IMHO When you've got a company as large as Google that is able to do things like openly use dark patterns to trick users into giving up their location data and 99.99% of people aren't aware or use their dominant search page to nag users into using a browser that won't respect privacy setting or remove Google's tracking cookies that's the point you need to start thinking about government intervention.
Google is behaving like a malware company.
We were in this situation with Microsoft in the late 90s-early 00s. I was glad when they got a slap on the wrist and told to stop taking the piss. I hope the EU will do the same for Google.
Google is behaving like a malware company.
We were in this situation with Microsoft in the late 90s-early 00s. I was glad when they got a slap on the wrist and told to stop taking the piss. I hope the EU will do the same for Google.