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I don't know anything about serverless --- to this day I fail to understand what this word is even supposed to mean. And the deployment diagram[1] sure looks complicated to me. I think I prefer old-school servers.

[1]: <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0x4447/0x4447-product-s3-e...

The benefits to using this approach over a traditional server are:

1. Someone else maintains the software running these services, including OS upgrades, security upgrades and patches, uptime monitoring, etc.

2. Since every logical component is an independent service, each scaling independently, any one single component is unlikely to become a bottle-neck while scaling. In traditional monolithic servers, you'll have to have contingency plans if you beat storage/network/CPU/RAM limits

3. The closest thing to this is to break up a monolithic email server into microservices and deploy them as independently scalable containers, which is a considerable engineering effort.

Assuming this works as advertised, you can go from zero to a full blown email service for organizations with thousands of people (assuming the stated AWS limits are lifted), in record time

> 1. Someone else maintains the software running these services, including OS upgrades, security upgrades and patches, uptime monitoring, etc.

This is the standard marketing phrase echoed to promote serverless. By experience, I don't think is valid. Packages like unattended-upgrades automates all this stuff.

Also, not being able to verify what the software is doing is scary and looks like a 10 steps backwards to me.

> 2. Since every logical component is an independent service, each scaling independently, any one single component is unlikely to become a bottle-neck while scaling. In traditional monolithic servers, you'll have to have contingency plans if you beat storage/network/CPU/RAM limits

Except when it comes with a bottle-neck by default. Running mail servers requires rather little resource.

> 3. The closest thing to this is to break up a monolithic email server into microservices and deploy them as independently scalable containers, which is a considerable engineering effort.

Why in earth? Have you seen the postfix architecture?

> Assuming this works as advertised, you can go from zero to a full blown email service for organizations with thousands of people (assuming the stated AWS limits are lifted), in record time.

I'm pretty sure one can have a up and running mail server while the "cloudformation" thingy will still be running :)

The long and short of it is that “serverless” is all done on a pay-per-use basis. So is running a VM to host an email server — let’s say $5/month on the low end. With this setup you’d be paying pennies a month assuming normal personal usage. If you were running an email server for your Fortune 500 company, yeah this wouldn’t make sense. But for personal usage? Assuming SES isn’t on the shit list of Google et al this is fire-and-forget, and dirt cheap.

This use case and logic seems really weird to sell the serverless buzzword. My personal email has been somebody else's problem since the 90s and is done through the provider of my personal domain at no additional cost.

Setting up a serverless email server seems like something I'd have to bother with and maintain a few years down the line when the platform of choice inevitably changes something. Some use cases of serverless applications just shift maintenance efforts. Sure, I don't have to update OS packages. I still have to wonder if the service I'm using for my serverless stuff will be there (for startup vendors) in a few years or, more likely for vendors like AWS, change their terms, pricing or aspects of their API. I can pay a student intern to maintain a single VPS based $whatever, AWS consultants cost a multiple of that. If that's something you can and want to do yourself, sure, that's great - even for small use cases like this but then it becomes a philosophical toy problem more than a technical challenge.

> Assuming this works as advertised, you can go from zero to a full blown email service for organizations with thousands of people (assuming the stated AWS limits are lifted), in record time

All the hard parts of doing that are in dealing with reputation, not in setting up a mail server or or scaling it. I've run an e-mail service with ~2 million users on hardware with comparable CPU, memory and IO capacity to my current laptop in the past. Setting up the mail server was not the time consuming part.

And the reputation bit in this instance is handled by SES. If you put a regular mail server behind something like SES for outbound messages, that's simple too.

While I do see benefits to serverless, this seems to me to be a good demonstration of how it is still in a totally embryonic state when it comes to things like ease of use.

> Assuming this works as advertised, you can go from zero to a full blown email service for organizations with thousands of people (assuming the stated AWS limits are lifted), in record time

As someone who has been in this industry for over 30 years from being a grunt to wearing CTO hats if there's one thing that my experience unquestionably taught me is that there's absolutely nothing ever works like it is advertised. Ever.

I really think you can get a serverless experience with a radically different OS than we think of the set-it-and-forget-it Linux OSes. If you have an OS that is designed for self maintenance a lot of these problems go away, but your debugging experience isn't super different. I expand these thoughts here: https://robszumski.com/serverless-with-servers/

This mentions that they're using S3 as the interface, and I'm not sure if SES provides POP/IMAP support for your email clients.

I still fail to understand why 4 years in, people seem to be confused about the idea that definitions of words involve over the years and that the computer industry has both been coining and adopting phrases.

But a quick Google search is all that it would take to “understand it”


Not a single post on Hacker News can use the term "serverless" without the exact same replies being posted every time. It's as if a certain portion of the HN crowd simply cannot fathom that a new term exists and is in use, and instead resort to the same, tired responses.

> Not a single post on Hacker News can use the term "serverless" wits nhout the exact same replies being posted every time.

As a serverless skeptic/critic, the buzzword bingo aspect of serverless computing is far from being the problem, and it's a gross missrepresentation of the problems posed by serverless computing.

The main problem with server applications such as AWS lambda, along with lack of control, is how utterly expensive it becomes by enforcing a SaaS business model to simple function calls, and how convoluted and needlessly complex it becomes by having to resort to yet another premium service to simply manage workflows (see AWS step functions).

Suggesting that any criticism of the serverless fad is just old grumpy incompetent developers that are too dumb to understand the future and are to scared of being out of a job is a disingenuous attack on anyone who has the audacity of not falling behind a fad.

There are absolutely valid criticisms of serverless (as you called out, vendor lock in and complexity for large applications being a big ones). But it's still an important and interesting technology that many individuals and companies are invested in, sharing side projects, open source tools (like the OP's), etc. In many cases, it can be cost efficient, or even (human) resource efficient to use a serverless setup.

So it gets quite repetitive to still be debating that, yes, we know there are servers running the code, it's just a name.

Also, a lot of the value in serverless lies in time saved managing said servers, which sometimes escapes engineers who are only looking at a project from the "well let's just spin up a quick VPS and install Ubuntu and these 15 packages, get DKIM working, throw a Let's Encrypt cert on the endpoint, launch a sidecar Prometheus and Grafan server for monitoring, and boom, you're done, why even use AWS?" perspective.

You are missing the point. (the "tired responses")

No, there only very few cases, such as shaving video encoding time (the one that started all this mess around "serverless")

For majority of other cases, using "(human) resource efficient" or "time saved managing servers" to justify the use of "serverless" is a plain bogus argument, since you end up shifting (best case scenario) OR spending more (worst case) time "managing the cloud's alphabet soup".

I will not even start talking about the code base mess.

Again you only spend more time if you don’t know what you’re doing.

I’m not a front end developer by any stretch of the imagination. Would it be a valid argument if I said that React isn’t a good solution because I have years of experienced with server side rendering?

Again, don’t blame the tools just because you didn’t take the time to learn how to use them efficiently.

If my name doesn’t give you a clue,I was around and developing way before AWS or hosted solutions was a thing. Being able to provision resources by writing yaml and not having to deal with the infrastructure gatekeepers is a godsend.

No, there only very few cases, such as shaving video encoding time (the one that started all this mess around "serverless")

There are millions of people using computers in countless different ways. Are you sure that you know all of the valid use cases?

> If my name doesn’t give you a clue,I was around and developing way before AWS or hosted solutions was a thing. Being able to provision resources by writing yaml and not having to deal with the infrastructure gatekeepers is a godsend.

Take some time to learn some soft skills, just enough to be able to convince people to do stuff for you, if you are the "throw over the wall ones" I recommend to get out of your sillo and interact well with the rest of your team :)

The problem with "serverless" is this kind of attitude around it.

My team and management (who is even older than I am so he’s not a young idealist by any means) are aggressively “killing as many pets” as possible and going all in on managed services and serviceless - including lambda, Fargate (Serverless Docker), CodeBuild (Serverless builds), AWS SFTP (getting rid of our sftp server).

Don’t get me started on the “cloud consultants” who were just a bunch of old school net ops folks who only knew how to click around on the web console and duplicate and on prem infrastructure.

Yes, working for small companies I’ve had to manage servers and networks back in the day in addition to development.

We would even go with “Aurora Serverless” for our non production environments if it had feature parity with regular Aurora.

To bolster you argument a bit..

I have a background in systems engineering building public/private cloud from hardware(cab and networking physical and logical provisioning) to VM provisioning automation and tooling. I've provided managed server, PHP hosting, Mail, and just about any other form of support you can imagine an ISP/Hosting provider needing to provide.

These days I deal more with full stack development and SRE type work. I ACTIVELY AVOID running servers, using tools like Chef and Ansible, and running kubernetes clusters unless there is a strong value proposition for them that can't be ignored. This despite the fact that I have no gatekeepers and ton of experience with all of them.

The poster above me does a better job of articulating the points I had, but at the end of the day, it seems to me like you are discounting an entire model of compute, part of an industry, the work that tons of developers are doing, not to mention new and interesting ways of developing new things, simply because you either don't want to learn something new or because you're attached to an existing way.

Note that I've never once said that running your own mail server is the wrong thing to do, because I don't claim to know everyone's complex environments. Instead, I'm pushing back against this habit of immediately discounting anything new simply because it replaces an older way of operating.

Fortunately the industry as a whole seems much more receptive to new things, otherwise we'd still be on mainframes everywhere, right?

> The poster above me does a better job of articulating the points I had, but at the end of the day, it seems to me like you are discounting an entire model of compute, part of an industry, the work that tons of developers are doing, not to mention new and interesting ways of developing new things, simply because you either don't want to learn something new or because you're attached to an existing way.

This mix of appeal to authority with the sunken cost fallacy makes no sense at all and does nothing to show any merit or present any technical case. Your argument boils down to launching personal attacks on anyone who has the gall to not jump onto the bandwagon you've jumped on. Yet, if you wish to make a case for a tool then you have to obligation to actually present a case and demonstrate the advantages.

Bullying those who don't blindly follow buzzword-driven development principles and resorting to name-calling just wastes everyone's time, and actually just creates noise that muffles the contributions of those who actually have something interesting to say regarding the tecnology.

> But it's still an important and interesting technology that many individuals and companies are invested in, sharing side projects, open source tools (like the OP's), etc.

That says nothing about the technical merits. In fact, it's just an appeal to popularity mixed with a touch of appeal to authority. Technologies should be judged by their technical merits.

> In many cases, it can be cost efficient, or even (human) resource efficient to use a serverless setup.

The argument in favor of the cost effectiveness of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) offerings is exclusively in the side of the service provider. By convincing clients to give up reserving VM instances and instead switch to a glorified batch job service, service providers are able to increase their capacity with the exact same infrastructure. That's the main selling point. Afterwards, charging customers a premium to use the service is a secondary bonus.

> So it gets quite repetitive to still be debating that, yes, we know there are servers running the code, it's just a name.

Again, this line of argument is simply silly and entirely misses (or worse, avoids) the actual criticism being directed at the whole "serverless" fad. It'suite bluntly nothing more than a strawman.

> Also, a lot of the value in serverless lies in time saved managing said servers

This whole line of argument also makes no sense once we factor in the fact that containerization is a thing and nowadays launching web services is as hard as launching a batch job. In fact, some container orchestration services already support plain old batch jobs through Docker containers. Just build a container with your "serverless" code, launch the container, let the "serverless" code do its thing, and wait until completion. No "server" involved whatsoever.

Afterwards, charging customers a premium to use the service is a secondary bonus.

If I have a process that either only needs to run sporadically and/or is very spikey - web request, events, etc. why wouldn’t it be cheaper if you only need peak capacity 20% instead of paying for peak capacity all of the time when you don’t need it?

It doesn’t take an advanced degree in math to determine where the break even point between paying more per second for extreme elasticity is cheaper than paying for an always available resource.

If you’re using a cluster, traditional you’re still paying for peak capacity of your cluster all of the time.

But guess what? AWS also offers Serverless Docker - Fargate and the same math applies, you pay slightly more for the elasticity and not having to spend time managing a cluster of servers for the convenience and elasticity.

But either way, if your business is so undercapitalized that the difference between serverless and reserved capacity, you have bigger issues. Also, the more pets you can get rid of and the more automation and training of your developers you can do, if you can just reduce your infrastructure staff by one person, it will more than pay for itself.

Okay, it may very well be true that one particular serverless product is very expensive or overly complex. That’s a fine argument to make.

But that has nothing to do with whether the term “serverless” has a well-established meaning. It’s not just a buzzword, or at least it’s not always used as a buzzword and does in fact have a straightforward meaning.

If I don’t like serverless products, or I think people need to be aware of problems they might face, I should just make those arguments. I should not just say “I still don’t know what serverless means” or “serverless is just a buzzword.”

> But that has nothing to do with whether the term “serverless” has a well-established meaning. It’s not just a buzzword, or at least it’s not always used as a buzzword and does in fact have a straightforward meaning.

You're confounding two independent issues: "serverless" being a buzzword, and "serverless" not having a precise and well established meaning.

The fact that "serverless" is indeed a buzzword is indisputable. Thus the only issue that's up for debate is whether "serverless" has a precise and well established meaning.

The problem with the assertion that "serverless" is a meaningful term is that it turns a blind eye to the fact that "serverless" is expected to be an umbrella term that refers to multiple concepts, some of which are well established. For example, "serverless" is used by some people to refer to a more concrete and specific and well established concept of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS). Yet, albeit FaaS is portraied as a subset of "serverless" concept, FaaS does not represent the concept, which is assumed to be more broadly defined.

This ambiguity and vagueness opens the door to discussions on whether pain old "managed services" warrant the "serverless" buzzword, which would underline the buzzword factor by the way an old and well established concept is being rebranded. Then there are futile discussions on whether irrelevant and secondary implementation details of managed services, such as the degree of automation and auto-scaling, are in line with what is true "servelessness".

But in the end this collective grasping at straws just underlines the lack of substance behind the "serverless" keyword.

> The fact that "serverless" is indeed a buzzword is indisputable.

It can be used as a buzzword, but it isn’t always. The same goes for “the cloud.” It’s used in marketing because it sounds cool and people think they need it, but at the same time it can be perfectly clear to use the term in technical contexts.

> For example, "serverless" is used by some people to refer to a more concrete and specific and well established concept of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS). Yet, albeit FaaS is portraied as a subset of "serverless" concept, FaaS does not represent the concept, which is assumed to be more broadly defined.

What’s vague about this? FaaS is a serverless product, but not all serverless products are FaaS.

> What’s vague about this? FaaS is a serverless product, but not all serverless products are FaaS.

That was precisely the point I made. There's no need to repeat it.

Yet, you've missed the point I've made subsequently, where I've specifically pointed out how the fact that the "serverless" buzzword is being tacked onto old and established technologies such as plain old managed services.

As if the time to manage servers is free. But lambda is far from expensive. If you’re spending even $100 a month on lambda, you probably have a successful business.

And everything is “complex” if you don’t know how to do it optimally.

> As if the time to manage servers is free.

I work in projects which make heavy use of function-as-a-service, and I have first-hand accounts of how FaaS offerings have lead developers to waste a couple of weeks getting FaaS to do what could have been done in a couple of hours with a tried-and-true web service.

> But lambda is far from expensive.

Relatively to the cost of a VM instance? Yes, it's expensive. We're in a day and age where a vCPU with 2GB of RAM can be had for 3€/month, and the pricing examples posted on AWS Lambda's page show a scenario where slightly over a month of function run time requiring 512MB of RAM would cost around $18.

In addition, AWS lambda usage is rounded up in intervals of 0.1s and 128MB, thus inexpensive function calls are way overcharged.

> If you’re spending even $100 a month on lambda, you probably have a successful business.

This assertion is missing the fact that those $100 a month on lambdas might be handled by $10 worth of computational resources in the cloud and a software architecture that isn't convoluted or tied to a single vendor. Thus the fact is that a fad is being pushed without technical merit or sound operational reasoning.

Let me give you another example.

We have a Jenkins server for builds. Most of the time, you push code and the build starts immediately. However, at times we have 10 builds in the queue and you’re sitting there waiting for your small build behind larger builds.

On the other hand, we’ve started moving to CodeBuild “Serverless builds”. When we aren’t running builds, we aren’t paying for it. However when crunch time comes, we can run up to 50 builds simultaneously (you can request a larger limit). How much would it cost to have build servers that could handle peak demand and how much of a waste would it be to have that server sitting idle?

And if you’re worried about the difference in cost between $100 and $10, you’re not running a business.

Will that $10 a month server scale up with demand?

As far as it taking “two or three weeks” - “its a poor craftsmen who blames his tools”. Don’t blame AWS for the missing skillset of your developers. There is no reason that it should take your developers any longer to build an API with lambda instead of a server.

In fact, you can host the same APIs with lambda by only adding two or three lines of code and using proxy integration.

For instance in Node:


You either completely missed the point or you are too invested in going off on a tangent to try to change the subject.

The $100 vs $10 was not intended to argument the merit of $10 savings: it refutes the absurd claim that $100 expenditures justifies adopting a convoluted architecture, because the fact is not adopting a convoluted architecture is actually much cheaper.

Additionally, somehow you've brushed aside the fact that the main cost is developer time, and a convoluted solution based on flavor-of-the-month tech fads requires more maintenance and developer man-hours than basic tried-and-true solutions like standard run-of-the-mill web services.

> How much would it cost to have build servers that could handle peak demand and how much of a waste would it be to have that server sitting idle?

I honestly fail to see what point you're trying to make because: a) you don't need "serverless" services such as AWS lambdas to get CICD pipelines to work, and b) cluster autoscaling is a basic offering provided by pretty much all major cloud providers. Thus, what's your point?

> As far as it taking “two or three weeks” - “its a poor craftsmen who blames his tools”.

So any proof that refutes your baseless assertions is brushed aside by your "you're holding it wrong" baseless assertion? Doesn't sound like a discussion on technical merits.

You're underlining the biggest problem with buzzword-driven development: the lack of technical merit is a constant and everything boils down to petty personal politics.

Your “proof” is an anecdote that was easily disproven by a link.

If it takes your developers two weeks to host an API in a Lambda when I showed you a link on how simple it is. It says more about your developers than AWS.

My time is far from cheap and any time that we can spend letting someone else do the grunt work is valuable.

> Your “proof” is an anecdote that was easily disproven by a link.

Real-world problems don't go away when you try to brush them aside. You either face the facts or remain in fantasy land.

> If it takes your developers two weeks to host an API in a Lambda

Please don't put words in other people's mouths. You have absolutely no idea about what the problems were and already made it quite clear that you don't care about facts or reality, and simply prefer to fabricate accusations to avoid discussing technical issues. That speaks volumes about your own competence and technical ability.

I’m going by the only facts that you offered. You said that it took your developers two weeks to do something that should only take an hour. I showed you an example of how to host a standard API or website within lambda with minimum effort.

If your developer haven’t come up with processes to efficiently manage their development and deployment processes - it’s a process issue that others have already solved.

> I’m going by the only facts that you offered.

You did not. You fabricated accusations to fill gaps in your comprehension based on your imagination alone, and proceeded to use your made-up accusations to attack others. That's not cool, and just speaks volumes regarding your lack of arguments and your ability to contribute to a discussion.

Your comment

I have first-hand accounts of how FaaS offerings have lead developers to waste a couple of weeks getting FaaS to do what could have been done in a couple of hours with a tried-and-true web service.

There is no world where a competent developer who knows his tooling should take “a couple of weeks” to set up an API on lambda that would only take “a couple of hours on a web server”.

You can treat a lambda instance just like a web server by using API Gateway, proxy integration and simple to use function provided by AWS that translates the lambda/APIGW event to a form that your framework expects.

Hosting static content on S3 (css, JS, html) is a click of a few buttons. Copying your content is a simple “aws s3 cp” command to do an “xcopy deployment”.

I'd rather be on call for a serverless system than otherwise. Getting paged at 2am because some log file filled up a disk, or a million other details that your "couple of hours" solution didn't take into account? No thanks.

You’re right. If my print statements cause CloudWatch logs to fill up. AWS has bigger issues....

I refuse to work for any company at this point in my career that expects me to be on call to manage a bunch of pets.

> I'd rather be on call for a serverless system than otherwise. Getting paged at 2am because some log file filled up a disk, or a million other details that your "couple of hours" solution didn't take into account? No thanks.

How about getting paged at 2am because somehow a lambda called by AWS step functions workflow is failing due to hitting a timeout while uploading a 20MB file to a S3 bucket? Because this is an actual real world case that happened in the real world.

Well, with step functions you can have auto retry with exponential back off in case of failure. But you had a lambda that couldn’t upload a 20Mb file to S3 in 15 minutes? Whatever the issue was, you would have more than likely had the same issue with a VM. A lambda runtime environment is nothing special for all intents and purposes but a Linux VM with well known constraints - a 512MB /tmp storage, and up to a 15 minute runtime.

I use to only program in assembly in the 80s because I “lacked control” higher level languages....

What perceived “control” are you missing?

I think some folks are afraid of losing their jobs, so they lash out with snark.

Someone else said on HN, developers don’t just move to the cloud to avoid administering servers, we also want to avoid server administrators.


good point

Seems that you edit your comment quite a bit, eh?


> Not a single post on Hacker News can use the term "serverless" without the exact same replies being posted every time.


> It's as if a certain portion of the HN crowd simply cannot fathom that a new term exists and is in use, and instead resort to the same, tired responses.

If was only "a certain portion/crowd" it will have no responses at all.

I see more like:

"It's as if a certain portion of the HN crowd simply cannot fathom that servers exists and is easy to use, and instead resort to the same, tired responses."

First, no, I haven't edited the post. Second, I'm not really sure what you're trying to say, you may need... to edit your post and try again.

Under this link I read:

> Serverless computing is a cloud-computing execution model in which the cloud provider runs the server, and dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources. Pricing is based on the actual amount of resources consumed by an application, rather than on pre-purchased units of capacity.

So I don't see too much of a difference from a VPS I pay for that will cost me more if I start using more network bandwidth.

But then I hear that you don't have ssh access and that your architecture is built around one specific vendor, so now you can't move to a different provider. Sounds like hell to me.

If I don’t have any messages in my queue/request to my API/messages in my stream, I am not paying for VMs or networking.

If I have thousands of messages in my queue, enough runtimes are started to handle the messages with the throughput I configure.

And as far as worrying about one vendor, the lock in boogeymen is vastly overrated. Once you have any type of scale, even if you are just using a bunch of VMs (and if you are you’re spending more money for a cloud provider than just using a colo without any of the benefits), once you have your data in the databases, network configurations, your security rules, your connection to the cloud provider with sitters Direct Connect, a site to site VPN, client to site VPNs for all of your developers, you’ve gone through security audits, etc. you’re for all intents and purposes locked in anyway where the pain of migration will be a multi month project with little to show for it.

It’s like all of those bushy tailed architects who are going to use the repository pattern and not use any database specific SQl just in case one day the CTO decides to move away from their six figure a year Oracle installation to Mysql.

I've found that "I don't even get what the word is supposed to mean" is someone's first experience with tech fear. In my experience (including my own personal anecdata) they tend to mean "I don't want to learn this new thing and because of that I'm worried I'll be left behind if everyone switches to this"

I also don’t get this. I’ve been programming either professionally or personally for 30+ years. But this isn’t a new phenomenon.

Back in the early 90s you had an “Apple II Forever” movement with people still holding on to their 8 bit Apple //e’s while Apple and the rest of the world moved on.

> I've found that "I don't even get what the word is supposed to mean" is someone's first experience with tech fear.

This is a gross misrepresentation of the actual problem affecting the "serverless" fad, which is the buzzword overload accompanied by a lack of objective definitions. Function-as-a-service (FaaS) is an objective, clear-cut concept, but "serverless computing" is supposed to be a more general term where FaaS is only a realization of the concept. Yet, by keeping the concept as a buzzword then the proponents actually avoid having to argue the merits and the advantages of this sort of architecture, thus contributing to the growing skepticism.

Folks were saying the same about "the cloud" but we got used to that too.

You get used to almost anything.

"Cloud" has gotten even less specific technically as new marketing uses for it become established. What do bare metal private cloud and Google Docs have in common, anyone?

As I wrote in another comment, there is a world of software outside of web development. And I'm not especially fearful of being left behind. I spend almost all my free time learning new things. But I wouldn't really jump at the opportunity of learning something that locks me into a single company's services. Learning the fundamentals of computers seems like a much better use of my time.

A lot of concepts that apply to serverless and other cloud computing services are applicable across providers as well. Even if the details are different.

I would liken it to learning programming languages. Learning new languages isn't considered "locking you into a language". It's even widely considered beneficial because it makes learning more languages even easier and brings new perspectives to the table.

Edit: An interesting example. Learning something enough to know when NOT to use it is gaining a valuable skill that's worth $$ to employers.

> I would liken it to learning programming languages. Learning new languages isn't considered "locking you into a language". It's even widely considered beneficial because it makes learning more languages even easier and brings new perspectives to the table.

Partly true, if you don't plan on using the language. But this seems only true, because the majority of programming languages today are open source and portable across different platforms. On the other hand, some time ago C# implied .Net Framework and that would lock you into the Microsoft+Windows ecosystem.

In the same way, using SQL that's understood only by PostgreSQL isn't going to be as much painful as using something specific to Oracle databases when the company behind it goes haywire as Oracle did with Java (if not for OpenJDK).

Because after you have “learned the fundamentals” it takes a lot longer to “learn” how to write a function that takes in two parameters, zip it up with all of your dependencies and upload it....

I can't wait until society swaps the meaning of left and right through memes

The Ministry of Serverless (Miniless) is working on it.

We should just move to "hyposerver" already


I suspect the "serverless" word was created due to the emotional appeal to a specific (majority) group that is strongly opinionated against having servers at all.

Reading from the README.md file:

  There are two major limitations with SES:

    For security reasons, AWS defaults to 200 emails sent per 24 hour period at a rate of 1 email/second. If you need to send more than that, you'll need to ask AWS to increase your limit.
    By default, you can't send emails to unverified addresses. If you'd like to be able to send (as opposed to just receiving), you'll need to reach out to AWS to remove this limitation from your account.
I see zero benefit in having complete vendor lock-in, non-sense limitations, seriously, with a $5 VPS can send at least 300 emails per minute.

I find these absurdly limited mail services strange. The one time I had to craft some "extra" email, was sending out surveys to an opt-in group for an EU project. There were some 10 000 recipients, and we had to send each a different email, in order to link responders with surveys (ie: a template email with description and an unique url of the form https://example.com/survey/123xyz).

Generating the emails in a naive loop and sending them via python took an insignificant amount of time - but in the end we worked out doing batches of 2000 at a time was easy enough - and with some help from the college that ran the email service (via exim) it all worked out (if you're going to send 10k mails in a day, it's nice to give your postmaster a heads up).

Hosting the mail server ourselves (using eg exim or postfix) would've worked too. Not sure about any of the spam-as-a-http-api services - even with custom domains they tend to have poor reputation, and they have these silly limits that mean they're not only not "auto scaling" - they're very low performance.

The problem is spam. The big providers providing hosted emails do a lot of work to make sure the emails people send with them actually end up at the recipients inbox and not in spam quarantine - but that doesn't work if the provider is then used by spammers. So the limits are set to discourage spammers while making most use-cases for email still possible.

If one were to ask me what to do, I'd say emails should cost 0.1 cent each, to be paid to the recipient...

> non-sense limitations

Limitations to block bots setting up, spamming, then tearing down over and over to avoid filters.

Its easy enough to ask for a limit increase and you'd only likely run into issues as a new account with little biking history.

That said 100% agree in this solution being a poor choice w.r.t vendor lock in.

The emails sent by your $5 VPS wouldn't stand a chance of actually being delivered to people's Gmail or Outlook mailboxes. Whereas SES actually works.

Also, it is incredibly easy to ask AWS support to increase the limit. A startup I worked with had only thousands of users; we told AWS about it and they gave us 5 million emails per 24 hours.

They stand the same chance, just setup dkim and spf as any of the hundred guides will tell you how to.

Debate it on vendor lock in, reliability and out sourcing sysops, not on having to maybe manually set up some DNS records.

By all reports of people who have set up their own mail server lately, just having SPF and DKIM set up still won’t cut it for delivery to the major mail providers these days.

I run my own email server, with no spam filter, and inspect where every spam comes from. I get a lot of spam from random shitty providers, but none from major VPS providers (Scaleway, Hetzner, Linode, Digital Ocean, ...) with the exception of OVH.

I do however get spam from Amazon SES a couple of times a month.

> The emails sent by your $5 VPS wouldn't stand a chance of actually being delivered to people's Gmail or Outlook mailboxes.

The emails sent from my $5 VPS arrives in Gmail's priority box :)

This is FUD spread by hosted mail services.

All those limits are removed within hours and are one time support ticket requests. AWS doesn't want every account to be instantly usable as a spam account if someone is compromised.

I think the more significant annoyance would be the lack of IMAP/POP, I don't see how that is addressed.

SES sending email pricing:

> $0.10 per 1,000

I don't think a single send email API counts as "vendor lock-in".

It's fairly simple, though maybe you mean you don't understand why it's good (or if it is), rather than what it is.

But all it means is "we manage the server, both physically but also its operating system, you just bring your application code and we'll run it".

Serverless is beautiful. You just need to try some basic serverless concepts. Like run a website on S3.

But to your second point, I agree. the technical hurdle required to learn all the configuration and moving parts ... And then to know that this language is vendor specific... Makes it less palatable.

That's why I expect the cloud vendors to normalize their offerings over time. I should be able to take a CloudFormation template from aws and put it through Googles Deployment Manager

How is running a website on S3 different from uploading your website to a shared hosting provider 20 years ago? How is it “beautiful”?

That type of hosting didnt scale. You paid a flat fee for capped CPU and bandwidth.

Hosting today scales linearly in terms of resources and costs...

In addition you can hook up additional AWS services as your needs arise:

Add a CDN and deliver content to the edges, faster .

Add lambdas to handle regular updates to content, or basic authentication when users come in.

Monitor usage via Cloudwatch

Add in serverless API via API Gateway - and provides users more dynamic functionality.

Yes - the vendor lock-in is a major downside. Serverless isnt for everyone, neither are the big cloud vendors... YMMV.

I'm afraid you are forgetting about developers today that had never uploaded a static website to a shared hosting provider.

My shared hosting provider 20 years ago didn't have a CDN and would fall over if I got too popular.

"serverless" is just "managed hosting" under a new name, I believe.

No it’s not just managed hosting. Managed hosting still means there is a server to maintain, patch, and that it is always running.

There's a firecracker VM and a Linux OS under the Lambda. Both of which need to be maintained by Amazon.

Edit: "managed cgi-bin" is perhaps more apt.

Exactly - maintained by Amazon not by you.

That's pretty much the definition of managed hosting.

When you are just using a VM - it’s your responsibility to keep the VMs and the runtimes patched, design a scaling solution, etc.

Managed hosting is used in at least two different ways:

* As a synonym for dedicated hosting. E.g. you rent a machine, and run what you want on it. And have to patch stuff etc.

* As a separate tier of service above dedicated hosting where the hosting provider is responsible for running the services on the machine. Some managed hosting providers will take responsibility for scaling too, though often it will be a semi-manual process.

Managed hosting in this second sense is to serverless what dedicated hosting is to "regular" cloud instances.

You might even toss in running managed services externally in the second definition, for example DNS for your own domain - pretty much every service small to large offers a DNS hosting service with your account, typically at no charge. Otherwise, you'd have to run your own server, etc.

> When you are just using a VM - it’s your responsibility to keep the VMs and the runtimes patched, design a scaling solution, etc.

Your comment did nothing to address the point, which is that your definiiton of "serverless" is actually just a buzzword used to refer to the old as the web commercial practice of managed hosting.

So was “running in the cloud” just a buzzword?

Serverless is not just “managed hosting” in the cgi-bin since - serverless implies there is no server to manage and it’s for all intents and purposes “infinitely scalable”.

For instance, Amazon’s hosted versions of Mysql, Postgres, Sql Server, etc are not what they consider “Serverless” you still have to size it appropriately and if your needs increase, have to move to a larger server. You have to worry about CPU utilization, memory utilization etc.

DynamoDB is considered “serverless” because you don’t have to manage any of that.

The same is the difference between S3 and provisioning storage that you attach to your VM.

> So was “running in the cloud” just a buzzword?

Please don't digress. The questions regarding you assertions on "serverless" don't change or are addressed with your attempt to divert attentions to other buzzwords.

> Serverless is not just “managed hosting” in the cgi-bin since - serverless implies there is no server to manage and it’s for all intents and purposes “infinitely scalable”.

You're running in circles by trying to pin a buzzword on managed hosting.

> For instance, Amazon’s hosted versions of Mysql, Postgres, Sql Server, etc are not what they consider “Serverless”

I wouldn't use AWS as an example of coherent classification, as AWS's database offerings have multiple ovelapping concerns, including an overreaching gray area of "serverless-ness". See for example Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora.

There is no “overreaching area”. Amazon Aurora falls under RDS along with all of their other database offerings.

No one on HN would accept an argument that technology is “confusing” that the poster didn’t take time to learn unless it involves AWS.

> There is no “overreaching area”. Amazon Aurora falls under RDS along with all of their other database offerings.

You mean AWS Aurora serverless?


You're underlining the failing of buzzword-driven development.

> No one on HN would accept an argument that technology is “confusing”

Good. No one other than yourself ever made the mistake of doing so. If you have a hard time arguing the facts then refrain from making up fiction.

Yes Aurora Serverless is a distinct offering. Regular Aurora you have a certain server of a certain size. Aurora Serverless autoscales - just like lambda.

> Yes Aurora Serverless is a distinct offering.

Again, you're quite (and patently) wrong. Aurora Serverless is quite bluntly a configuration of AWS Aurora to add autoscaling to AWS Aurora instances.



> Aurora Serverless autoscales - just like lambda.

If you're confused to the point of confounding autoscaling with serverless then I'm afraid there is no point to continue this discussion. You're just underlining the fact that "serverless" is a fad being mindlessly disseminated by clueless proponents.

Well, no I’m not “patently wrong”. Aurora Serverless has limitations and features that are not available with Aurora. This includes lacking the ability to load and unload from S3 and it has the “Data API” which lets you use APIs to interact with the database instead of your typical database connections. This feature is not available with regular Aurora. It was implemented specifically for Serverless workloads so your lambda doesn’t have to “run inside your VPC” since that increases the cold start times.

We specifically could not use Aurora Serverless for our ETL jobs because of the lack of integration with S3

Again there is a difference between reading documentation and actually using it.


I’m also not confounding “Autoscaling” and services. Being able to scale on demand and “scale down to zero” is one of the parts of how Serverless is defined.

cgi-bin didn’t have any type of process isolation.

Also, it didn’t tie in to other none web based events.

>cgi-bin didn’t have any type of process isolation

"Lambdas" don't by nature either. I can run cgi-bin in a FirecrackerVM-like ecosystem with one script per VM.

>Also, it didn’t tie in to other none web based events.

Webhooks aren't new.

I'm not disputing the popularity and convenience of serverless. I'm just noting it's somewhat like Docker. Packaging existing tech in an easier-to-use bundle.

Lambdas by nature do exactly that. AWS’s runtime launches the “VMs” in response to an event.

And with webhooks I’m required to keep enough server capacity running all of the time to handle the events. Can a web hook automatically instantiate enough VMs on demand without reducing throughput?

"Can a web hook automatically instantiate enough VMs on demand without reducing throughput?"

Yes, there are various cgi-bin implementations with horizontal auto-scaling.

Across multiple servers or do you still have to provision your server to handle peak load?

Yes, you can do that the same way Amazon does it. Like I said, Amazon packaged existing tech in an easy to use way.

That still begs the question, why am I as a developer wasting time fiddling with infrastructure that I could just throw a little money and a yaml file at AWS and let them do it? How am I adding a business value that will make my company money doing grunt work?

I was explaining why I consider it to be "managed cgi-bin".

How much “easier” of a bundle is a Zip file? But there is also Serverless Docker - Fargate.

And you still have to provision and pay for the VM for peak load.

Lambdas do have process isolation.

cgi-bin had pretty strong process isolation for the day (Unix user account and process boundaries/limits/quotas). Enough to have remarkably robust multitenant setups on single servers.

Unless you were on the other side running Windows IIS as a multi tenant server....

So it's essentially GoDaddy's side business where you uploaded some code using ftp and they took care of everything else?

Could Godaddy’s side business launch isolated VMs when items appeared in a queue? A file appeared on a server? Events came from a stream? Could it respond to any events besides http?

To you. But the world has moved on from Apple 2e and now managed hosting is analogous to serverless.

See because only science has a concrete fixed point for measuring which is the speed of light.

Human culture is subjective buzzwords where the only relative fixed point is when they learned a term.

Serverless is “managed hosting 3.0”.

First there was bare metal, run your cage. Then ec2/traditional VMs. Now just an ephemeral thread.

Computer people need to stop thinking in terms used by product & marketing people. Reasoning around it from the perspective of how it’s implemented specifically helps with the understanding.

It’s a Linux OS wrapped in layers of UX to facilitate composition of services. Unix command line tools at scale.

Cloud provider is just an OS at scale. They handle CPU, memory, scheduling, etc., all the same things a desktop OS does from the end user perspective, using a different process model we don’t generally care about as end users

Hopefully OpenAPI will help normalize this interface. Who knows though. Rich people like to drag their feet when they think sticking with the status quo gives them an advantage. Bezos may feel like making it easy to copy paste away from his cloud is a shitty idea

I can’t tell what your point is. I’m agreeing that managed hosting is the next evolution.

But Lambda is more than just for APIs. But if you’re worried about the “lock in” boogeyman for APIs, there are small packages for every language that lambda supports that allows you to run your standard Node/Express, C#/WebAPI, Python/Django/Flask API, etc on lambda just by changing the entry point.

Right now I’m deploying a Node/Express app to both lambda and Fargate (Serverless Docker) withoit any code changes.

My biggest problem with the "serverless" term is that it's a solution to a few different problems conflated into one term.

* Not having to manage a server.

* Not having to have dedicated resources which can be wasteful.

* Having an architecture that scales.

When most people talk about serverless, they mean something that solves all three of those problems. When I think of serverless, I think it only needs to solve the first problem.

What if I don't want to manage a server, but I want dedicated resources? I just want to deploy a standard web app (written with node js for example) with a postgres backend and preallocated resources but without having to maintain a server? Is that serverless?

Sounds like a webhost.

Yeah, it's a really dumb term.

> Serverless computing is a cloud-computing execution model in which the cloud provider runs the server

...so, there is a server? What's with the name, then?

I don't get the faux-naivety over the term "serverless". Most modern cars have "keyless" unlocking and ignition, yet.. you still need a key present. You just don't have to think about or manipulate the key. Serverless is much the same.

It's like people who hold up snowballs and say there's no global warming.

You may be shocked to find out that the infrastructure behind a wireless phone does indeed use wires.

Probably this means that there is no server you can SSH to nor need to maintain. It could probably be called a serverhostage/server-lock-in computing, where someone else keeps the _shared_ server(s) away from you and runs other people's, potentially harmful, instructions as well :-)

> Probably this means that

Ok, so "serverless" is just a buzzword that doesn't really have a good meaning. That's doesn't really matter. To me it's just easier and actually meaningful and objective to refer to services like AWS lambda as "Function as a Service".


I remember serverless PHP. Shared, managed hosting, just add your code, Apache takes care of executing it once per request :-)

So how is it different than running it in the cloud?

It is in the cloud. It's different in that you don't have access to the cloud server, just a service on it.

To me it's like having one hand tied behind your back while someone else uses their hand to do what you'd have done with the one tied behind your back. It's cheaper, sometimes it works the way you want it to, but you always feel a bit restricted.

> It's cheaper, sometimes it works the way you want it to, but you always feel a bit restricted.

The "cheapness" argument is open to debate. So far the main argument I've seen for Function-as-a-Service offerings is that it's cheaper than just paying for a VM instance to run a dedicated service. To start off, a dedicated VM can cost about 5€ a month, which represents the absolute total saving that is supposed to be driving this discussion. Even if we ignore this fact, if you already have VM instances running somewhere then you certainly have enough computing capacity to spare to run these compute tasks without having to incur in extra charges per function call.

a VM can cost far less then $5 a month to run, depending if your bussiness is large enough and can run (or have it run for you) its infra properly.

I once did some simple estimation of a cost of a VM inside our own infrastructure, and the costs was something around a euro or less.

A single, modern server can hosts a crapton of VM's, especially if you have a competent operations team inside your bussiness who builds tooling for it.

The less pessimistic interpretation is that it's like having someone else be your devops department. Unlike what people like to think, most people running traditional VMs and containers end up doing just as much devops as on a dedicated server (while doing consulting, I'd typically get more hours at higher rates out of people insisting on AWS, because getting an AWS setup right is a lot of work), so serveless is appealing as a way of making more of the devops stuff someone elses problem.

I get your feeling - I like to be able to ssh in as well, but then I see people I've worked for, and realise that to most of them having ssh access does no good, because they don't know how to troubleshoot over an ssh connection, and they don't want to have to know.

To them, losing that flexibility doesn't really matter, because they weren't doing it anyway.

It's more than SSH access that you give up though. You have to bend to the paradigm completely or you're really fighting against it.

For one example, I keep running up against wanting to delay an execution of one lambda from another. There are some truly horrible hacks out there to try and achieve that.

Absolutely. Frankly I think in a few years time we'll look at Lambda the way we look at people dumping php scripts on a shared server today. It needs a lot of thinking before serverless fulfills its long term potential in those respects.

The irony is that a whole lot of the solutions are well understood; just not in the same environments. E.g. "enterprise" computing went through a whole cycle of building application services for small self-contained components with discovery and messaging in the late 90's that people seem to have largely forgotten as somewhere to look to at least for a laundry list of what kind of services are needed.

When you are “running it in the cloud” with a traditional VM you still have a server that you can log into, that’s always running, requires patching and if you get a spike, you have to set up your own scaling policies and it will usually scale more slowly.

>...so, there is a server? What's with the name, then?

The name is just a marketing gimmick. Absent any other context, "serverless" seems like it must be a paradigm shifting technology so sufficiently advanced that it renders servers obsolete, as if by magic.

It's the same sort of trick that people sometimes pull when they show off an application to "do x in 10 lines" (or some absurd low number), when the app is just making API calls to a remote server running several million LOC.

It's an annoying marketing term, sure enough, but the ideas it names aren't terrible. It's not always a mistake to pay someone else to take care of maintenance, scaling and security.

Perhaps managed service would be better?

It’s more than just a managed service. RDS is Amazon’s managed database cloud service, but you still provision and pay for a specific virtual server with a certain number of CPUs and amount of RAM. “Serverless” generally implies that you do not provision any server hardware (even virtual) and instead only provide application code.

I see your point, but we could view that as a quirk of the way they handle billing.

If the instance fails, you're insulated from that, right?

I’m no expert, but I think you run RDS on an EC2 instance, so it’s basically just a normal virtual server running Amazon’s managed version of the RDBMS. I’m not sure what happens if an instance “fails” but I assume you can have downtime if Amazon needs to move your VM, just like EC2, but I assume Amazon handles moving the instance and restarting it.

> I think you run RDS on an EC2 instance, so it’s basically just a normal virtual server running Amazon’s managed version of the RDBMS

Yes I think that's right. That is to say, it doesn't give you replication.

> I’m not sure what happens if an instance “fails” but I assume you can have downtime if Amazon needs to move your VM, just like EC2, but I assume Amazon handles moving the instance and restarting it.

No need for the quotation marks, that's the correct terminology. Your suspicions seem to be right on - it looks like RDS handles instance-failure for you, with non-trivial downtime, but no data-loss. [0]


There is no dedicated server for this. The engine picks a server and deploys the code as needed and terminates it if usage goes away.

Once the thing has no requests there is no more server where the code is deployed.

In a "normal" environment you have dedicated machines where the code is ready to run.

Serverless: Somebody else's server

I would argue a better description is --

Serverless: abstracted services that don't require you to know or care about the underlying server.

It's still not perfect, sometimes you do need/want to know/care, but it's usually superficial -- e.g. what libraries are installed by default so I can optimize the build.

No, and this is why we have a bunch of old school Net ops guys who pass one certification, call themselves “cloud consultants”, do a bunch of lift and shifts and leave clients paying more than just using a colo.

Serverless is an architectural and design strategy. Run away from anyone that claims EC2 is serverless.

You can't lift and shift to serverless... Period. The design choices are almost always breaking changes.

IaaS = your data + code to run it + create servers to run the code.

PaaS = your data + code to run it. Servers automatically provided.

SaaS = your data. Code and servers are automatically provided.

Serverless is just another name for PaaS where your bring your code, which can be deployed as a single JS function in a text file or an entire container running anything.

PaaS is a collection of SaaS's. Your platform is made up of x,y,z services. Your services are made up of x,y,z infrastructure.

Higher level of execution abstraction. With cloud execution granularity is an instance on a server somewhere that you have to deal with. With serverless execution granularity is your bit of code "function" and cloud now provides not only processor but also a software platform to execute your logic.

"the deployment diagram[1] sure looks complicated to me"

It's just very detailed.

It also includes all the CI/CD services/roles they used.

28 boxes alone are permissions related.

The stuff that runs in the end (like a server would) are 3 Lambda functions and an S3 bucket.

Maybe that tells us something about how complicated handling permissions on AWS might be?

I don't know.

You have a service and give it a role that has some permissions. If you want to have the minimal permissions probably would at least end up with services*2 roles&policies if you write a custom policiy for every role, so the service can't do more than needed.

I mean, you could probably calculate one role and one policy for all the stuff that runs, to make it really simple, but I don't think this will make it secure.

But, yes, I don't like IAM either.

I read some people don't even use it anymore, but I didn't find out what they are doing instead.

One of the things that characterizes our culture in Cybernus is language.

As we aimed to be an ever evolving civilization, it was decided that our language should then be, also, ever evolving. Once a month, during The Update -our most significant celebration where new discoveries, thought trends, etc, were presented to the population at large- a time was reserved for the ritual of language renovation. A number of random words, somewhere in the range of 30 to 50, were marked as outdated while a similar number, again from 30 to 50, of new words was introduced into the language as the words to show you were current with your civic duties of evolution and progress.

Usage of so called outdated words wasn't re-classified as a crime until much later, and only as a way to better enforce the goal of Continuous Progress. For some time you were just seen as an outcast or simply as one of the billions of poor people. Poverty was not so much defined in economic terms mainly because it wouldn't have meant much, with what happened in 2043 and all that. Instead being poor now meant you were someone that did not have access to enough information to participate in the careless happiness of Continuous Progress. But as I said, not keeping up with language evolution is now considered an offence and repeater offenders are forced to undergo re-adjustment.

Of course, after a short period of going through this, it was noticed that it's not so easy to continuously come up with new words and not make the language a unintelligible garble. And so words are recycled rather than discarded, which was a wasteful and unsustainable thing to do anyway.

-- Excerpt from "A Visitor in Cybernus" - a "recollection of future history" from Sean M. Ferion. 2007. Sadly out of print and very difficult to find.

It means you string a bunch of shit together via aws lambda instances and docker microservices

If its any consolation, at this years Vegas AWS love-fest, most people started walking out once the Amazon presenter started talking 'serverless' recipes

to this day I fail to understand what this word is even supposed to mean

It means the same thing as "cloud:" You're renting someone else's server.

A fancy word for “hosting for modern web/app”

Serverless = Managed Server

Managed on-demand server, specifically.


Serverless doesn't have a server like wireless doesn't have cables. It does, but you don't manage it.

It's pretty well understood by now that serverless is meant to connote that you (the firm owning the application) don't manage the server(s). Someone else does it while you just bring your application code.

Correct. It is a misleading term, imo.

It’s no more “misleading” than having a “bug” in your code. Does anyone with even an iota of computer experience think “Serverless” means that their software is being run by leprechrauns?

Nowhere else on HN is willfully not taking the time to learn about technology celebrated except when it comes to cloud concepts.

The more you understand the architecture, the more absurd it sounds to call it serverless.

Edit: Replying to the below comment... No, it's like calling produce you didn't grow yourself but came from a farm, farmless produce.

Imagine if someone said

“the more you understand about farming, the more absurd it is to call them server farms.”

“the more you understand about biology, the more absurd it is to call them bugs”

“The more you understand about meteorology the more absurd it is to call it ‘the cloud’”

Yes, if it weren’t for people on Hn educating the poor unwashed masses we would all think that our software running “Serverless” was being run by elves at the North Pole.

Do you also complain when people say they have a “bug” in their code or that they have a “server farm”? Are they literally watering the server floor and waiting for computers to grow?

Not at all. It's in this case, using the term serverless is akin to calling cloud based software (Google Docs, TurboTax, etc) softwareless. It's closer to calling a stop sign a "go sign" than descriptors from your example. Calling managed servers "serverless" is distinctively misleading.

How is it any more misleading than “bugs”, “containers”, “the cloud”,”server farms”, etc.

Wouldn’t you be the first to criticize someone who didn’t take the time to understand other computer concepts that had been around for years and then attempted to speak intelligently about them?

It's misleading because "serverless" intuitively means peer to peer, where everything runs on clients and there are truly no servers. So unlike "bug" it has an intuitive meaning that is the opposite of what the buzzword now means.

Serverless has never been used in the context of peer to peer. And “bug” isn’t anymore “intuitive” to the uninitiated.

The term serverless is not a metaphor like your examples, it's a contradiction. Big difference. I feel like understanding the "computer concepts" makes the term seem even more absurd.

It’s an abstraction - just like every other computer concept.

An abstraction where "positive" and "negative" mean the same just for safety so they can't be confused with each other.

You’ve never worked with C code that had to run on both big endian and little endian systems that had to share a common byte protocol. Where two bytes in the same order can mean something completely different.

There are a lot of things “confusing” about computer science when you don’t take the time to learn it.

On the contrary, I've worked with 8 and {32,64}bit x {LE,BE} chips many times and wrote quite a lot of network code in C. But you're mixing syntax with semantics.

Which byte is the high order byte is just as much semantics defined by the chip vendor that would be confusing to the uninitiated as “Serverless” would be to an old school net ops person who doesn’t know anything about cloud computing.

There is a huge difference between a metaphor (resemblance) and contradiction (stating it is and isn't something at the same time).

What’s the “resemblance” of “running in the cloud” to “running on servers owned by someone else”?

It isn't a great name, but: it doesn't bare a contradiction in itself (contrary to "serverless"), there was already a tradition of drawing unspecified networks or internet as a cloud in diagrams. So "running in the cloud" as running "somewhere in the network we used to draw as a cloud" has an explanation. Also note, I didn't state that there are only two types of names. I commented on what "bug" and "serverless" is.

I think and hope this guy is trolling. If not he will be left behind if a back end dev. Even if you have"real" servers this is how your micro services should be built.

> I think and hope this guy is trolling. If not he will be left behind if a back end dev.

There is a world of software outside of the web-development bubble. Just saying.

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