Make choices you won't regret later. For me, at least, that's being honest. Both honest and dishonest responses make some people angry, so I choose what I can live with.
Lying is bad. Never lie, it will only bite you back a thousand times.
Not making a comment on something that's delicate can be okay if it's only about politics but if someone asks, I don't want to refuse answering either nor can I not tell what I think.
Sweeping actual problems under the rug is worst: it will sweep your working morale under the rug as well. Assuming that you at all care about the company you're working for, if you see something wrong it should be your responsibility to bring it up on the table. If you don't then you will, in time, stop caring about your job and the company, eventually stop producing any significant value, and merely submitting to the never-ever-upset-anyone culture while cashing in paychecks. And that's a hell for anyone with even a tiniest bit of self-worth and integrity.
Make choices you won't regret later. For me, at least, that's being honest. Both honest and dishonest responses make some people angry, so I choose what I can live with.
Lying is bad. Never lie, it will only bite you back a thousand times.
Not making a comment on something that's delicate can be okay if it's only about politics but if someone asks, I don't want to refuse answering either nor can I not tell what I think.
Sweeping actual problems under the rug is worst: it will sweep your working morale under the rug as well. Assuming that you at all care about the company you're working for, if you see something wrong it should be your responsibility to bring it up on the table. If you don't then you will, in time, stop caring about your job and the company, eventually stop producing any significant value, and merely submitting to the never-ever-upset-anyone culture while cashing in paychecks. And that's a hell for anyone with even a tiniest bit of self-worth and integrity.