- Canceling accounts, leaving people with the "Post it to HN and pray" customer support option.
- Focusing more on growth than long-term support. See the original article for examples of this.
- Taking their originally fast, svelte, and compliant web browser and injecting more and more features that are virtually required by Google domains, memory/CPU bloat, and privacy hostile tracking/telemetry features.
- People don't trust in any Google product which didn't exist 10 years ago, for fear that it's going to be canceled.
People are noticing. The migration is slow (largely due to the smartphone duopoly), but it's happening.
You're still talking about users within tech circles, which I'm not doubting has lost trust in Google. However, my mom or my siblings wouldn't understand what any of those points even mean.
They're hearing about notable accounts being closed in Google. Don't underestimate the exposure provided by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and a dozen other small sites who are also covering many of these "my account was lost/stolen/closed" stories.
They know (often better than I) when a service is relegated to Google's graveyard.
They wonder why their crappy 5-year old Lenovo laptop struggles with Chrome but not Firefox (which I installed for them too).
They notice Google's suite of apps popping and freezing and "just not working" and gripe to me with comparisons to Word and Excel.
Not being tech savvy doesn't mean they're idiots - they recognize when something isn't working well, or when something has become stale, just as well as we do.
It's funny because I usually use the same argument but for the opposite case: people are not idiots and know very well about the implications of giving up their data to Big Tech but they simply don't care and think it's worth it. As a response to the common trope that we all we need to do is inform users and they will stop doing it.
- Canceling accounts, leaving people with the "Post it to HN and pray" customer support option.
- Focusing more on growth than long-term support. See the original article for examples of this.
- Taking their originally fast, svelte, and compliant web browser and injecting more and more features that are virtually required by Google domains, memory/CPU bloat, and privacy hostile tracking/telemetry features.
- People don't trust in any Google product which didn't exist 10 years ago, for fear that it's going to be canceled.
People are noticing. The migration is slow (largely due to the smartphone duopoly), but it's happening.