- RBS: meh... might get more useful in the future (in 2-5 years maybe).
- Ractor: Wohooo! I'm writing a DAG library where I was thinking of implementing something like this, good to know I can use it and get real parallelism on top.
- Scheduler: :shrug: don't know about this one, might be relevant with future concurrent ruby code, any ideas?
- Rightward assignment: it's a bit awkward but I see the use case, just wish we had the pipe operator too like in Elixir.
- Endless method: this one is cute, I love it!
- Find pattern: oh boy, code reviews are going to be interesting now!
- Hash#except: yes, definitely a welcome one.
- Memory view: if this helps with numpy style gems it will be great!
- `send(:"do_#{ meth }", ...)`: don't do meth kids! (it's a joke!)... seems like a reasonable feature.
- `order of backtrace had been reversed`: good! it was confusing...
- Promote default gems to bundled gems (rexml): I like this one, if only nokogiri was a stdlib gem or part of core, imagine how much time would be saved instead of having to compile it every time in a `bundle install`.
- `Promote stdlib to default gems`: what does this mean? Do I now have to add `gem "securerandom"` to Gemfiles instead of having it by default and just needing to require it?
I will watch your presentation but if u could put my mind at ease: Is the scheduler a kind of event loop (like Node) implemented in Ruby? So if I wanted to use this thing everything I write would have to be callback based ?
Yes, it lets you implement event loop for Ruby. We use fibers to avoid callback hell and avoid rewriting existing code. This is covered in my talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKQcUDEo-ZI
Hope it's alright to ask you a personal question: How did you get to the point you can work with Ruby internals so well? Did you come from a C background or had some backgrounds with VM's / programming language design?
I just realized why I have a lot of christmas memories of me sitting around with family while reading hacker news comments in a thread about a ruby release.
Never noticed it's always released on December 25th.
>Rightward assignment statement is added.
>fib(10) => x
This is exactly the kind of stuff I hated when I had to work with ruby in my last gig and why I will never accept a job using it again - soo many pointless and inconsistent ways to do the same thing ... they have method aliases for collection operations like map/filter in standard library ! .NET went with non-standard SQL-like names (select/where) and I'm not a fan but at least they made their choice and stuck with it. And it's inconsistent all over the place - like '!' postfix means "operation mutates the object" in std lib BUT in rails it means the operation will raise an exception and not return an error code.
Now they add a pointless operator that means completely different thing in other languages to throw off even more people.
It's just a hell of a language to maintain someone else's code in.
I love Ruby, but I agree with you about disliking that kind of thing.
I've done Ruby since 2014 or so at a few shops. My general anecdotal experience:
- Lone Ruby coders often use a lot of that cutesy/obscure/dense stuff.
- Teams of people writing Ruby, with healthy code review practices, tend to value simple, easy-to-read Ruby.
- A lot of Popular Ruby gems (and projects at aforementioned Ruby shops) have Rubocop-based style guides. Rubocop has some very strict ideas about Ruby coding style. The defaults are mostly quite sane and it's easy to disable/customize the ones you disagree with.
Not making excuses for some of the more florid parts of Ruby's syntax and stdlib, but in practice I do find things are manageable!
But that's what I love about Ruby! There's so many great ways to express logic, making Ruby a language that really rewards exploration. Of course, when working with a team on a production application, you'd set up standards everyone can agree on and understand with rubocop or prettier-rb (which I loathe and will not touch with a 10-foot long pole for my personal projects). That's also great for onboarding newcomers - they can get their feet wet with "standard" ruby at work, and then experiment with it more deeply in their own time, finding themselves in the ways they choose to express their logic. And then, every now and then if you find something really elegant and beautiful in your own exploration, you can introduce it to your team and add it to your team's style if they all agree on it. Between a language that makes all the choices for you, and a language that gives you the freedom to choose how you do things, I'd pick the latter nine times out of ten: at least in the latter, you can restrict yourself from the more wild stuff, but in the former you're forced into a narrow band of choices. I sure didn't ask for right assign, but I'll be trying it out in my personal projects!
> you'd set up standards everyone can agree on and understand with rubocop or prettier-rb
Things like that just often lead to bikeshedding. And then worse, powerful voices may approve ideas that work for them and not everyone else, or even more worse crippling a language to be too safe or bland to be truly useful.
I got into an argument a couple weeks ago whether an unprotected eval() in python should make it's way into production code of a fortune 500 company. The coder's argument was that, "Well the language has it so why not use it?"
"Because with great power, comes great responsibility..."
That's a problem with culture, not with the language. You can't say "you can get into accidents if you drive a car, so you're not allowed to drive"; you try to fix it by setting rules into place. At any rate, if you don't like bikeshedding, there's great, well appreciated standards in place for ruby which you can take up as-is: there's AirBnB, standard-rb/ prettier-rb and rubocop's default config. No bikeshedding involved, pick one and run with it
Which culture are you talking about? Company culture or programming culture?
My understanding was the general bikeshedding around formatting was the reason gofmt won for golang. That seems to hint the problem is a programming wide culture. Just in the same historical context programmers have had around tabs vs spaces...
> And then worse, powerful voices may approve ideas that work for them and not everyone else, or even more worse crippling a language to be too safe or bland to be truly useful.
but that same thing will happen if the powerful voices are the ones taking the decisions for the whole language.
The thing that most annoyed me about Rails (not Ruby) was that
are all valid, all useful, all have different meanings, are all present in plain Ruby but with different meanings, and contain absolutely no information about what they do.
For reference, .length loads everything and gets the length of the collection, .count runs a SQL COUNT query, and .size uses length if the query has already been run and .count if it hasn't.
You usually want to know when you're hitting the database. "Hit the database if the value isn't cached" is useful behavior, but should probably be telegraphed a bit more precisely than just the word "size".
“size” is fine. The person you are responding to is trying to say that complaining about multiple options is a bit strange as you can just use one option. Why is it an issue that other options exist? Who cares. There are synonyms for English words as well, is that an issue as well?
They are not synonyms, they mean slightly different things. And that is the problem.
Because for small datasets the difference doesn’t matter this results in beginner programmers choosing randomly, which 2/3 of time is the wrong choice.
So if 'length' was the only option and I'd have to do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM users').values.first or something it would all be fine?
Other ORMs separate building the query from executing the query, which is less ergonomic but more explicit. Drawing on Rust, https://diesel.rs/ shows how this approach would work:
which is really just a cleaned-up version of your suggestion.
Of course, you could imagine an ActiveRecord-like API to make this nicer:
but the underlying problem is that building the query and executing the query are two discrete steps, Rails streamlines them instead of making the separation obvious, and when a system hides complexity it becomes harder to know what it's really doing.
Ugh yes I don't like this as well. Even if they're all useful, I'd do it with one method that accepts some optional arguments, this is unnecessarily confusing.
I would never share a Ruby code base with anyone either. It’s like issuing kindergartners a can of silly string and asking them to be sensible with it.
I consider myself a sensible developer, but even I’ve had some childish moments with Ruby: doing something I thought was clever and productive but which really just made my code inscrutable and unmaintainable...
...by other people. The flip side is I can just about figure out what I was trying to do when I read my own code: enough so that I still always use Ruby for personal projects.
Ruby is just too much fun and critically, to date, it’s the only language where I can write a page of code at the same speed I am thinking. It also usually executes first time without any errors, which is a joyous thing.
I am not claiming to be some kind of 10x uber hacker. Ruby just happens to be an incredibly wonderful language for thinking aloud with code.
To be frank, the language just isn’t boring enough.
In my experience, a company’s code should be like the style of English used in an instruction manual. It should clearly and plainly express the business logic behind the company’s mission.
Ruby is more like writing poetry. There’s nothing stopping one from writing boring, unambiguous, clear code in Ruby of course. As a Ruby developer, I’m sure your code looks very clear.
The reality is that other languages make it easier to enforce clarity. See gofmt for example, which standardizes Golang’s formatting, taking one more axis of “creativity” away from the less disciplined developers.
I second adding Rubocop.
But sure, Ruby has a way richer syntax and a higher freedom degree than a language like Go. It's part of what makes Ruby what it is. If high degree of freedom isn't something you want Ruby isn't a good choice.
It's also not supposed to be used unless you have another method with the same name.
Also, what kind of danger are we talking here? I consider mutation dangerous. Danger could also mean it has side effects or that it can raise an error.
I wouldn't call it inconsistent but I would call it arbitrary.
I would rather just name the method "#{base_method}_#{why_its_dangerous}". For example take ActiveRecord::Base#save and #save!
#save mutates and I would consider that dangerous. #save! can raise an error. I would rather name #save! as #save_or_raise_if_invalid. I know it doesn't look as pretty and takes longer to type but I really don't care. Then again, I'm not a big fan of exceptions so I would never call it.
All of those things are "dangerous" in this sense.
It is arbitrary, but that's how Ruby works; there's a gray area shared understanding of concepts. The "principle of least surprise" is literally about Matz, and Matz alone. Yes, something may be surprising to you, or not, but it's not about you. This shared taste/understandings/whatever is just how convention works. (Or at least, it did when I was involved with Ruby; it's been a couple of years so I'm out of touch!)
I have also strayed away from Ruby so I'm out of touch too. The arbitrariness helped get me into Ruby and helped get me out. It's cool if that's your sort of thing but as I get older I'm starting to dislike arbitrary things more and more.
Anyway, I didn't realize who I was replying to when I replied to your first comment. I've seen a few of your presentations and read a lot of your work and I'm a fan.
I think we're all really great in cherry-picking something lacking in a language and then describing the whole eco-system as bad. What language are you using now? Were there seriously no bad design decisions made in said language?
I love all that stuff in Ruby to-date (used in it's appropriate place, following convention, etc) but the rightward assignment feels useless to me.
I have no idea why the few languages that allow it do so. I've never wanted it and I can't imagine it makes parsing simpler in a language where you are sometimes compiling code at runtime and where parsing is already pretty wild.
I've said this before and been wrong so let's hope this turns out to have excellent use cases.
> It sounds like "let's add a new syntax for lisp because it has too many brackets"
You'll find wisp [0] implemented for several of the larger Schemes. Often because the rationale for adding another syntax can be more nuanced and actually benefitial than a quick joke. [1]
Whilst you're right that caution absolutely applies when modifying a language's syntax, there may be a case for it that reduces friction for the programmer. The change might have been proposed with a joke. I doubt the entire rationale ended there, however.
Ruby has been referred to as Smalltalk meets Perl, and the problem of dealing with other people's code is one of the main things that kept me in the past from using Perl on text processing projects. The problem of collaborating in Perl was lessened a lot by adhering to Damian Conway's Perl Best Practices. Is there anything similar for Ruby?
This. Rubocop is first class. I'm just flat out done bikeshedding in code. If I'm writing JS, it's an ESLint + Prettier combo — or whatever your taste is, I just don't care. Let's write code and let the machine deal with making sure it isn't too ugly.
The "line noise" aspect of Perl never bothered me, because I'm already a heavy user of regexes. The cause of my misery was Perl's "There Is More Than One Way To Do It."
In a sense Ruby is sort of a cleaned up Perl but maybe not cleaned up enough.
I fell totally in love with it almost 20 years ago but these days I think we have better languages to choose from even if their ecosystems aren't always as rich.
Arguably, select/where are less familiar than map/filter to many. I'm not saying that either is a standard, but I can imagine the confusion if you come from say, JS background.
Map doesn't mutate, it returns the result of applying a function to the (possibly immutable) value. I believe you can also, say, `select icolumn * 2 from table`, where `icolumn * 2` provides precisely the same functionality as the function passed to a map.
`Where` at least answers the question "does filter _keep_ the things matching the predicate or _remove_ the things matching the predicate" - my pet hate with the .NET naming is `SelectMany` over `flatmap`.
Happy someone else echoes my sentiment too, especially when Ruby seems to be beloved by everyone around. So many ways of doing the same thing; unnecessary cognitive burden for both reading and writing.
Best practices are extremely common in Ruby. Something I long missed writing JS which only came about as the language started to really mature with ES5/6. Ruby seemed sufficiently mature and sufficiently best practiced in basic training and widespread usage where it wasn’t a problem.
It’s not anything like C++ or C where the whole coding practice and culture changes depending on your framework (like using Unreal or doing Linux programming). The best practices were the same across the board.
Basically my experience with writing it for a decade doesn’t match these critiques. The quirks in Rails were easily ironed out among intermediate developers. It’s not like it requires advanced programming knowledge to just do what everyone else is doing, which is often share in best practice documents and popular libraries/tutorials/books or (less so) rubocop style plugins.
I have been out of the ecosystem for a while, but use Ruby frequently. So the 3x3 is coming along? More up to date places I could see benchmarks or similar?
Note: I have been using Roda with Ruby 2 and it is pretty fast. Can't wait to see what it would be with 3x3.
This might be a bit of a novice question, but will this affect the initializations of ActiveRecord objects in Rails anything?
For example, processing a large CSV file and inserting new rows in a database from it has always been extremely slow using Ruby/Rails unless you basically just write raw SQL that copies from the CSV and don't do any initializations of Rails models, #create, etc. I wonder if this will improve these things at all, but my guess is that it has to do with memory usage and not the speed of Ruby?
What's strange is that it seems to have been an offshoot of the pipeline operator (|>) work from last year[1], which was originally proposed as having an assignment syntax like
foo |> bar(20) |> (x)
where x is assigned to. People didn't like that syntax, and there were issues with = being higher precedence than |> [2]. This new right-assignment operator was created in response to that [3].
The weird thing is that the pipeline operator got killed, so the original reason for r-assign no longer exists. It looks to me like there's just some people on the Ruby team who took a shine to it.
The examples given were all things that would be nice to do in the REPL. What I don’t understand is why not just define it in the repl, then, like ‘_’.
Because changing or pre-processing the language syntax is far beyond the scope of any REPL. Assigning the latest return value to a variable named '_' is very straightforward and does not require dealing with the syntax.
I'm not a fan of rightward assignment because I don't see much value and now the => operator has even more meanings.
I'm not a fan of endless methods because how lazy do you have to be to not want to type 'end'? My editor does it for me automatically. Now there is even more parsing.
JS has already adopted the endless style and it’s obvious when to use it and where a single line adds needless complexity. It’s really an overrated barrier to entry with a high return value in code simplicity (particularly aesthetically, which goes a long way with Ruby).
I have no comment on the rightward bit though. That is more... radical. Until I see how it is adopted generally.
You know I've long stopped caring about how popular a language is in the community.
As I get older the question I ask myself is do I honestly enjoy using it? If the answer is yes, then I put it in my programming toolbox and ignore the hype.
Love the attitude, but sometimes it is not beneficial to stick to a programming language that you simply like if you need to make a living out of it. If a programming language is decreasing in popularity it becomes harder to get work. If a programming language is not popular but it has a niche and one is in that niche then it's all good.
I only ever tried out a rails tutorial once, and coming from a C/C++ background, but having used with many languages, too many things felt like magic back then, but no further experience with the language itself, so can’t really judge it.
However, now I’m on the operational side of things, and there are 2 types of applications I avoid to deploy/maintain, mainly because of their runtime: Java and Ruby apps. It’s very likely the Ruby runtime has improved, but we actually set up a haproxy with multiple instances of the same ruby app, which we just restarted every 2 hours, just to keep it running properly. Upgrading ruby back-then was a mess, and could break a lot of things. I can’t comment on the language itself, but the runtime left a very bad impression. I since then (4/5 years ago or so) have successfully avoided ruby, so it’s possible things have improved, but first impressions last...
I wouldn't call Ruby a high performance language, but your experience seems weird. Even four or five years ago I would consider Ruby one of the most painless languages for dealing with upgrades and new versions of things: install ruby with a version management tool, install your app from gemfile, run your tests, good to go. I regard it at one of the first languages to have effective tools for dealing with versioning and upgrades. I still find it easier to deal with than Python by a solid amount.
I hate deploying Ruby and Python because all the system packages they tend to use. Getting something working typically involves a bunch of crash/install cycles and some manual compilation and package downgrading.
Go is easiest if we're talking about pre compiled binaries. If you include builds, dependency hell is real.
C#, JS, and Java have been easy for me. Install JVM/CLR/Node and run one command. Old school Java with EE servers and Tomcat and such was a nightmare but everything I've done recently is self hosting
the magic in rails is not really magic once you get used to the fact that all those magic incantations are just method calls inside the class. every class in ruby is just a series of method calls. you can write a class that, when it's read from the file and interpreted will just print something...
class Foo
puts "bar"
will just print `bar` when it's parsed.
so something like has_many :baz are just the method call `has_many(:baz)` defined by active record. that creates a few functions using meta-programming. the other thing that ruby uses a lot of are blocks which are just anonymous functions. `do |a,b,c| puts a; end` just a function passed to the method that can be invoked by the function. I think those things are the ones that trip people up the most with when learning.
Reminds me of http://harmful.cat-v.org/software/ruby/rails/is-a-ghetto . "The main Rails application that DHH created required restarting ~400 times/day. That’s a production application that can’t stay up for more than 4 minutes on average."
I suspect it will be quite a while before we see Ractor being used in Rails. Ractor is very strict about data isolation to prevent race conditions and existing code will need significant refactoring.
I don't understand what you mean by "real multithreading". What I understand from Ractor is that it makes it safer to write concurrent code (e.g there are constructs that keep you from mutating shared data).
But there is still a global VM lock, or is that gone in Ractor?
>The biggest issue with ractor support as it stands today would really be getting ALL the libraries any given app uses to support the ractor design.
I wonder if this will create a chicken-egg situation. Without significant Ractor adoption it will be hard to get libraries to adapt. Without essential pieces like Puma supporting (and benefiting from) Ractor there is less reason to for apps to use Ractor.
I am reminded of the difficulties faced by Rubinius, which if I understand correctly, was hampered by too many MRI-compatible libraries not working to get people to switch.
Question: will the nonblocking scheduler start to make Ruby concurrency competitive with e.g. Node.js and Go? Currently Ruby mostly uses heavyweight threading mechanisms that cause trouble for I/O-bound microservices.
Indeed, anyone who has used actors IRL projects it goes well beyond just isolation and message passing. That’s just the foundation which higher abstractions are built, which is why it’s still comparable to Go/CSP at this level.
I'm not sure if Ractor has any real benchmarks yet but it enables genuine parallel Ruby code that communicates through message passing without too much overhead.
Well, ruby was able to be concurrent for a while now. It has lightweight cooperative threads, it has reactor loops. The problem was/is/will be - lack of gems that support either of them.
EventMachine was a nightmare to work on and to work with, but with fibers it and some wrappers you could write some neat code. Most library were making a lot of bad assumptions - "there is a GIL and i'm running on a full thread and also wtf are threads in general, never heard of it?"
Almost no one in ruby world thought about writing a better code to make application faster, it was always about either finding a better gem or adding more application servers. Here is the closest ruby has been towards concurrency https://github.com/igrigorik/em-synchrony guess why it never took off.
Ruby 3.0 is a first step towards having libraries being aware that they are in on fiber and not thread.
It feels like RBS is for library writers, so that they can ship type information to help the consumers of their library. It’s not really aimed at the consumers themselves — the long tail of casual Ruby hackers like me.
If RBS was for end users, adding types inline with the source code would make more sense compared to the RBS approach: keeping the source file and typedef file in sync.
That might actually be a pretty smart move. At first it seemed inconvenient to have to maintain a separate file for the type information, but maybe this focus on type-checking being made easy for the 90% of us who hack scripts is a much smarter one.
I don’t think anyone expects you to maintain two files. The idea is that RBS is an interface that is tooling agnostic. The idea is to have tooling (sorbet, etc.) generate those files for you.
I wish I had kept maintaining my port of Ruby to the IBM BLue Gene/L, "Blue Ruby". It scaled to millions of cores with MPI. Had distributed versions of familiar Ruby data types. There was no fork() - restriction of the BGL kernel not supporting it - only green threads - making parallel operations truly parallel with independent Ruby VMs and passing code to data instead of data to code.
Does message passing mean it copies objects you send between threads / fibers, rather than sharing memory?
JavaScript has a similar pattern with Workers, and it makes concurrency for hot code impractical. Serializing/deserializing objects is a lot slower than just not doing that. In JavaScript’s case, you can also use SharedArrayBuffer, but Safari hasn’t re-enabled it.
IIUC Yes. Although there are some cases where it can share immutable objects or pass ownership.
However you can always just open a shared memory region and write bytes back and forth. You don't get ruby types but if you are worried about performance that probably isn't much of a concern.
It looks like the link they provide for comparing the source of 3.0 and 2.7 is busted on Github, but you can get a sense for the scope of this on GitClear's Open Repos https://www.gitclear.com/open_repos/ruby/ruby/releases. Looks like about 4x more repo evolution has gone into this version than previous.
There were times where I would not be able to sleep when such a release was done :). It isn't as much lately, but still, fantastic work by fantastic team. Congratulations!
Glanced at it from my phone but it looks good! I’m looking forward to seeing it in RubyMine. Still sad that we can’t write these in .rb files but I wonder if the plan is to go the other way, eventually permit typed code in .rbs?
Does anyone know what the story will be with third-party definitions? Are we headed towards a DefinitelyTyped style repository for Ruby?
It seems like the intent is for RBS to be auto generated from other tooling. Sorbet for example lets you write inline type definitions and is planned to fully integrate with RBS.
The other good thing about RBS being in separate files is it can be integrated into a library without breaking compatibility with older Ruby versions.
Am I alone in saying; for some damn reason, I don't like Ruby.. I appreciate what it can do, and indeed what it does.. I just feel like I slipped in between that moment to appreciate it more. I will go and spend some time to learn it more but out of a novelty aspect.. And that makes me feel bad.
I find it more productive, intuitive, and painless than the major scripting languages (PHP, JS, Python...), but it's definitely a bit different and less popular (given Python and JS are insanely popular).
No you're not alone, it's (surprisingly, to me) one of the more controversial languages.
I love it. Lot's of people don't.
These things are subjective, we don't all have the exact same brains and life experiences, us humans appreciate different things and that's fine.
Not a Rubyist. Would Ractor allow one process to use up all CPUs while avoiding copying objects? Can I build shareable objects with immutable lists and maps right now?
Yes, Ractor allows you to share fully immutable objects. So you can freeze an array or hash and share it as long as it doesn’t contain any references to mutable objects.
Then Ruby isn't your language. There are a million ways to do everything by design. It's so you can make your code look pretty (or as they like to say "expressive") for whatever you interpretation of that means. It's one of the things that made me stop using it for most things.
So now there are basically no dynamically typed languages left. There's Scheme, JavaScript, what else? All languages nowadays are converging to TypeScript/Rust. It's kind of sad.
Static typing seems like the underdog outside of Java EE/big enterprise stuff.
A matter of perspective, I suppose. You seem to like dynamic typing so static typing seems ubiquitous and inescapable. I find dynamic typing completely infuriating over 100 lines or so, and dynamic typing seems inescapable.
Others have pointed out the big dynamically typed languages, so I won't rehash, but suffice it to say, there basically are some dynamically typed languages left.
All of those offer static type checking. Python and Ruby's don't necessarily change how the code is compiled, but it might in the future. Common Lisp declare/declaim/proclaim changes the way the code is compiled; it's not just a linter. Clojure is definitely not dynamically typed, unless you consider Java to be dynamically typed.
Also dynamic typing is more productive (for application code, not talking bootloaders here). It's a measurable fact and apparent to anyone who has written code long enough. Writing out types for everything is mostly pointless clerical work which should be able to be done by computers.
Why would you think that? There's no evidence that dynamic typing is going away
Type hints are optional precisely because they're not convenient for many cases, and the add-on type systems cannot fully express the capabilities of the language.
Yeah, I second the opinion that this remains optional. Ruby won't become a java-wannabe , that's a fight it cannot and would not want to win.
Ruby is dynamic.
I left Ruby because the performance and security weren't improving and the community was slowly dying. I delved into Go before that got flooded with newbs, then looked at Crystal and Pony, before settling on Rust and Haskell for most things.
I see comments like this often and I find them deeply confusing. To me, it seems like most of the different programming/scripting languages you've listed excel at completely different things. I would be curious to hear what type of work you're doing where all of these languages have been, in some form or another, appropriate.
How do you choose all this? I haven't been able to make a single decision for what language to use at work for the past 15 years. I thought wouldn't touch C#, ruby, delphi, kotlin and python but it all happened because someone was paying.
In 5 years I bet you'd "settle" into some other new shiny language with "better" everything. There'll be a more right tool for the job.
Nothing wrong with that mentality, I just prefer to settle with my tool of choice and call it a career.
> I really wish Ruby would grow up and deprecate method_missing
method_missing is a deliberate and principled part of a message-passing approach to object orientated programming that gives you powerful options for composition and delegation.
You can say you don't prefer this style of programming, but it's not well-informed to say it's down to immaturity or ignorance of alternatives on their part.
What do you mean by "powerful". Meaning you can type less code. You can still do delegation by writing it out yourself. Or you can also use the Delegator or Forwardable classes to save some typing. I'm not sure what meta programming they use under the hood. Probably define_method or method_missing.
Also, people always forget to throw NotImplemented errors which can lead to some fun to track down bugs if you make a typo sending a message. Which I guess is why you pretty much have to write tests for everything in ruby. This kind of stuff would be caught by a compiler in other languages.
Disclaimer: I don't buy into the idea of "message passing" or a lot of OOP. They're the microservices of programming languages.
This comment sounds so joyless. The programming language ecosystem allows for all sorts of approaches, some many folks love passionately, and some you may not like.
However, your comment seems to suggest a whole swatch of software engineers are simply wrong/ignorant because they enjoy one of these paradigms that you don't. Burned or not in the past, I can't help seeing your comment as a form of anti-intellectualism.
What evidence do you have of "ecosystems" moving away from metaprogramming? Last I checked, it was just as popular in C++ as it's ever been, and a number of high-profile new languages (Rust, Elixir, Nim) have made it a major selling point.
Don't forget Clojure. Lisp wouldn't be lisp without meta programming/macros. Ruby has strong lisp roots and Ruby meta programming is what makes Rails so magical. Yes, we love magic in Ruby.
There is no other way to avoid code repetition, it gets you closer to declarative syntax and pretty much every language offers it. Ruby does a little bit more.
Much as I would love to believe Ruby 3.0 delivers some kind of speed bump my simple test of doing what Ruby supposedly does best - parsing a log file with a regex - shows Ruby 16% slower than the Python equivalent.
puts IO.foreach('logs1.txt').grep /\b\w{15}\b/
from re import compile
with open('logs1.txt', 'r') as fh:
regex = compile(r'\b\w{15}\b')
for line in fh:
if regex.search(line): print(line, end='')
On my MacBook Pro (2013) running Catalina Ruby averaged 1.49 secs and Python 1.27 secs. The file `logs1.txt` is a 20Mb Apache log file. Pre-compilation with:
The programs aren't doing the same things. The Ruby one seems to buffer the matches into a huge string then print. Don't know how different it would be but better to compare apples.
regexp = /\b\w{15}\b/
IO.foreach('logs1.txt') do |line|
puts line if regexp.match?(line)
I imagine this will in both cases mostly be testing the computer's IO.
Regexp.compile doesn't do anything substantially different from Regexp.new or a literal (i.e. it doesn't optimize the regular expression or something) so I think the difference is just random fluctuations.
- IO.foreach is lazy, but then you call `Array#grep` on it which allocate a huge Array
- `grep` populate the "last_match" object, `String#match?` is much faster.
- RBS: meh... might get more useful in the future (in 2-5 years maybe).
- Ractor: Wohooo! I'm writing a DAG library where I was thinking of implementing something like this, good to know I can use it and get real parallelism on top.
- Scheduler: :shrug: don't know about this one, might be relevant with future concurrent ruby code, any ideas?
- Rightward assignment: it's a bit awkward but I see the use case, just wish we had the pipe operator too like in Elixir.
- Endless method: this one is cute, I love it!
- Find pattern: oh boy, code reviews are going to be interesting now!
- Hash#except: yes, definitely a welcome one.
- Memory view: if this helps with numpy style gems it will be great!
- `send(:"do_#{ meth }", ...)`: don't do meth kids! (it's a joke!)... seems like a reasonable feature.
- `order of backtrace had been reversed`: good! it was confusing...
- Promote default gems to bundled gems (rexml): I like this one, if only nokogiri was a stdlib gem or part of core, imagine how much time would be saved instead of having to compile it every time in a `bundle install`.
- `Promote stdlib to default gems`: what does this mean? Do I now have to add `gem "securerandom"` to Gemfiles instead of having it by default and just needing to require it?
- Mjit improvements: can't wait to try it!
Overall, I'm delighted!