Conversely, we could regulate and treat card networks as utilities (allowing them to recoup reasonable operations costs) instead of for-profit concerns siphoning unnecessarily off of the flows of capitalism. It works for Europe.
Customers regulating through voting with their wallet isn't going to work with how much power large financial firms wield. I contacted Elizabeth Warren's office (she's on the Senate Banking Committee); if this matters to you, I suggest you do too!
> I contacted Elizabeth Warren's office (she's on the Senate Banking Committee); if this matters to you, I suggest you do too!
Unless you've also got a plan to get a Democratic majority in the Senate, your plan probably needs to extend beyond Warren if you are relying on her role in the Banking Committee (if you are expecting her to win the Presidency in 2020, that's perhaps another story.)
> your plan probably needs to extend beyond Warren if you are relying on her role in the Banking Committee (if you are expecting her to win the Presidency in 2020, that's perhaps another story.)
It does. No need to pollute this thread, email me if you want to chat about it.
Customers regulating through voting with their wallet isn't going to work with how much power large financial firms wield. I contacted Elizabeth Warren's office (she's on the Senate Banking Committee); if this matters to you, I suggest you do too!