"The "American Dream" gives people the impression that working hard solves everything and that their country is the best in the world period"
Which is both wrong and missing what the American Dream is all about. It's very far from any European idea of equality, I say that as an European myself and grew up in one of the most equal countries (Denmark).
But once you get to live in the US you quickly realize why Scandinavia style healthcare can never work in the US. It's simply not structured both geographically, culturally, immigration wise and politically to ever work.
As a country with opportunities, nothing really beat the US when all things are considered. That doesn't mean everyone is making it that's not the goal either.
I think you're saying that you have more opportunity in the US because the risks are higher? Your argument reads like an incomplete thought. I fail to see how immigration and geography are related. Culture is related, but that could easily change if people weren't told what to think by conservative pastors and media.
I happen to think that opportunities are bigger in the US because of less regulation, a bigger market with no language barriers and more venture capital and that the US could do even better if people didn't have to worry about hospital bills. There's a lot more potential.
There is more opportunity because of a lot of different things one of them being culture, another access to capital, access to global markets, another being big English speaking country, another being a much bigger reliance on civil society to take care of many of the things that governments take care of in Europe and of course the military.
The US is actually not doing well on a lot of individual parameters but if you look at everything as a whole it just ends up being a country with more opportunity than any other country and I would challenge you to find any country that's better than the US in those terms.
When it comes to healthcare geography and immigration is related because of the way a single payer social healthcare system works.
The US have to deal with immigration both legal and illegal. You can't just give 11mio illegal immigrants access to to healthcare just as people who immigrate much later haven't been paying to the system their whole lives.
Furthermore because of the distance if you want to provide equal treatment it's going to be very expensive or you have to spend a lot of money on transportation.
These are just some of the issues which normally gets completetly ignored but are actually crucial to understanding why the US can't be the same as European countries.
"The "American Dream" gives people the impression that working hard solves everything and that their country is the best in the world period"
Which is both wrong and missing what the American Dream is all about. It's very far from any European idea of equality, I say that as an European myself and grew up in one of the most equal countries (Denmark).
But once you get to live in the US you quickly realize why Scandinavia style healthcare can never work in the US. It's simply not structured both geographically, culturally, immigration wise and politically to ever work.
As a country with opportunities, nothing really beat the US when all things are considered. That doesn't mean everyone is making it that's not the goal either.