Congratulations to PHPFog. They've managed to direct the attention to the 16 year old kids rather than their own incompetence.
Is it me or no one mentions the lack of expertise of the PHPFog team in PHP and Systems Administrations.
Sure kids broke in and the way they published their findings was despicable. The fact remains that PHPFog was utterly broken to pieces and the exact essence of the problem is simply the lack of knowledge in their field.
I am very disappointed by the tone of the blog post and think PHPFog don't really have a notion of what they are doing. I would much rather seem them where they belong, in the Ruby world where their experience is.
Is it me or no one mentions the lack of expertise of the PHPFog team in PHP and Systems Administrations.
Sure kids broke in and the way they published their findings was despicable. The fact remains that PHPFog was utterly broken to pieces and the exact essence of the problem is simply the lack of knowledge in their field.
I am very disappointed by the tone of the blog post and think PHPFog don't really have a notion of what they are doing. I would much rather seem them where they belong, in the Ruby world where their experience is.