Setting up and maintaining a kubernetes cluster on my own would probably kill me desire to touch a computer again.
Azure and Google provides free Kubernetes-cluster-management-as-service. But you are right, its still a hassle.
Been going through that process the past few days on Scaleway, as they don't have a hosted K8. It's... tough... but I'm learning a lot and have a much deeper understanding of K8s clusters from an operational perspective now. I have a much deeper understanding of the magic happening behind the scenes to keep everything talking to each other, and even if I wind up on a hosted solution in the end, it's been invaluable.
thats what I told myslef too when I invested hours after hours learning Knockout then AngularJS. Only for reactjs to dominate a year after. I skipped learning react and stuck with angular. Now I hear rumours theres a new sheriff in town named Vue.js.
Careful with filling your brain with domain-specific knowledge.
Deploying to a Kubernetes cluster is easy. You just have to learn a few key concepts to write your own .yaml definitions. Also, some open source frameworks come with the .yaml definitions already.
I‘m a developer too and I feel the burden too. Can you tell what you mean here?