Programmers tend towards the same behavior: if you've ever read through an over-engineered solution, you can tell it came from a person or team that privileged the technology over the solution. So it's a kind of technological fetish.
Same goes with visual design. "Want to see a site about reverse engineering? Well here's a giant animated triangle for you, gliding across the page like a fish. See what we did there, isn't that neat?"
Ahh this guy put a hell of a ton of work into making this. Unfortunately he discontinued his more condensed version of the document (which I believe was about 300+ pages or so?), but he does it all for free and takes care of several different language editions so I don’t blame him.
Skimming through the materials, this looks interesting. It takes the approach of slides and exercises. I actually expected to see another site with the same name: which provides a PDF book.
But the best resource I've found to learn reversing is liveoverflow's videos on YouTube. Any other suggestions?
I am always lost as to what kind of thought goes into creating this kind of bloated abominations to display static content.