These type of comments are pointless. If you have a point to make then make it.
I think the protocol is actually quite nice, I have an aversion to anything XML but that's just a personal preference. Have you used it in development? It works quite well... I know it sucks for binary data but that's not what it's designed for.
edit: I made my comment before axod edited in the last line "Using document markup as a packet based message protocol is just perverse." I somewhat agree with his point so ignore my reply.
Yes I've written XMPP libs at the base level. It's mental. There's 15 hoops to jump through just to say "hello!", forms must be filled out in triplicate, several nested stanzas must be entered into. It's absolutely ridiculous at the protocol level.
I agree it's probably pointless, but I find it odd that XMPP is now apparently 'cool'. I thought it was commonly thought to be an abomination of the highest order.
Does not compute.
Using document markup as a packet based message protocol is just perverse.