The fabrication of SoCs for mobile is mostly at TSMC in Taiwan and Samsung in Korea, but the ownership of the chips is American. TSMC manufactures the die, but it's fair to say that Qualcomm is the one "making" it since they own the IP and do the front and back end design-work. Similarly, you can say Apple makes the iPhone, even though final assembly is done at Foxconn or Wistron.
Complete tangent, but in case someone else gets a chuckle out of it:
the word "fabrication" means "creation"... but also serves as a synonym for "falsehood", almost an antonym in some contexts. I'm not aware of many words in English that can mean both a thing and its opposite. "Cleave" means to bind together, or to completely separate...
Any language geeks out there know of others? Or what such words are called?
My feeling is that "lie" and "creation" go together. Similar to "he made that up". Something is a fabrication (in the lie sense) when it's created by the person saying it and not drawn from evidence or observation.
Yes, Qualcomm is US, but then there's Samsung at the high end and Allwinner & Mediatek at the mid/low end. ARM is also non-US, and some modem IP is also non-US. So it's not a controlling stake.