No, they made a big deal of giving a ten-years period to developers to port their code before depreciating python 2.
But honestly, there are more breaking changes between two versions of ruby than between python 2 and 3. And during the time python 2 was still supported (until the last day of 2019), most features that made it into python 3 and could be backported were backported into python 2.
It will be a pain for those who aren't used to python 2 encoding errors and other nice stuff that they got rid of in 3 to make it a nicer and more robust language. And the will miss the new and shiny features that will make it in new python 3 version after python 2 EOL.
But apart from that, it's almost the same language, they just made the transition from 2 to 3 to be able to introduce some breaking changes in places that unfortunate design choices had made their way into the language and couldn't be rolled back because people running python 2 in production depended on those. So they upped the major version, introduced some breaking changes (but not that much really) and gave developers 10 years of support for the older language so they could port their codebase to the new version.
And porting a python 2 app to a python 3 app isn't such a hard task. But! If you've got a big app that's working now, even if the changes aren't that drastic, you can't be sure that the port won't introduce some hard to find bugs that will be a pain to debug. Hence why plenty of companies are still running python 2 versions of their apps and will do so for the forseeable future.
But, throwing a python 3 dev at a python 2 codebase is totally doable, it's just that the guy or gal will miss the shiny stuff that didn't get backported into 2 and will break their teeth on some behavioral changes between the two languages.