The Models are all the code that define your business logic. They have no idea how they get represented in the UI, and they have no idea what calls their operations.
The Views accept data and generate a UI of some kind. They have no idea where the data comes from, or what their requests actually do.
The Controller knows about both the Model and the View. It maps request from the View to operations in the Model, and then uses data from the Model to update the View.
M <= C => V
That is the broad structure behind how all those things works. They aren't all the same, but that's not the point of a design pattern.
The Views accept data and generate a UI of some kind. They have no idea where the data comes from, or what their requests actually do.
The Controller knows about both the Model and the View. It maps request from the View to operations in the Model, and then uses data from the Model to update the View.
M <= C => V
That is the broad structure behind how all those things works. They aren't all the same, but that's not the point of a design pattern.