It's interesting how you are concerned about your own "career trajectory", yet for women you cite work/life balance and ability to have children.
Edit: I just checked this comment from yesterday, where someone faulted Marissa Meyer for outsourcing her domestic work[0]. Funny story: it's also by you!
But I guess it's all a coincidence. Plausible deniability, right?
The keywords are "push" - as in, applying cultural pressure - and "require" - as in, "[work in academia] will pretty much require them to put off kids until their late 30s, if ever".
Presenting choices and opening avenues is a laudable thing. Pushing, via cultural means, is the opposite. Especially when certain inconvenient details are consistently glossed over.
I thought scientists and academicians do it for the heck of it (and have large amount of wealth to inherit anyway) not because they want to get paid more.