The more exaggerated the cursing, the more problematic is the subject according to Linus. Linus' over the top cursing is a means to transmit his evaluation of how problematic some code is. It's never personal.
Show me an instance where his cursing is not related to kernel code.
The key here is not to take the cursing personally. He's cursing the code not the coder. He don't hate specific persons. He can curse you on one not-so-good patch and praise you on another. The anger it's not directed at the person.
He didn't mean to direct it at a person, but he used a language that everybody would understand as statement directed at a person. And he is apologizing for the fact that he didn't realize that.
>I'd also suggest that whoever was the genius who thought it was a good idea to read things ONE F*CKING BYTE AT A TIME with system calls for each byte should be retroactively aborted
"retroactively aborted" is a dark joke, if you have a sense of humor, and conveys how bad a decision Linus think is to make a system call to read each byte.
saying "should die as a baby" is a spin. To be precise is important.
Show me an instance where his cursing is not related to kernel code.