Thank you. It was a total shock. Even more so as it was my wedding day so I found out in the evening :(
He had been trying to get healthier for the previous two years after being diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure but the damage was already done. The thing is though he wasn’t huge. Yes he was larger than he should be but you didn’t look at him and think heart disease or diabetes. He thought he could make up for the years of unhealthy lifestyle by exercising and eating well once he had a problem but it doesn’t work that way.
I am in my mid-thirties and it was a slap to the face that I needed to sort myself out now before I end up the same way.
similar thing here -- I am in my mid 30s and I have just quit eating chocolates, junk food, sugary stuff, sodas, etc just 2-3 weeks back. It was painful, I still get headaches but I know its worth it. Next phase is exercising more frequently.
Everybody has a time they will go but how you go can be controlled to a degree and that is what I am striving for.
I am just glad that I am only few kilos (less than 10) overweight so can see light at the end of tunnel.