"light-weight utility to get from zero to KUBECONFIG" -- what is kubeconfig?
Here I am a total n00b in Kubernetes, hoping to get a clear path for learning it as an app dev. I heard K3S as "easier" K8S, but still confused how to get started and be productive with it (as app dev).
DISCLAIMER: I work for Red Hat Consulting as an OpenShift/Kubernetes consultant.
You might want to try minikube [0], minishift [1], CDK [2] or CRC [3]. You'll want to have a machine with a bit of resources available. 2 cores+, 8GB+ RAM, 20GB+ disk space for minikube, minishift, CDK. CRC is happier with 4 cores+, 16GB+ RAM, 40GB+ disk space.
kubeconfig (`~/.kube/config`) [4] is a little like your `~/.ssh` folder where your Kubernetes clusters sessions, credentials, metadata are stored & maintained.
I would recommend Kind instead of any of these tools. It's the best local k8s evaluation tool I have found yet. We use it in our projects for local development too.
Here I am a total n00b in Kubernetes, hoping to get a clear path for learning it as an app dev. I heard K3S as "easier" K8S, but still confused how to get started and be productive with it (as app dev).