Contradiction != trolling. If you deign to respond please do it respectfully.
>That's internal.
The circumstances of EU members with respect to the EU is substantially similar to the circumstances of states to the US federal government.
>Yet we're the de facto global currency.
This is begging the question.
>Works great.
>US doctrine is that money is no object. Ask UK about the alternative.
I'd rather ask the Axis powers about the topic in question.
>Plus a real military, funded by a real economy.
Again, hm.
I think you're proving my point. Real things can weather a period of stoppage. Castles built on data and debt disappear when the lights go out. Again, ask someone in-the-know what happens if funding or supply lines dry up, even temporarily.
> Much of the US is dependent on welfare paid for by a few industrial/financial centers.
That's internal.
> As a whole, we are also known of late for currency manipulation and political issues.
Yet we're the de facto global currency.
> Ask anyone about the effectiveness of our military
Works great. If you want to learn more, just enter your map coordinates.
> how much is spent maintaining overpriced, underperforming equipment.
US doctrine is that money is no object. Ask UK about the alternative.
> On the primacy of the dollar: we walk by faith, not by sight.
Plus a real military, funded by a real economy.