Brandon Sanderson is almost inhuman in his ability to churn out books. Some of his books are better than others, but hey, I'll take imperfect but shipped series any day over a series that languishes near the finish line (cough Rothfuss, Martin)
I refuse to read something from authors that don't have track records of finishing series after reading Rothfuss and Martin. The way GoT was handled should be a good indicator for TV studios that authors who can't deliver a complete story can't deliver a complete TV series. I already lost clout from my friends for recommending anything written by them when expected sequels haven't materialized in almost a decade.
On the other hand, Sanderson's Stormlight Archives made me actually like the genre again.
It was decent but not amazing. Definitely one of the weaker entries in the Stormlight Archive, but hey, it's a novella so you don't expect much. You get more backstory on the "awesomeness" character.