Dr. Bredesen sees Alzheimer’s disease,- as an imbalance rather than a toxicity resulting in amyloid beta plaques which block nerve cell signaling and lead to memory loss.
Among the measures he recommends:
- A diet that eliminates processed foods and other unhealthy ingredients, and boosts fruits, vegetables and healthy fish
- Stress reduction with meditation, yoga, music or other means
- Eight hours of sleep a night
- At least 30 minutes of exercise four to six times a week
- Very good oral hygiene
- Improvement of gut health with probiotics and prebiotics
- Fasting for 12 hours between dinner and breakfast, and three hours or more between dinner and bedtime, to keep insulin levels low
Published in the September Journal Aging, he did a study on ten patients. Nine of the 10 patients improved. The one patient who did not improve was in the late stages of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Additional info
Reversal of cognitive decline: A novel therapeutic program
It is surprising how much inflammation can stem from your gums. Floss! I know it's boring. But, it can be rewarding to dig gross gunk out of your mouth that you didn't even know was there. Gross, yes. But, less gross than leaving it there!
My dentist mentioned in passing that seriously (deadly) infections can enter the blood stream via the gum line, so I don’t think this is an obscure notion.
I would think sleep is pretty important. It's when the brain recovers. Yet I wonder how many drugs prescribed to people later in life disrupt their sleep. I'm going to spitball and say: probably far more than we realize.
And in (say) obesity, which effects a high percentage of adults and is bad for the body (of which the brain is a part) and also effects sleep.
Long to short, plenty of people abuse their bodies as well as theirs minds. Yeah, it's sad. What i don't understand is the general surprise that there might be a cost to that. It's like wanting to party all night and then somehow expecting not to have a hangover. The body doesn't work that way, afaik.
The reversal seems more along the lines of the effects of the disease + side effects of the previous drug(s). Although if the new treatment stops the damage to the brain then over the course of years, not weeks or months, I could see a recovery of functionality.
Bredesen has published about the reversal and with the small sample of 10 patients showed full reversal in 9 patients. There is no doubt at all when you read that patients were extremely forgetful, unable to do their job and unable to learn a new language were completely opposite after the short treatment: good memory, able to do the old job, and having pleasure learning a new language. Bredesen followed the 9 patients for 4 years after the treatment and there is no new decline. The treatment is a true cure.
There is nothing magical. Inflammation makes a mess of a brain and a healthy body is able to recuperate from almost any disease.