That book changed my view as well. The section that got to me was the part where he refuted "calories in, calories out". Most machines have some sort of regulator that detects when power is low and will adjust accordingly; my laptop, for example, will reduce the brightness of the screen. On the human side, if a factory manager hears there will be reduced power, he doesn't keep going at full steam, he shuts off none vital operations. I think most of us would agree the human body is a complex machine that with a myriad of regulation mechanism. If it detects lower caloric intact, it's not going to go one as if nothing changed. It's going to adapt to preserve energy.
Yes, I really enjoyed that analogy. It's important to bear in mind that analogies don't prove things, they are just illustrations. What I particularly liked is how he did a very good job at backing it up with different studies that support it. As I was listening to the book, pretty much all the questions I had he answered in a very methodical way.
I've started trying intermittent fasting and low carb/high fat so far I'm amazed at how much energy I have. Still early days and I have a few old habits to kick. But it's definitely going in the right direction.