I mentioned it in another comment, but it really seems as though the expected outcome (kids have kindles and older people have real books) is exactly the opposite. Every older person I know who reads uses a kinlde or other device, and people that are younger I see either don't read at all or read paper.
It doesn't surprise me, because the younger generation seem to be getting tired of technology. It is something they're expected to be on for fun, social connection, and work, so it's not a stretch to imagine they want some time off.
All of my hobbies were on computers, and it has been a real struggle being in the software industry when my social and leisure time also involves sitting at a computer.
I have taken to grabbing a book, leaving the phone at home and finding somewhere to read.
I agree that's it's probably not entirely generational, but there is something to be said for growing up with 24/7 connectivity being the norm.
It doesn't surprise me, because the younger generation seem to be getting tired of technology. It is something they're expected to be on for fun, social connection, and work, so it's not a stretch to imagine they want some time off.
All of my hobbies were on computers, and it has been a real struggle being in the software industry when my social and leisure time also involves sitting at a computer.
I have taken to grabbing a book, leaving the phone at home and finding somewhere to read.
I agree that's it's probably not entirely generational, but there is something to be said for growing up with 24/7 connectivity being the norm.