Well.... I have no idea! But I think that there's a big difference between thought transfer and creating physical interactions between brains or between a brain and a machine (for example I think it's well known that if you zap brains with big pulses of magnetism then there are observed impacts) or between a machine or another brain and a part of a brain. I think that actually it would be more like transferring a skin irritation rather than a thought. But lets go with the movie plot...
Also, maybe there are more profound ways of doing the interfacing! If we really want to get Dr. Evil about it, could you use transplant technology to conjoin people and then integrate their brains to invade and manipulate their minds? I wonder what the psychology of a mind made from two minds would be like (ok, I'm guessing that the torture , shock, fear and anguish of the process would mean that the resulting singular personality would be singularly crazy, but leave that aside...) could you make a "greater" or usefully different mind through this process?
Hell - why stop with two?! Why not run a program where you deliberately create seed minds by exposing children to different kinds of experiences and then integrating them to create novel kinds of thinkers!
To earn full Crazy Nazi badges you could then go on to bring animal minds into the equation - what happens if you add a chimp or a wolf into a shared brain structure?
Ok - just to be clear, anyone who does this should be executed, but I think that the idea could make a pretty decent Netflix mini series :)
I've read both! A long time ago for aFUtD but Deepness just last year. I'd forgotten the group mind Tines beings in aFUtD but just looked them up on wikipedia. I've recently been re-reading Iain M. Banks and the minds in his culture series are referred to as having group minds.
Also, maybe there are more profound ways of doing the interfacing! If we really want to get Dr. Evil about it, could you use transplant technology to conjoin people and then integrate their brains to invade and manipulate their minds? I wonder what the psychology of a mind made from two minds would be like (ok, I'm guessing that the torture , shock, fear and anguish of the process would mean that the resulting singular personality would be singularly crazy, but leave that aside...) could you make a "greater" or usefully different mind through this process?
Hell - why stop with two?! Why not run a program where you deliberately create seed minds by exposing children to different kinds of experiences and then integrating them to create novel kinds of thinkers!
To earn full Crazy Nazi badges you could then go on to bring animal minds into the equation - what happens if you add a chimp or a wolf into a shared brain structure?
Ok - just to be clear, anyone who does this should be executed, but I think that the idea could make a pretty decent Netflix mini series :)