I'm not doubting you, but I'm seriously trying to picture this.
You were running late for the flight. Couldn't find your keys. Presumably pretty panicked. And you sat down and watched multiple streams of cameras to see if you might see yourself putting the keys down somewhere?
Well checking things on my camera is second nature now. Any time I don't know where something is, or want to know why something is on the floor or whatever, I check the camera. Usually one of my animals is responsible.
Also, being late for a flight doesn't make me panic.
I try to but sometimes I don't. say I was carrying a bunch of stuff in and couldn't get to the normal place I keep them, or I had taken them back to my desk to get to the yubikey or I needed the key to open my bicycles battery compartment, etc.
Or sometimes I just forget to take them out of my pocket.
Or alternatively, if you have a camera, you can find out immediately and come home.
I use mine to find things I've misplaced. Saved my ass the other month when I was running late for a flight but couldn't find my keys.