That doesn't scale terribly well for urls shared in a public space. How many subscriptions do I need? WaPo, NYT, Guardian, Financial Times, Medium, Boston Globe, LA Times, Scientific American, GQ, Epicurios, etc. Those folks should get together and offer a shared subscription model.
The economics have never really worked for a shared subscription model despite many attempts. Apple News+ is the most recent example.
So, yeah, if you regularly read more than the free allocation for each of those publications in a month, you should consider paying for them. Which ones you "need" is your call.
I get that it's maybe unsolvable. But in the narrow space of sharing urls on HN, downvoting complaints about paywalls feels silly to me.
They made their own bed, they can lie in it. I actively work around paywalls, and have ZERO guilt about it. Your business model failed, and I give zero shits. I want to know what's happening, and am willing to pay $10/month to to fix that across ALL of you that were affected. If you can't solve it entirely, I don't care. Take my $10/month, split it, and shut up or quit bitching.
Ahh, yeah...thanks for the context. To me, if you have an aggresive paywall, then public moaning about globally sharing your useless urls is expected. Deal with it. The complainers and workarounders aren't the core problem.
Attention @dang and other HN admin people, this is a constant annoyance. It's time to deal with it. I totally get your position, and your limitations, but it happens EVERY DAY. It is NOT going away, and it's getting worse. It is very clearly making HN less useful.
Is there someone more infutiential than me that could post an "Ask HN" thread that people might rally around? Feeling enflamed, but not particularly influential. Alternatively, is there a way for me to msg @dang personally? (mentioned specifically because I personally applaud and respect his past history and responses)
Thanks for the direct contact point. Disappointed, though, at the implication. Why wouldn't HN care that paywalls were reducing their value in a big way? (my 'unlikely to succeed' rebuttle: