No it's not that simple and if it was we would already have done it. It's not just a matter of political will it's a matter of what makes sense from a market perspective. It doesn't make any sense to rely on wind and solar. The are not and will never be the primary source of energy for our needs.
We will have fusion before we have wind and solar covering just 50% of the worlds energy consumption.
If we don't have wind and solar covering more than 50% of the world's energy consumption in the next twenty years the climate will be fucked beyond repair.
It's not physically impossible to cover 2-4% of the land with solar panels and wind turbines, replace ICE vehicles with electrics and home heating systems with heat pumps. It just costs money. And as the COVID response shows, when we want to, trillions suddenly become available.
We will have fusion before we have wind and solar covering just 50% of the worlds energy consumption.