Still waiting on that train from Mountain View to Cupertino. Meanwhile, there is an Audi in the garage that can take me there anytime I want and a bus to take me there when I don’t feel like driving. I still find it really hard to take a week’s worth of groceries for a family of six on a train. Even if BART did go exactly where I needed, when I needed, I’m not inclined to risk Hepatitis or theft.
I understand that some people actually like being around strangers. I don’t. I like being in a mode of transportation where I can control the destination, temperature, aroma, and music. I don’t have to worry about people asking me for money or potentially assaulting me either. I don’t have to keep an eye on my bag, nor wait on platforms in all sorts of weather.
Public transport definitely has value, but ascribing it as the best choice is a viewpoint based on limited experience. When I was in Zurich, I felt much differently. But Zurich and the Bay Area are vastly different. They don’t have Prop 47 for instance.
I understand that some people actually like being around strangers. I don’t. I like being in a mode of transportation where I can control the destination, temperature, aroma, and music. I don’t have to worry about people asking me for money or potentially assaulting me either. I don’t have to keep an eye on my bag, nor wait on platforms in all sorts of weather.
Public transport definitely has value, but ascribing it as the best choice is a viewpoint based on limited experience. When I was in Zurich, I felt much differently. But Zurich and the Bay Area are vastly different. They don’t have Prop 47 for instance.