> The full stack consisting of assembly, compiler design, C, networking, operating systems, embedded development, data structures and algorithms, databases development and design (including an understanding of the algorithms/optimizations used).
> At least one class in functional programming and at least one in and OOP language.
I think it's pretty common for CS degrees to have all/most of this in scope already? At least I had all of it, with the exception of embededded development.
Yeah... maybe I'm out of touch (started undergrad in 2002) but... that sounds like a CS degree to me! Mine didn't cover embedded at all, but if you took the Advanced OS course, you ended up writing an x86 bootloader in asm at the start, which could eventually jump to main() for your scratch-built OS.
> At least one class in functional programming and at least one in and OOP language.
I think it's pretty common for CS degrees to have all/most of this in scope already? At least I had all of it, with the exception of embededded development.