While I have vast respect for those that can have a different viewpoint, I'm not sure I'd be able to look on it as anything but an intensely personal attack from the universe that definitely takes things - notably, a future - away from me.
With time I might find the wisdom to feel otherwise. But time is what would be taken away.
Agreed. On the other hand, I'd like to think I'd not take it as a personal attack, but I'd not go as far to say I've not lost anything. Just because my life is insignificant in the grand scheme of things and we all have to die anyways doesn't mean I'm not actually losing time with my loved ones and the general enjoyment from life. I suppose you can 'change' the definition of losing or claim we don't own our lives anyways, but that seems like a stretch, and to some degree, seems like invalidating their sense of loss.
I hope for the same, but only after solving inequality and other "human condition" issues. I do not look forward to an Elysium-like dystopia with an immortal (ruling) overclass; undead corporations are already problematic enough.
> ...make sure he doesn't think he lost anything
While I have vast respect for those that can have a different viewpoint, I'm not sure I'd be able to look on it as anything but an intensely personal attack from the universe that definitely takes things - notably, a future - away from me.
With time I might find the wisdom to feel otherwise. But time is what would be taken away.