GT was an add-on to IC2 and its development ran alongside IC2 during IC2’s hayday. There have been six official GT versions, but the latest one is on 1.7.10.
GT5 had an expansion to it made (GT5U) that was so great that it inspired the creation of GT New Horizons (GTNH).
GTNH is the currently the most active GT community, but it goes a little off the grind deep end imo. There has been a large amount of effort to balance every recipe in a huge number of mods and it’s great fun if you’ve already played through GT a few times.
GT Community Edition (GTCE) is a fan recreation of GT5 in contemporary versions of MC. The last I saw, the maintainer had bad vision and was not receptive to feedback. It is not worthy of the GT name.
GT5 had an expansion to it made (GT5U) that was so great that it inspired the creation of GT New Horizons (GTNH).
GTNH is the currently the most active GT community, but it goes a little off the grind deep end imo. There has been a large amount of effort to balance every recipe in a huge number of mods and it’s great fun if you’ve already played through GT a few times.
GT Community Edition (GTCE) is a fan recreation of GT5 in contemporary versions of MC. The last I saw, the maintainer had bad vision and was not receptive to feedback. It is not worthy of the GT name.