What gives you that idea? Lots of apps have cruft, but that's nothing to do with Cocoa.
A "Hello, world!" in Cocoa uses around 13 MB, and the application bundle weighs in at 79 kB. The fact that Electron uses a bare minimum of over 100 MB just to get an application running is a source of some understandable consternation.
His point is, actually, quite valid. By the time you stop and rebuild all the image caching/media pieces, you'll end up with a hefty amount of memory usage too - Telegram (not the Qt one, the Cocoa one) will regularly climb up to 200ish MB if I have a media-heavy chat going.
People have skewed ideas of what's doable in memory constraints in 2019 for the feature sets that customers tend to expect.
What gives you that idea? Lots of apps have cruft, but that's nothing to do with Cocoa.
A "Hello, world!" in Cocoa uses around 13 MB, and the application bundle weighs in at 79 kB. The fact that Electron uses a bare minimum of over 100 MB just to get an application running is a source of some understandable consternation.