I will definitely watch it, but may I ask if you know how the lit-html or hyper work? Reason I was asking was that all the vdom libraries maintain a virtual dom (behind the live dom) that they always recreate when the data changes (but this is cheap, since it's only a data structure), then they compare reconstructed virtual dom to the live dom and swap out only the new parts. And this way the browser only needs to re-render the new parts -- since the old ones didn't change.
But the two other libraries I mentioned remember the "holes" in the html templates directly. So when the component gets new data, then the updated content is simply set as the value of these direct references into the live dom. This way (1) only the new parts are updated and thus re-rendered, but also (2) no virtual dom needs to be reconstructed. And this is why they are faster than the vdom libraries.
So my question basically was, do you reconstruct the entire component tree too or not. But I guess I need to watch the video and read some code :)