You should really exercise, no matter what people tell you, or how difficult it feels.
Controlling your diet seems like the easy way, and I don't think it's really healthy because you will lack energy, and it's easy to slip.
You should already stop drinking sodas and eating unnecessary snacks, but I'll never believe that it's the only thing you can do.
Remember that exercise gets easier over time, so just hang in there and take the pain. Sweating is good, all your body will be restarting if you exercise. All existing biology reacts to simulation, and dies if it stops moving. Just imagine your cells getting reorganized, cheese particles bring breathed out, and toxins getting filtered out.
Exercise will counter the problems created by bad diets but not only vascular. It will rebalance a lot of things. You will also sleep better.
There is truth in people living longer because they keep asking their body for more even when they age. All life forms thrived around biological movement. Sedentary lifestyle is the antithesis of living.
Controlling your diet seems like the easy way, and I don't think it's really healthy because you will lack energy, and it's easy to slip.
You should already stop drinking sodas and eating unnecessary snacks, but I'll never believe that it's the only thing you can do.
Remember that exercise gets easier over time, so just hang in there and take the pain. Sweating is good, all your body will be restarting if you exercise. All existing biology reacts to simulation, and dies if it stops moving. Just imagine your cells getting reorganized, cheese particles bring breathed out, and toxins getting filtered out.
Exercise will counter the problems created by bad diets but not only vascular. It will rebalance a lot of things. You will also sleep better.
There is truth in people living longer because they keep asking their body for more even when they age. All life forms thrived around biological movement. Sedentary lifestyle is the antithesis of living.