> see's this individual's suffering not as a transition period in which they form a new model, but a severe disorder.
This sounds like the unhelpful "it's just a phase, it will pass"
Just like a wound or a bruise, depression lasting weeks is ok, if it last years is a severe disorder.
> the health care system is, like most of current western society, firmly implanted in empiricism. Science and measurement are the hammer
That would be nice: science has been doing very well in the last 200 years.
If anything, psychology and psychiatry are often accused of not being rigorous enough.
> They are witchdoctors, sacrificing chickens
You just wrote that medicine is firmly implanted in empiricism.
> we get depressed is so that our mind is motivated to take a step back and build a more accurate model of reality. The thing to do, then, is to help the sufferer realize why they are suffering.
Psychology "talk" therapy has been focusing on introspection since Freud. It's often not effective enough.
This sounds like the unhelpful "it's just a phase, it will pass"
Just like a wound or a bruise, depression lasting weeks is ok, if it last years is a severe disorder.
> the health care system is, like most of current western society, firmly implanted in empiricism. Science and measurement are the hammer
That would be nice: science has been doing very well in the last 200 years. If anything, psychology and psychiatry are often accused of not being rigorous enough.
> They are witchdoctors, sacrificing chickens
You just wrote that medicine is firmly implanted in empiricism.
> we get depressed is so that our mind is motivated to take a step back and build a more accurate model of reality. The thing to do, then, is to help the sufferer realize why they are suffering.
Psychology "talk" therapy has been focusing on introspection since Freud. It's often not effective enough.