It's an extreme/desperate-wing thing (left or right, doesn't matter).
Because that's the only way they know they can grab power: by making their people miserable, blaming the centrists or moderates, and triggering a revolt.
That's the playbook for Brexit and so far, it worked.
That's the playbook running in France right now as well - although they're trying to piggyback the still popular, uncoordinated movement.
Lots of people are already miserable. Not the "experts" who have sold their intellects to maintain the status quo for the billionaires, of course. Lots of inequality, lots of bureaucracy, lots of rules, lots of violence, gives them lots of levers to pull. Unless you're such an expert, you shouldn't fear change.
I'm not an expert - and I'm well aware of people having miserable living conditions already.
And I'm well aware that in Europe, misery is more a matter of relative appreciation and of dynamics (which the media and the social networks nurture and feed on) than of absolute. Europe is rather well endowed, compared to the rest of the globe. Still...
What I fear is disorder, irrational, unwarranted violence, managed by unaware & unapologetic kids who make money on it today and will write history tomorrow.
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram & co are heavily contributing to set the world on fire by blowing on people's weaknesses and susceptibilities.
The question to me is not if/when their demise will happen. The question is how to make it happen faster: either they lose, either balanced democracies lose.
Because that's the only way they know they can grab power: by making their people miserable, blaming the centrists or moderates, and triggering a revolt.
That's the playbook for Brexit and so far, it worked. That's the playbook running in France right now as well - although they're trying to piggyback the still popular, uncoordinated movement.
They're not even shy about it.