A lot of the results look great, like ikea.com, for example. However, trying tougher queries yields no results. Php.net has no results (message still says 500 results found), and the message explains results were filtered for the tag 'php'; clicking "click here to undo this" gives a 404 error. Also, number10.gov.uk, the equivalent of whitehouse.gov for Britain gives a message the site is not popular enough for results. The overlay for "about these results" doesn't have a 'close' prompt, so users who may not be technical enough to try clicking outside the message area would be stuck on that screen. Overall, it looks like it has nice potential. Is there a way to see beyond the top 10 results? The first 10 results for Mixergy.com look great, but I'd like to see more results! :)
I just fixed that broken link. The automatic hiding of a tag is meant primarily to hide tons of duplicates that would happen if you searched for "amazon.com" for example. I guess I should check to see if it hides too much and if so, leave it in.
Paging is not implemented yet... and curiously enough you're the first to request it. Surprised it took so long!
Which "tougher queries" did you try? If you get a response that "the page was not popular enough" then there's not much I can do. I'm relying on delicious to have tags for the URL, and if none are present, then I'm SOL.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll have pagination done shortly.
I tried searching for "Mixergy" and only got one response. Then I saw a message that said, "did you mean Mixergy." I clicked it even though I didn't know what the difference was between what I typed and the response.
I think the message could make it clearer that you're asking about a domain. Like this:
"did you mean Mixergy.com"