I mean. They know what they were getting into presumably.
I live in a 24 flat complex, we have meetings at least every year, there's a law governing these HOA things. And if the community decides they want to paint the walls black, then the walls will be black. (Because a simple majority is enough for that.) And so on.
I know nothing about this particular case, and usually courts are pretty reasonable about these, so I guess this was a rather egregious edge case of community self-governance, but on the other hand it's not a bad thing that people can form communities and have some ground rules (bylaws). Sects are bad, monopolies are bad too, and there is a nice little Goldilocks zone, a balanced mix of rules that empower every individual at the same time, and so on. (Hence circumcising without consent is bad.) These are always trade offs, but when it comes to housing, usually people don't want to live in communities that they don't fit into anyway. (Of course again, bigotry is bad, racial/ideological/financial segregation is bad.)
I live in a 24 flat complex, we have meetings at least every year, there's a law governing these HOA things. And if the community decides they want to paint the walls black, then the walls will be black. (Because a simple majority is enough for that.) And so on.
I know nothing about this particular case, and usually courts are pretty reasonable about these, so I guess this was a rather egregious edge case of community self-governance, but on the other hand it's not a bad thing that people can form communities and have some ground rules (bylaws). Sects are bad, monopolies are bad too, and there is a nice little Goldilocks zone, a balanced mix of rules that empower every individual at the same time, and so on. (Hence circumcising without consent is bad.) These are always trade offs, but when it comes to housing, usually people don't want to live in communities that they don't fit into anyway. (Of course again, bigotry is bad, racial/ideological/financial segregation is bad.)