They've given their reasons for why they have the policies they do. If they were bad reasons somebody else would have made something that makes signal redundant.
Somebody will make signal redundant one day. When I look at it I see that day has not come. When it does the world is a better place for the advances made by signal.
The decisions they've made are /why/ signal is the leader of the pack by a margin. But please do make better ones. Please do give us something better than signal. Their libraries are all capital F Free. Go for it.
Crapping on them from the sideline, sure, go ahead but acknowledge they've done rather better than /anyone/ else in this space. It's not even close. So maybe their decisions are worth considering as having some merit? Disagree sure, but really. They've done it. Well. I haven't. Nobody else has.
I don't like electron. The desktop client works well for me on linux and for non-techy family members on mainstream consumer machines. There's some merit there you're completely discounting which doesn't seem quite fair.
And it's not "At least it's not facebook"
It is: "Whatsapp now is end to end encrypted thanks to signal" and "new players have to match signal's encryption"
That's crap loads more than "at least it's not facebook" that's actually good as opposed less evil. Straight to heaven for achieving that, for mine.
Somebody will make signal redundant one day. When I look at it I see that day has not come. When it does the world is a better place for the advances made by signal.
The decisions they've made are /why/ signal is the leader of the pack by a margin. But please do make better ones. Please do give us something better than signal. Their libraries are all capital F Free. Go for it.
Crapping on them from the sideline, sure, go ahead but acknowledge they've done rather better than /anyone/ else in this space. It's not even close. So maybe their decisions are worth considering as having some merit? Disagree sure, but really. They've done it. Well. I haven't. Nobody else has.
I don't like electron. The desktop client works well for me on linux and for non-techy family members on mainstream consumer machines. There's some merit there you're completely discounting which doesn't seem quite fair.
And it's not "At least it's not facebook"
It is: "Whatsapp now is end to end encrypted thanks to signal" and "new players have to match signal's encryption"
That's crap loads more than "at least it's not facebook" that's actually good as opposed less evil. Straight to heaven for achieving that, for mine.