> She was the single most qualified candidate for President, from a policy viewpoint, the nation has ever had.
She wasn't even close. She had a fair amount of NGO issue advocacy experience (mostly in the human services domain), less than two full terms in the Senate, and a brief (and arguably none too impressive) stint as the weakest-incoming-foreign-policy-resume Secretary of State we’d had in a long time (but Rex Tillerson displaced her for that “honor”.)
You can make the case that she edges out Obama and certainly W in terms of initial policy qualifications, but not her own husband or Ronald Reagan (unless you focus only on foreign policy), not George H. W. Bush (unless you focus only on domestic policy), maybe Carter, probably Nixon, not even close to Johnson, ...
Yale Law studying Policy, board of the Yale Review, Faculty of a School of Law, active in family advocacy her entire life. Its disingenuous to say 'fair amount' for a lifetime of service. Chair of numerous Education committees. So active in White House public policy decisions that they were famously described as 'Billary'.
She is so obviously experienced, vetted, responsible and educated as to make that 'not even close' assertion ridiculous.
She wasn't even close. She had a fair amount of NGO issue advocacy experience (mostly in the human services domain), less than two full terms in the Senate, and a brief (and arguably none too impressive) stint as the weakest-incoming-foreign-policy-resume Secretary of State we’d had in a long time (but Rex Tillerson displaced her for that “honor”.)
You can make the case that she edges out Obama and certainly W in terms of initial policy qualifications, but not her own husband or Ronald Reagan (unless you focus only on foreign policy), not George H. W. Bush (unless you focus only on domestic policy), maybe Carter, probably Nixon, not even close to Johnson, ...