Hens are allowed for "personal enjoyment." Eating their eggs is fine. Slaughtering them myself for meat is not. Might be a loophole if I took them somewhere that could legally process them but I can't imagine that's a commercially viable service at the backyard chickens scale.
In Florida I have a friend with a 5ac farm. He can send his pigs and goats to a USDA-approved facility for slaughter when someone wants to buy them for meat, sell them as live animals, or slaughter them himself for personal consumption. Sells the honey his bees produce. Can grow plants and sell their edible parts.
What recently brought code enforcement to his door was growing plants in pots to sell as plants -- that's running a nursery, which isn't allowed in his zoning and would come with a slew of requirements if it were.
Zoning talk on HN tends to be about density and off-street parking and recently ADUs with the CA legislation encouraging them... But once zoning starts in an area it tends to grow until it touches upon _everything._
(I also have an ADU [not in CA] that would not be legal to build under current zoning [it was at the time], and my purchase of the property included tenants in the ADU which is not technically legal [no idea if it was when they signed their lease])
In Florida I have a friend with a 5ac farm. He can send his pigs and goats to a USDA-approved facility for slaughter when someone wants to buy them for meat, sell them as live animals, or slaughter them himself for personal consumption. Sells the honey his bees produce. Can grow plants and sell their edible parts.
What recently brought code enforcement to his door was growing plants in pots to sell as plants -- that's running a nursery, which isn't allowed in his zoning and would come with a slew of requirements if it were.
Zoning talk on HN tends to be about density and off-street parking and recently ADUs with the CA legislation encouraging them... But once zoning starts in an area it tends to grow until it touches upon _everything._
(I also have an ADU [not in CA] that would not be legal to build under current zoning [it was at the time], and my purchase of the property included tenants in the ADU which is not technically legal [no idea if it was when they signed their lease])