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For those who do calorie counting - how do you deal with all the work? E.g. if I want to make a sandwich, the process is

1. Find the nutritional information on the back of the bread bag. Enter that into the app.

2. Put slice of bread on the scale. Record weight, put into app.

3. Zero out scale with slice of bread still on it.

4. Put slice of ham on slice of bread, record weight. Enter into app... that brand of ham is not on the app.

5. Enter ham nutritional information into app. Enter ham slice weight into app.

6. Put a big amount of green salad on the sandwich. We're not counting the calories in that, but we need it to zero out the scale.

7. Put a second slice of ham on the sandwich, measure its weight, enter into app.

8. Put a second slice of bread, measure its weight, enter into app.

9. You have now spent 20 minutes making a sandwich and wrestling with an infuriating mobile interface for entering information.

And this is the most basic of foods. If I decide to actually cook something, things get super hairy, because I have to first measure the raw ingredients, then measure the weight of the cooked food, then divide the amount of calories in the ingredients by the weight of the cooked food to obtain calories/gram, then use that to calculate portion size. The ingredients I use are constrained in variety and quantity by what's available in my local stores, so I can't even make the exact same thing every time, so I have to repeat this process every day.

It also meant I couldn't eat out at most restaurants, because there was no nutritional information available, which is the point when I gave up trying to count calories, because having to make everything from scratch myself, while also measuring and entering ingredients in the app means spending 2-3 hours per day on just making food, which is time I don't really have.

Set the complete sandwich up as a single food in your app. Every time you make one, tell it you made that sandwich. Make it the same way and don't sweat the tiny differences in how thick your slice of bread is each time.

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