Not quite, there were a bunch of other persistent data structures. Finger trees, PATRICIA tries, etc. And the perf was competitive. See for example. In there Haskell's IntMap (powered by a PATRICIA trie) just beats out Clojure's HAMT without transients. In practice they're probably more or less equal, because in order to make IntMap usable for arbitrary keys and not just ints, you need to have a hashing step first that generates an int from an arbitrary key, so you have the overhead of a single hash.
Ah you're totally right RE transients. I don't know why I had the notion they were tied to HAMTs... Nonetheless I view it as one of the big improvements that Clojure brought to the scene.
Thanks for the link. Interesting. I have implemented finger trees in Elm, and for the purposes of working as a hash map, it’s performance did not get near the performance of a HAMT. Works great as a deque though.
I also believe I looked into a Patricia impl, but I could be wrong. Will definetly take a new look :)
Ah you're totally right RE transients. I don't know why I had the notion they were tied to HAMTs... Nonetheless I view it as one of the big improvements that Clojure brought to the scene.