Fingerprinting is not an effective deterrent either, as you can just open a different browser. The user could also have multiple devices with internet access.
You could use IP address, although that only works if the user isn't on a public / shared network. It's also easily bypassed by spinning up a VM on a cloud service provider and using an SSH tunnel.
Since you used polls as an example: [0] is an online poll site which lets you select different duplication checks based on your requirements. The choices are: IP, browser cookie, none, or require user sign in. They also give you an option to add a CAPTCHA.
You could use IP address, although that only works if the user isn't on a public / shared network. It's also easily bypassed by spinning up a VM on a cloud service provider and using an SSH tunnel.
Since you used polls as an example: [0] is an online poll site which lets you select different duplication checks based on your requirements. The choices are: IP, browser cookie, none, or require user sign in. They also give you an option to add a CAPTCHA.