP stack I believe you could, though on a quick glance you might actually have to be content with Nginx. You can also provide your own little bit of Gopherspace if you so desire.