> I think he's comparing VDOM to the equivalent imperative instructions, which !== re-rendering the entire tree.
You don't have to have tons of handcoded input handling or tree merging code. As I said in another post, the approach with some structured getters and setters was known since time immemorial. S.js, I think, is the best modern iteration of the approach. There are a lot of different ways of handling that, just google.
> "Figuring out" the resulting imperative instructions for a given prev -> next is not easy (the above example, however, it trivial), and is very error prone, which is why the VDOM diffing solution is motivated in the first place.
Yes, you very much get that. For that reason, when someone is faced with handling frequent and complex page structure manipulation, he is better to apply some actual computer science knowledge, and algorithmics to the task, than to use half-baked solutions. This is exactly because the gain from doing things properly in such case is great.
From utility standpoint, VDOM has its use, but its advertisement as a somehow superior and more performant approach is a disingenuous.
You don't have to have tons of handcoded input handling or tree merging code. As I said in another post, the approach with some structured getters and setters was known since time immemorial. S.js, I think, is the best modern iteration of the approach. There are a lot of different ways of handling that, just google.
> "Figuring out" the resulting imperative instructions for a given prev -> next is not easy (the above example, however, it trivial), and is very error prone, which is why the VDOM diffing solution is motivated in the first place.
Yes, you very much get that. For that reason, when someone is faced with handling frequent and complex page structure manipulation, he is better to apply some actual computer science knowledge, and algorithmics to the task, than to use half-baked solutions. This is exactly because the gain from doing things properly in such case is great.
From utility standpoint, VDOM has its use, but its advertisement as a somehow superior and more performant approach is a disingenuous.