I changed over months and months ago to v2. It was painful, but docs were being written at the time, and the community was able to help me with most of my problems. The one last problem I've not solved yet is having caddy 2 work with bitwarden whereby bitwarden's ssl does not conflict with caddy 2. I was unable to figure out how to work with it, so my bitwarden ssl expires every month or two and I have to manually update the ssl by bringing down my personal site for a couple of minutes.
Can you share what your setup is like? I have bitwarden_rs self-hosted with Caddy in the front doing TLS termination and proxying the request to Bitwarden_rs and haven't experienced any issues for more than a year and half now. There are many ways in how Caddy can be configured (e.g. maybe even just keeping the certs updated, but not serving any HTTP requests [0]). Feel free to drop a thread on the Caddy forum and we can help you out!
Bitwarden's docs say it's possible to bring your own certs[0]. The Bitwarden marketplace image on DigitalOcean asks whether you want it to manage its own certs or not. From minor googling, it seems you can change your mind later by modifying a yaml file[1]. HN threading isn't best format for support. If this still doesn't help, let's move the discussion elsewhere.