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Ask HN: What does mastery look like in software engineering?
365 points by abdabab on Jan 6, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 276 comments
When you think of someone who has mastered the discipline of Software Engineering what comes to your mind?

I’ve been pondering this a lot lately, as an engineering leader.

Masters in my organization have an extremely high ratio of value shipped to hours worked.

This means two things. They are able to discern and avoid work that does not provide value (this is often their greatest skill), and the best ones can direct a whole team away from large swaths of work that is not valuable. And they are able to build systems such that the cost of adding more value to the system remains constant as the system grows in complexity.

I don't disagree with this, but sadly, a prerequisite for that is a position of privilege where you're able to push back against non-valuable work. I've seen many, many very good software developers that have this quality, but get overruled, and their true value goes unrealized as a result.

Part of what it means to be a senior engineer is that you have a mastery over the soft skills/people skills commensurate with your engineering abilities. Someone who knows how a bridge should be architected but cannot navigate the politics of city council necessary to get it built isn't much of a bridge builder.

The importance of good politics cannot be understated. Politics in this case is roughly defined as getting people onboard with your plans.

While your bridge analogy is true, I feel it's even more valuable to have an informed view for what's on the other end of that bridge. If you work the politics and use all the right materials to build an efficient bridge that's great. But a wonderful bridge to nowhere is still a bridge to nowhere.

I say this because as a finance guy, I've been on lots of projects that look great on a spreadsheet and marketing, sales, or somebody else is really pushing for the investment. That's the point where a technical person takes over and builds what's asked, or a really great technical person may ask a few questions and raise a few points nobody else considered and the whole bubble bursts as we realize it's not feasible/or we can test it in a certain way before investing big time/money into it.

Probably not mastery of SE as OP asked. But mastery as a business partner within an organization.

That sounds amazing, sadly in a lot of organisations that isn't how it pans out.

Either the engagement with technology doesn't happen early enough, or when it does, the technology point of view isn't given the weight it deserves. The ideas have already caught and too many people are invested and have 'faith' it will all work out.

The crux of this is that many of those people who carry the weight in decision making don't actually carry any risk or responsibility for delivery. Given the scale of engineering and time to deliver, by the time it comes to fruition they've moved on, so they never experience accountability for ignoring the advice.

It depends on the organisation, to be honest.

For instance, in my experience at a FAANG, the issue was often that a new technical solution was proposed, architected and built before any business/market people got involved with the result that loads of amazing, brilliantly architected and completely useless projects got built.

(My favourite time was when a (really smart, to be fair) software engineer rediscovered the normal distribution while looking for a way to reduce storage requirements for an analytics product).

If you have a load of smart engineers, sometimes it can be a more successful strategy to just build something than to pay EY £250k to do market analysis, get a load of execs bought in who then will "make it work" even if it shouldn't, or kill it off even if they shouldn't, and then finally get a committee-written spec handed over to be built in a rush.

Sure, there are pathologies at both ends of the spectrum. I do think it's worthwhile (particularly here), that software engineers/technical people are subject to their own set of development pathologies.

That's fair, yes.

The FANG method of software dev is extraordinarily expensive, particularly at the G.

True. I’ve witness all of these things as well. I’m not implying that organizational decision making is perfect if only it had better technical people providing inputs by any means.

Again as a finance guy, this is a major skill I have attempted to develop for myself/team. When projects spin up, I’m typically at forefront and involved in every project technical or not (controlling the purse strings). Many finance guys are know it all’s TBH. They build their ROI models, etc. and making dozens of assumptions it’s then treated as gospel. For some reason, it’s valid to ask “why is this project underperforming our expectations” but it’s often taboo to ask “did our expectations even make sense”. I try to change that where it exists too.

All to say, people like me find people at the onset of the project to gather inputs. If I know you as well versed with track record of valuable insights, I’m more likely to reach out early. If I have worked with you at this stage and you your input is just one of “we need specs/tell us what to build and we can build it” you’ve not added any value to the conversation and I’m likely to not include you next time because I know I just need to bring you specs once project is approved and that’s a different conversation for another day.

This is why I say “business partner”. Being able to understand your company, the politics within, how decisions are made, where you can inject value along the way. These are all traits of people with fast career growth in slower growing firms. You transform from Programmer #13 to people knowing and respecting your name. This is important in talent reviews, etc.

Good one. Another on the same lines, and also related to your parent comment's point about politics, is:

Getting the users in the org to, you know, actually use that well-specced, well-built project, which was delivered within time and budget (or with only a small overrun). I mean, use it at all, or use it enough for it to deliver its benefits. Real life issue. Seen it on at least a few projects I've worked on, including two early in my career. Inertia, luddite fears, turf wars can be some of the causes.

Here is another example of a project or feature users did not use at all, or used less than was expected / wished for. This one is from a Google Talk:

Watch "The Effective Engineer | Edmond Lau | Talks at Google" on YouTube https://youtu.be/BnIz7H5ruy0 - at about 3:21 in.

The most difficult hurdle is that there's never that direct communication between the finance guy and the tech guy. Projects tend to get lost in translation, where you have multiple layers of departments and emails and roles playing telephone. If an organization can have that direct finance-to-tech guy/gal link, it would be the most effective way to provide the most effective value imo.

It’s definitely a problem worth focus. I recommend networking with some of the finance folks. It’s as simple as a lunch meeting, ask them about some of the projects that are in planning phase, offer your assistance. You’ll have to figure out what is the post-COVID equivalent.

I find some in finance and IT get along fairly well and can build a bigger rapport fairly easy. We’re all excel nerds and many of us have taught ourselves how to program to an extent (VBA, etc).

Depending on the organization, we tend to be more focused on leadership support. A junior analyst will get much more face time with VP and up than down. So that’s part of the problem is those connections just don’t always exist. When they do, it might be with an IT director which has maybe become too far removed from codebase or implementation challenges. It happens with every department within the organization, not just IT. My experience is outside the software industry so may work a little different if sole function of the company is software.

You can be as nice a person as you want, if you are talking with an asshole, you are in for a bad time.

Therein lies a catch.

In your analogy if I get really good at getting stuff passed through city council, what would I optimize for ?

A: Building better bridges ?

Or B: building better money making bridges (potentially of of inferior quality) ?

I'd bet there are more takers for B. And at that point we now have better city council optimizers than better bridge builders.

Lets say we now make a team of some folks from both groups. Now who's going to able to get more people onboard their plans? Its the city council optimizers again. And now some bridge builders figure it out and become better optimizers than builders.

We then take it a step further and add competing teams. Same thing repeats. The team better at city council optimizing beat the better builders all the time.

In this whole process its the quality of the bridges that stays the same ( in most cases it goes down) and the costs of it keep going up.

My sad, unfortunate observations in the field.

Love to see a way out.

Edit: in this way of thinking , the assumption is that there are higher chances of making more money from poorer quality bridge than a more advanced, higher quality bridge. One exception to that is the strategy where you first provide better bridges at lower cost and then bump up the prices for maintenance.

Unfortunately this assumes that the politics of the city council is somewhat outcomes focused. If the mayor is intent on awarding the contract to her uncle no amount of 'soft skills' will help (and attempts to apply them may be counter-productive).

It's usually helpful to have an internal locus of control, and look for things in oneself (here, soft skills) that can be changed. However, sometimes reality just doesn't afford opportunities in a given situation. Accepting where that is that case means being able to extract oneself from a situation rather than wasting time on it.

Hmm...why should the onus be on the engineer?

An organisation that does this is broken.

Most are.

While it is important to realise that this brokenness is in fact widespread, I don't think it should be normalised.

That's an unfortunate function of being human. The right idea won't always win if it's coming from the wrong person.

In the “natural state”, yes.

Organizations should be cognizant of this flaw and strive to eliminate or at least mitigate it as best as possible.

Organizations that do are likely to outperform those that do not. See Toyota.

If you do not know how to build a bridge you should not be in charge of taking the decision of howto build it

This happens to me at my organization fairly often. I build solutions I'm asked to build and then an abusive architect coopts that work and rewrites it in a shitty, unusable way. Users cry at me, but when I tell them what happened, they are silent. No one cares enough to cry to leadership. And the leadership have clearly said they have no intention of overruling what said architect talks about.

Leadership puts an architect in place because they don't have the time to care about code level details. I would personally mention it to leadership but frame it in a way that your work is being rejected but nobody is explaining to you why so that you can learn and do better next time.

Unfortunately in a large software engineering organization tact and political savvy is more important than raw engineering skill. Once you've been in the industry long enough, you'll understand it.

One of the problems that's common in organizations is that most of the work at the junior level is highly focused on individual contribution and that completely flips at some point in your career.

Sounds like trauma bonding. I'd leave yesterday unless there is a bad market.

Totally agree and I wish to those people to leave the place they are currently in and find a better where their skills are truly recognised.

There's another facet to this which I think is far more important that OP question of "What [exactly] does mastery 'look like'?".

The more important question is "how do you cultivate mastery?" How does your organization get to a place where people can develop mastery instead of the organization trying to create it instantly by hiring "the right people"? Regardless of what people may claim, hiring is not a solved problem. It's _really_ hard to identify candidates that are true masters at what they do (let alone getting them to quit their job and join your team).

By the same token, it's also _really_ hard for true masters to find a place that understands their value and, more importantly, will allow them to do their thing and provide career satisfaction. A lot of talented people are locked out of jobs because someone thought their career trajectory wasn't quite right/impressive.

Training and mentorship, however, are better understood and have lower stakes. It makes me think of Bell Labs. I know a couple folks who worked there who had very "unimpressive" backgrounds, they started as techs but rubbed elbows with stellar talent in a place that cultivated discovery and collaboration. Over time while there and in other places they were able to rise to principal design engineers, beyond what many who went to elite universities achieve. They credit their formative years in Bell labs with getting them started on their career path.

The thing is, Bell Labs didn't have an epically selective hiring process, nor was the compensation insanely high. They provided an environment that _attracted_ people with mastery and those who were passionate about what they do, they developed talent within their walls rather than trying to merely buy it or find it.

This was for electrical engineers, but the same ideas can apply to software engineers.

Great point. Seen some of the things you describe, in places where I worked.

That's a tough one. Often the sensibility about what needs to be done comes from hours/weeks/month/years hacking away at their codebase in their specific setting. Much of that has to be rebuilt from scratch in a new place. If you don't find that same connection with your work at the new place - or are unable to develop the relationships with your peers or your manager, you may not end up able to make that impact at the new place either.

I tend to encourage folks who come to me about quitting to explore opportunities within the team/organization/company before leaving so they can leverage all the social capital they've built up.

Absolutely, especially in bigger organisations where one part may be completely different in terms of how is organized and how is operating from another one.

If you are not being heard where you are it's very likely the culture is toxic or you are not respected. In either case it's time to leave.

I worked at one place that was a basket case and finally started to push back. The HR person seemed shocked that I was concerned with the business value of a project, but i had people telling me i wasnt worth what i was being paid -- I could show the next assignment had $0 in business value so if i spent more than 0 hours on it I'd just be digging myself a hole.

If you think something does not produce value and you have knowledge to back it up (you could think something is of no value if you don't know the big picture), and you are "forced" to do it anyway, then it all depends on pay. If you get a lot of money for this, you can exchange these later to fill any gaps that this will create or simply leave the co, unless you want to be known for doing fool's errands and stroking managers egos.

Almost agree. I would say that if this is the case, Pay is local optimisation.

On the long run, if you stay in such a company your market value will by reduced as it is

(a) psychological very difficult to resist such culture to influence your mind, unlimitedly transforming you.

(b) will eventually turn your life into a saga of bitterness and resentment, lower self esteem.

(c) arguably, such a company will ultimately fail in their business.

so you're probably better off take a possible temporary pay reduction for a better happiness and higher pay on the long run.

All valid points!

Most engineers I know in this situation move on to a new project before too long.

Precisely my observation of last couple decades.

> They are able to discern and avoid work that does not provide value (this is often their greatest skill)

junior dev here...could elaborate a little on what this means? Generally speaking the PM is the one creating a roadmap and informing what is the highest value item to work on. I must be misunderstanding what you're referring too.

I can give you an example from my career. We were building out a new webapp feature to deliver medical textbooks, which we had as xml documents direct from the publisher. Our customers, mostly large academic libraries and medical research companies, would get the electronic access to the books for much less than it would cost to get sufficient physical copies, and our cost for supplying the books would be minimal.

A problem came up. Many of the libraries were government funded, and required physical possession of any books they purchased. I was in a meeting with the c-level execs, sales directors, and pms, and they were planning out the cost of building an organization that would produce a cd-rom version of the textbook products. They were going to need a large team to manage creating the books on cd, and for managing the production and mailing of the CDs when orders were received. It was going to cost a fortune.

I told them to hang on a minute: I'm already converting the xml for these books into html for display in the app. I can easily generate static html too, write it to disk, and generate an iso file, every time we publish a new book. Then I can add a download link in the webapp, and if they need a physical copy they can download and burn it to disk themselves. We'll include instructions. This will take me maybe an extra week, and we'll have no ongoing operational costs.

I think I got a $50 Amazon gift card for that suggestion. Or maybe a Starbucks card.

You have to be present in the meeting. All the places I have worked - and I have worked in many over 15 years - do not allow this. You need to be in a startup to be close enough to have this kind of impact. Agile just makes this situation worse. It's incredibly frustrating to be see the value you can add, but having no ability to make it happen.

Can't have pesky engineers with their pedestrian technical concerns mess with the business decision makers' thought process. A good engineer takes whatever the creative, smart visionary comes up with and implements it down to the smallest detail.

It seems like this value you brought in is "outside" the domain of software engineering, however. Yes, the solution ended up being found in software engineering, but the problem came from a business operation thing, no?

(I wish you had gotten more thoroughly compensated for saving them a fortune.)

If your only skill is being able to write code, your skillset is relatively weak.

We are called Software Engineers, but what we really are is people who solve problems with code.

The important part is solving the problem. The fact we do it through the medium of code isn't that noteworthy.

If solving the problem requires knowledge from outside the domain of programming (Spoiler: it almost always does), then you learn what you need to from the relevant domain.

Software engineering requires understanding enough of the reason behind requirements to know when the requirements could be simplified or should be augmented. I would even argue that understanding business needs and translating them into practice is the fundamental role of software engineering.

This requirement might never have reached a software engineer in many organizations, and perhaps that's what I mean. So part of the mastery is ensuring you are around to provide solutions when business needs are being deliberated. That's fair.

An engineer's job is to solve a problem creatively, not execute a rote technical procedure. The people who are just fed detailed instructions to execute are called "technicians" in the traditional industries. If you want to claim the title of an engineer, act like one. If all you can do is write code to spec, you are a technician.

Your use of "spec" here is a weasel word to make your point. There are many kinds of specs. The spec here is "users need a physical copy", the organization was intending to solve it by using the services of another business and a bunch of other expensive and complicated stuff that I was considering as categorically different from software.

Business is not outside the domain of software engineering. "building the right thing" is more important in engineering than "building the thing correctly". If the proposed solution or problem to be solved misses the mark, most of the potential value has been lost, and excellent execution will not be able to recoup that.

Thank you for the story, I definitely understand now. I am also relieved that you were compensated for this critically important pivot! /s

I am hoping this will be an area I can eventually excel in. I was a senior PM for a while and decided I wanted to write code instead. Been going down this crazy career change for about 6 months now. Right now I am just trying to survive and learn the basics of software development.

When I was PM I certainly had the luxury of working with invaluable devs I could brainstorm with on ways to optimize a feature idea that maintained customer value in the shortest time possible. I need to learn how to become that invaluable dev I had.

Precisely the reason why next time you would consider debating what's in it for me, prior to blurting out a solution.

I hope you are joking: “I, a paid employee, have a wonderful solution to our problem that will save the company a lot of money, but I won’t tell you if you don’t pay me even more.” I think the answer to that would be something like “hmm, if you aren’t willing to do your job for the salary we already pay you, I don’t think there’s any reason to pay you at all.”

This is the biggest difference between a Junior Engineer and a Senior (or Staff Engineer).

A Senior Engineer knows what the highest-value work is and is influencing/driving the roadmap. A Senior Engineer says 'no' more often than 'yes' and backs it up with a 'why.'

It's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy though.

Most Seniors are driving the roadmap simply by virtue of being a Senior, and most Juniors have no opportunity to influence the roadmap because Seniors control the decisions.

Of course ideally everyone can contribute, but I think that's relatively rare.

If the structure of a work place is very strict, then yes this is 100% true.

I how ever could already experience a more open scrum process in which we all have a say.

For me it all started in an university project with four (incl me) people. I denied a good portion of the requests my supervisor gave me there, not because they were bad, but because they simply did not fit into the time budget or were not realistic. She was actually very happy about that because she was not that tech savy back then and learned a lot threw the process. Very good experience for me and we finished the project on time and exceeded expectations.

> Generally speaking the PM is the one creating a roadmap and informing what is the highest value item to work on. I must be misunderstanding what you're referring too.

Experience flips this equation around. The PM is creating the roadmap based on my input and expertise to decide what will be the most valuable use of resources. You move from construction worker to architect.

It's very easy to get distracted as a developer on something that adds little to no value. You will do this repeatedly throughout your career. Try not to :)

It may also depend how much you're micromanaged vs. picking your own path. Sounds like you're saying none of your work is self directed, and you don't participate in design decisions yet?

Anyway, even if you don't have much say there's still ways to direct your work. You can push back against whatever is demanding the low value work.

There are some teams that only work on high impact projects. If you feel that your current team is only doing work that's not valuable, you need to change teams or at least let your manager know to change your project. Ask for projects that you think will bring revenue to the company. Revenue = impact or increase in productivity of other engineers (this may involve writing an internal tool, etc.)

As stated by a previous head of product, great senior engineers can choose to switch jobs and instantly become a great PM.

It reminds me of a guy I used to work with. He two-finger typed looking at his keyboard all the time, but the code he did end up writing was exactly what was needed. Consistency and quality was much more important than cold, hard "productivity".

Can anybody actually produce working code at the same pace as they touch type?

Typing hardly registers as a factor when it comes to how long it takes for me to code anything, at least.

Can anybody actually produce working code at the same pace as they touch type?

I can. Actually, when I learned touch typing I realized how much was I slowed down by typing before.

You might argue that I need to think for a time before I start typing. That's right. But:

1) Once I start, it flows and it's like I'm reviewing the code as I type, correcting and expanding.

2) Writing fast somehow makes me think faster for the next "pre-typing" thinking cycle.

Absolutely. Touch typing is a game changer, not only because with practice, you can just think the code and see it appear on screen, but because you no longer have to glance at the keyboard and your full attention is on the code.

If I'm creating something from scratch or refactoring then a keyboard definitely gets in the way. Of course when I'm writing something from scratch I usually iterate a few times before I have code that I'm satisfied with, so going through those iterations requires a lot of moving things around.

If I'm solving a hard problem (i.e. architecting a system or coming up with an algorithm) then 99% of my time is spent thinking rather than typing.

Not writing from scratch, and not what I consider "nice" code (specifically avoiding the term "good" here). There are plenty of cases that wind up being typing jobs essentially. Usually, that means you're not really designing code as you write, though.

Depending on what I'm working on, just dumping stuff to an IDE buffer at 70WPM can be 10% or more of the time something takes. Which is enough that typing slower would have a noticeable impact.

Depends on how often I’ve done something similar before.

It’s faster for typing my question into stackoverflow!

Enter the Dragon

-- Do I bother you?

-- Don't waste yourself.

-- What's your style?

-- My style? You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

-- The art of fighting without fighting? Show me some of it.

I think sometimes this means they do the unsexy stuff.

For instance, having an easy build process, or understanding version numbers, or preventing an upgrade to this year's compiler.

Enabling the org to accomplish more with less (or keep it from falling into different pitfalls) is sexy.

I feel it's a core part of my job to keep the rest of the eng team happy and producing value. A lot of times this comes down to seeing problems as they arise (ideally before them, but it gets harder to convince management of future issues if they haven't manifested yet).

> it gets harder to convince management of future issues

that's a tough one, maybe the tough one.

It's hard to prioritize "trivialities" over features, especially when you haven't even given thought to defending the obvious.

Thankfully some of these things are being codified somewhere externally, say:


> the best ones can direct a whole team away from large swaths of work that is not valuable

Can't overstate how valuable this is. A team which can expose its members to this kind of leadership by example and direct collaboration will grow and outproduce teams which don't by an order of magnitude.

One has to be very careful in determining what work amounts to "value shipped". It's not uncommon to have a few persons who seem to ship all the value, while the rest.. just enable them to do so, by doing the required, but invisible stuff, like the refactoring required for the new feature to ship, or fixing the bugs that makes the customers not leave, or attend those meetings that has to be attended by someone. This is somewhat related to the 10x engineer story, sure, some are a lot better than others, but sometimes it's not entirely undue to their situation. Maybe it is a skill too, to be aggressive enough to grab the work that looks most valuable and push that through, leaving your team to do the rest.

I agree with this. The best engineers choose the best targets

(just unpacking) Prediction of value, initially and over time, requires market analysis.

Given that, predicting which projects will produce that value, and which designs will accommodate future additions of value, is engineering.

I still like Parnas's On the Criteria to Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules, where the choice of "information hiding" requires predicting what is likely to change - and predicting value.

Can we stop using this word leader? What's wrong with the word manager?

They're totally different words. I used to be an engineering manager with direct reports who wasn't really much a leader. Today I'm an engineering leader without any direct reports.

Leadership happens from the front and doesn't really have anything at all to do with year end reports and making sure everyone shows up on time. Management rarely does more than HR busywork. The way many engineering mangers work they often have skills so outdated as to be effectively non-technical.

Leadership can happen at all levels regardless of title. Leaders often are some of the most skilled technicians, able to have an outsized impact on both the team and the direction.

I think that's an artificial split. Management is not only about HR busywork, it should also include all the things you've mentioned in the leader category.

Is it an official title? I keep seeing it everywhere now, everyone is a "leader." What exactly does it mean? Do you proclaim yourself a leader, is there some vote on it?

From my perspective it's completely meaningless and usually ego stroking.

Imagine an evaluation system based on this principle. It would be simple cost minus benefit, without regard to technical merit or project milestones or other silly process-based evaluation. This is the opposite of most companies. Generally promotions have to do with the size/cost of an employee’s piece of a project, not the benefit. Managers would be fighting to reduce their team sizes. I don’t know how you would back-propagate value though.

Fantastic definition.

Essentially avoid downstream defect correction

IMO it's about understanding the solution curve in the problem space. Every problem type has a range of possible solutions. Most of these solutions are wrong and a few are correct with different tradeoffs. When you can't do better without making tradeoffs, you're on the curve.

Novice engineers will struggle to get something done. Intermediate engineers can get things done but fail to see the tradeoffs. Expert engineers can identify possible solutions with different approaches.

Additionally, expert engineers can better define the problem space to begin with. Some engineers can get things done and evaluate tradeoffs well, but end up solving the wrong problem.

Expert engineers have the ability to think about a problem in a broader context than the engineering problem at hand.

“Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.” - Arthur Schopenhauer

Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats.

- Howard Aiken

That’s a beautiful quote.

"to think about a problem in a broader context" << this

You're right, except you sell your own answer short when you say "curve". In practice, the set of trade-offs has a much higher dimensionality, and solutions are much less often strictly "wrong" as they are "less optimal" or "out of scope".

Now, you might be thinking "that's not true, if I implement a function to add two numbers, and it returns 1+1=3, that's wrong. So that's a clearly wrong solution." But I argue: is it wrong? What's your context? What are your acceptable trade-offs? In many real-world applications, precise correctness isn't always critical. Sometimes, sacrificing accuracy might be acceptable, and may save on cost and/or complexity. Other times, that's not acceptable. But it's worth considering even these types of non-obvious trade-offs, not just the obvious ones. That's what an expert engineer does: ask the right questions and identify the right trade-offs, and they've become efficient in that process from experience.

An expert sees a problem space as a wide range of trade-off dimensions, including:

  * computational performance
  * memory performance
  * implementation complexity
  * maintenance complexity (understandability)
  * accuracy
  * reusability
  * design time
  * reliability
  * debuggability
  * bug-proneness
  * scalability
  * etc.

How do you learn that solution curve and their tradeoffs? Swap jobs and hope you see them all in your lifetime? Read articles and hope you pick everything up correctly?

OP is giving a problem solving framework, it's not tied to specific solutions or tradeoffs. It's more of a method for thinking through a solution.

In more detail, the steps go like this.

Find as many solutions to a given problem as you can. Bad engineers run with the first solution that comes to mind, letting confirmation bias drive them.

Evaluate each solution for its costs and benefits. Imagine two steps in the future when the solution is implemented. What pains are there?

Search for creative new solutions that create win-win scenarios. That's riding the solution curve.

Given all viable scenarios, compare the costs and benefits against the quality measures for your specific context. Some projects value speed over precision. Some projects value performance over extensibility. Some solutions are easier to change later than others. This is choosing a specific point on the solution curve that best fits your context.

You can apply that method of problem solving to any problem, large or small. You don't need a ton of experience to practice it.

This comment made me realize what my mentor did years ago. He would have the entire team list all possible solutions to a problem, including the obviously bad ones, then have us whittle down the list based on pros and cons of each until we reached consensus on what to do. It was a teaching exercise and I didn’t realize it.

I’ve repeated it that exercise with junior engineers to great effect. Some catch on over time and start intuitively considering the trade offs of a few reasonable solutions to a problem; some don’t.

I never reflected on what he was doing there; thanks.

To add to that, some of the smartest "good" ideas come from "bad" ideas that people rejected out of hand, sometimes from unusual sources. It pays to do brainstorming thoroughly.

The best software engineers know when to solve a problem without using any code at all, like the classic "just do it manually" for a complicated task that is worth more than $x per task.

Sticking around long enough to see a big mistake bite you is sometimes better for your growth than swapping jobs.

Definitely this. Nothing like learning from watching your solution hitting roadblocks (performance, extensibility etc) and reassessing your earlier approaches and again coming with a solution to address the newer challenges

You can also dig into the problems that existed when you got to the project, and try to work out how they came to be. Project forensics is a skill set unto itself. And listen to and help people on other projects at your company. You can see how their story arc goes and where it surprises you.

An intelligent man learns from his own mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.

I'd recommend:

- Working with experts

- Writing and deleting lots of code

- Participating in code reviews

- Reading even more code from others

- Watch & read technical presentations

You can never truly be perfect, you can only approach it. Understanding your limitations is just as important as understanding your capabilities. Depth vs breadth is hard and you only have so much life to go so deep into so many domains.

Pre implementation

- Identify and document possible solutions. Think hard about why each solution is good and each decision is bad.

- Within each solution, attempt to find common patterns in that problemspace (when working with Sharded databases, this approach brings these results, etc)

- Try to match your personal and organization requirements against the various patterns you find and the pros/cons you defined previously

During implementation

- Keep a running list of things that seem weird, or things that seem great, or things that turned out to be untrue

- Don't stop implementing, but for each thing you found that wasn't great in step 1, try to find a better way to approach that thing (while moving forward)

Post implementation

- Compile all the notes you made in pre/during into a manageable list of goods/bads.

- Use this to drive A.) iterations of your solution, and B.) future solutions

If you do this enough times, you'll have a pretty decent list of your experiences in a space, and you'll start to notice patterns as you try different things and become exposed to problems, their solutions and their tradeoffs. Eventually you won't even have to look at your previous notes very often, as you'll have built up a pretty decent amount of experience in various problemspaces such that you can predict what goes well/doesn't go well.

Also worth noting, this type of behavior doesn't really have to be applied to software, but will also gain you big points with future employers when interviewing. You'd be surprised to find how many candidates never stopped to reflect on the work they'd done, why it was sub-optimal, or how it could be corrected moving forward. Response like "We did it ____ way because that's how we always did it." Which, from a progress standpoint, is basically a none-answer.

Note: this is obviously just my opinion, and I'm no expert in "Becoming a Master of Stuff", but these are the methods that I have used and seen my peers use (in one form or another) over quite a long time. Sometimes not as obvious (doing these things in your head vs. writing them down), but the shape is always pretty similar. Ultimately I think being reflective is one of the best skills a person can possess (with respect to employment and I guess also relationships). Acting without thinking is reckless, I think.

> being reflective is one of the best skills a person can possess

As they say, pain + reflection = progress. If you don't wanna reflect, good luck enjoying that pain without progress.

Prototyping alternative solutions is a cheap way to help uncover trade-offs, and you can do this independently.

Attending retrospectives after things go wrong is a good way for experts to introduce their thought processes to less experienced engineers.

Asking "why?" when senior engineers deliver feedback during design review can help you learn that a trade-off existed when you did not see it.

I once was trying to design a validation framework. I thought it should work this way. The other lead thought it should work that way. So I proposed we write some sample code for these APIs and show it to the team. TDD with pseudocode before any of us knew what TDD was.

Only, I didn’t like having two to chose from. Something told me three would be better. So we paired, I wrote mine, then hers, then just made another one up on the spot. Once we agreed they were complete and implementable, I shopped them to the team.

About 2/3rds preferred the made up one. Including me. So that’s what I implemented.

Great story! Not a huge surprise when you think about it - you made up the the third design just after thinking through the other two in detail.

Seems almost like you are talking about static vs. dynamic analysis of programs.

raw experience

Having a good grasp on time vs space complexity helps.

space is cheaper

Consistently and reliably delivering good software solutions.

Just like a master woodworker would consistently and reliably deliver good furniture.

Or a master author would consistently and reliably deliver good books.

The key points are:

* Consistent - It wasn't just a fluke or luck, you know what you're doing and can repeat it.

* Reliable - You know how much effort it will take and can deliver it.

* Good - It's not crap, people want it.

What if a woodworker is an employee of a big org? (IKEA?) None of your points regard interacting with people downwards and upwards.

seems like there's an intersection with mastery of product design there

I don't think there is mastery in this work. I've been doing this for decades, and I still think my code from 6 months ago is crap, no matter how much I learn and improve.

Mastery would imply that you can do it all, and do it right, on any project, and there is just too much change and evolution for that to ever be true.

My goal is simply that I continue to improve.

I also have this battle. It feels like each time I take another step up the mountain, the mountain itself grows.

Doesn't matter how much time/effort I expend, there is just no way to keep up to date with every moving piece in our industry (from hardware, to firmware, to software, to laws, to programming languages, to cryptography/security, to web standards, to multimedia standards/codecs, to physics etc). It seems like every single action that we take comes with trade-offs and that we can never make an ultimate good choice - that choice is only valid for a short time before it's trade-off gets triggered.

A carpenter has a set of tools. He has a set of materials. He has a set of blueprints/techniques. He can consistently build table with x qualities. When he is done with the table, it is done. He doesn't have to spend all of his time relearning how to build tables over and over, and for old tables to quickly self-destruct if he stops baby-sitting them. Or for some 12 year old carpenter in Russia to cause his table's wood to rot.

Every year that passes by, humans accumulate more and more knowledge. It would be impossible for a few individuals to know everything as their time in this life is limited. Thus we get forced to specialize, else we can get pulled into the general knowledge stream which can be overwhelming.

Mastery is when the code you wrote 6 months ago, or a year ago, or five years ago is still running, and not causing problems. Mastery is when the code you write brings long term benefits, and not future problems.

I've both seen and written code like that, so it does exist. Like anyone one else I've also written code that causes future problems. I believe I'm at a point in my career (25 years in) where I now write more of the former than the latter.

Length of time doing something doesn't imply mastery. It can contribute to mastery, but only if you're always pushing your skill to the next level I think.

For example: I know people who have been skateboarding for decades and are just barely OK at it. How you practice matters.

> I don't think there is mastery in this work.

I think there is mastery, but only in knowing that there is no mastery.

"I seem, then, in just this little thing to be wiser than this man at any rate, that what I do not know I do not think I know either." [Apology of Socrates, Henry Cary literal translation]

That's the right mindset for an individual but not particularly helpful for an answer. Constant improvement is part of mastery but not a great yard stick.

I also have trouble believing you've been coding for so long and can't take pride in any of the code you've previously written.

I'm proud of my very first shipped engineering project: https://littlegreenviper.com/TF30194/TF30194-Manual-1987.pdf (Downloads a PDF).

I think I do what I do pretty well. The folks I work with seem to like it.

codingdave, I think you really hit on exactly the right point, and in doing so have also spoken to my mind exactly where we've gone off the rails as an industry in our hiring practice.

When we interview people, we do so in such a way that we believe someone is capable of showing mastery of the field, where those who have been in the field a long time and agree with your philosophy here know that about all we can can hope to achieve is humility.

It also feels like this fundamental to why this field has not been able to mature to a point of being a profession in the same form as other fields - because while we can teach a lawyer the law and we can teach a doctor a particular way to perform a technique, software is all just a bit wet and sticky.

Is that code from 6 months ago crap or just different than your current preference? I see a fair number of people churning between solutions that are more different than actually better.

I think most "master" software engineers are a bit more idealistic than that... Not saying I am a master but I occasionally write something and consider it genuinely beautiful.

Crap how? Is there mountains of commented out code, dead code, and misdirection? Has the code been adequately tested? Do you use appropriate code analysis tools (lint ect.), to enforce the above. Still having nitpicks in the code, questionable design, lines that could be eliminated, ect. is different from sloppiness and having no clue how to address these issues.

> I don't think there is mastery in this work.

I take it one step further, I don't believe mastery exists, or rather we don't have a consistency on what mastery 'is'.

I prefer the saying something along the lines of "expertise* just means you get in more trouble when you do it wrong"

* Expertise is replaced with 'black belt' for martial art expertise

I think it's more like that quote from a supreme court decision about porn, it's very hard to define but you know it when you see it.

I play violin, and know and admire many masters. What makes them so good is fun to study and pursue because they are worth emulation.

But it's not some secret or hack. It's a million small things and a lot of feel.

Look no futher than this: https://archive.is/NCWmz (Wolfenstein 3d iPhone development By John Carmack, Technical Director, Id Software)

To be exact: "The developers came back and said it would take two months and exceed their budget.

Rather than having a big confrontation over the issue, I told them to just send the project to me and I would do it myself. Cass Everitt had been doing some personal work on the iPhone, so he helped me get everything set up for local iPhone development here, which is a lot more tortuous than you would expect from an Apple product. As usual, my off the cuff estimate of "Two days!" was optimistic, but I did get it done in four, and the game is definitely more pleasant at 8x the frame rate.

And I had fun doing it."

Not doubting his greatness, but It's definitely a lot easier to be motivated to work harder and faster when it's your own idea/project. I assume for the team of developers it was just another project their employers were asking them to work on, with all the expected nonsense (rituals) that come with it, and so why would they want to bust a gut / work 20 hour days / care more than they are being paid to care, to get it done in 4 days.

I agree with you, but judging by the whole article the main thing here was probably the same old story with outsourcing company either wanting to bill extraordinary amount of hours or employing novice to medium developers for the project but charging full senior price for them.

I guess that for most of the guys, if they had opportunity to work on something with Carmack or Id Software in those days, it would be a priority to show yourself in best light and even work for free or heavily discounted price if needed to secure future deals. Especially since all source code was provided and basically the whole thing was just somewhat simple porting engagement.

Two months of weekdays is about 40 days, so they would have be 80 hour days. (Although we also forgot to multiply by the number of people on the team...)

I think of tool makers.

Software engineering, gives you some degrees of freedom, therefore it's kind of an art form. Therefore mastery is about intent and the ability to realize it.

In this canvas, you can ask yourself, is the bearer wielding the tool or is it the other way around.

For me a proficient tool user is no master until he makes his tools his own. He can become one either by creating them, or by understanding them deeply enough that he could recreate them.

There are then various levels of mastery and mastery over various sizes of domain. Levels are more about the capacity of imagining new tools, and having new visions in order to advance your field in some interesting way. Growing domain size is about trying to have bigger and bigger tools while still retaining control over them.

I think of Rich Hickey [1]: helping others to understand the code faster by identifying and removing most of the accidental complexity.

[1] https://www.infoq.com/presentations/Simple-Made-Easy/

This reminds me of a talk of Linus Torvalds. From this perspective, mastery can be seen as an acquired taste that came after doing a large volume of work.

Can you please link the talk?

Ah; i had seen the TED talk earlier though i had not looked at the code example in detail.

Thanks for the links.

Example masters: John Carmack, Jeff Dean, Bram Cohen. What do they do? I think they're all extremely effective at getting things done. So be smart, hard working, and laser focused on shipping.

A long time ago I saw a good talk by Jonathan Blow wherein he made a point that really resonated with me. The point was that to get good at programming you need the experience of shipping a lot of programs and thus you should optimize your career around shipping as many good programs as you can. Contrast this with the common advice of being an expert in databases, or distributed systems, or OOP, or testing, or something like that...

Edit: found the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjDsP5n2kSM

To play devils advocate. Perl 6 is an example of where not shipping was a major contributor to the decline of the language. Shame, as it looks interesting.

If you think it looks interesting, you should have a look at Raku (https://raku.org using the #rakulang tag on social media). Looks familiar? It should be, as it is the new name of Perl 6. It now also comes with an IDE (https://commaide.com) if you're so inclined :-)


Clean, well-documented projects showcasing demos that end up having huge impact. Some of these projects single-handedly spawned entire tech ecosystems. (see FFMPEG, QEMU, JSLinux)

Was about to comment with the same URL.

It's one "direction" of mastery. Software invention, at grand master level.

Just rattling off some thoughts of my own

* Consistent delivery of quality work

* Instead of complaining about bad requirements that threaten system integrity, happily works with stakeholders to compromise on them accordingly

* Can consistently describe every detail of every bit of work they have done, and answer any curveball questions about it too

* Succinct and to the point, doesn’t bog down meetings with tangential arguments and what-aboutisms

Could probably keep going but that’s good for now haha. I know I don’t even satisfy all of these points myself at all times, but I certainly try to!

I like Mozilla's descriptions of increasingly senior roles. https://twitter.com/Gankra_/status/1046438955439271936/photo...

Hey So I view Software Engineering as a multidimensional optimization surface where you have to optimize for a goal by choosing an axis and playing with those axis until you get a desired result.

Mastering the language but understanding why the language was developed what problems it looked to address.

Reducing the cognitive load of the design using the language.

Understanding the fundamentals of the types of applications you will be building. SCRUD Architecture Apps Streaming Architecture Apps and Games which are usually a combination of both.

Software Systems from first principles are read and write systems. How do you represent that as a program and reduce the complexity?

How you view software engineering ? and explain it to others what is the method of representation you use to encode software as plumbing? is it text based? time flow graph node based? stack based ? binary based ?

Software engineering as a team sport, how do you get a bunch of developers to reduce the cognitive load manage the relationships and data in the code and how do you measure that like a science.

I am also sure there is a lot of valid advice here as well. This is how. I see it from a mathematical / science perspective that pushes pragmatic narrative.

Is this a parody?

Maybe someone trying out a badly trained GPT-3 generator

I literally laughed out loud in my office. Great comment.

I realized something while explaining this, it might be intractable to explain other than to just use basic blanket statements lol

LOL. I think your GPT-3 needs some more training.

TIL: SCRUD == Search + CRUD

Mastery is difficult to quantify, especially in terms of code or engineering cleverness. I think, what comes close, is the ability to get way more tradeoffs right than wrong, to hit an optimal balance. Tradeoffs in decision making when it comes to picking technologies or languages, or a certain design pattern, or an architecture, or UI/UX or whatever, when building systems. Small tradeoffs that may not look like much immediately, but pay off in the long term. Sacrificing a seemingly good feature now to avoid the pain of technical debt in the future.

Many of these traits are fundamental, universal, and even philosophical, than is general perceived, and transcend technologies and stacks, and to a large extent, time.

And yet, I think, the above traits can be described as good, and not really mastery in its truest sense, like in other disciplines like music or painting. Software engineering is way too diverse, fragmented, chaotic, and ever changing.

I don't think there is one answer but there are a few things I have noticed in my short career so far:

  * I think an intermediate level of mastery is when you realize that a computer is a logic machine built to serve humans and it will always listen to you if you're willing to put in the effort. You can always go a level deeper. Great engineers know all of the tools at their disposal and will bend the computer to their will if they need to. At the same time, they know the difference between a great low-level solution and a shoddy hack.

  * Our industry is one of the few where we spend the majority of our time fixing our own mistakes. We call these mistakes "bugs" but they don't just appear, we produce them. The best engineers produce fewer bugs than they fix and rarely end up in a "whack a mole" situation where fixing one thing breaks another thing.

> I think an intermediate level of mastery is when you realize that a computer is a logic machine built to serve humans and it will always listen to you if you're willing to put in the effort. You can always go a level deeper. Great engineers know all of the tools at their disposal and will bend the computer to their will if they need to.

I've worked with some people who definitely seemed like "masters", and this was true of all of them. Quiet patience and an unshakeable belief that this thing is going to be fixable, even after trying multiple things that have gone nowhere. And they're almost always proved right.

It also made me realise I need to get out of this business as soon as possible, because I'm the polar opposite. After a few failed attempts my brain goes into panic mode and the problem seems insurmountable. Then I "wake up" an hour later after a bout of procrastination, no closer to a solution.

I often wonder about the chicken and egg of how people attain this state. Are they first and foremost technically brilliant, and the confidence emerges from that? Or is it more of a personality type that has allowed them to solve lots of problems and become technically brilliant along the way?

I had a similar experience early in my career. To me it was eye opening to see some masters keep investigating problems without getting emotional. I learned how not to care about the time it takes to figure things out, but to start and carry on. This way given enough time, almost all problems are solvable. The time pressure doesn't change this fact.

In case of a time pressure, I just focus on workarounds instead of analysis. Once the problem is no longer burning, it's up to the project priorities to investigate the root cause.

I also learned that panic never solved any of my problems, so when I notice that I am moving into panic mode, I stop for a minute and cool down. This is a skill that can be learned.

It’s more a type of persistence I think. More junior people often ask me something along the lines of “How do you immediately know these things?”. But the answer isn’t anything magical. Generally one of:

1. I’ve run into the same or similar problem before.

2. I wrote the code that does this thing.

I only occasionally achieve this state but I find that it comes from high levels of comfort with the systems you're using. That's everything from the operating system to the programming language to your chosen editor/IDE.

When you have a high level of comfort with all of these things when you see a problem you can often guess *where* the bug is and that's half the battle right there.

Have you ever noticed that your friends will ask you to fix their WiFi or an app on their phone and even though you have no real expertise you can normally do it? That's a version of the same thing. You understand the general principles of the system and you're able to guess the general location of the problem and start flipping switches until it goes away.

Software Engineering doesn't exist in isolation.

You can't master Software Engineering without mastering interfacing with the rest of the organisation.

I don't care how intellectually pure your implementation is or how fast you deliver things. If it can't easily connect to, use and get used by the rest of the business, it's a folly.

A master of software engineering delivers what the business needs in the minimum time possible.

Some businesses care about maintenance. Some don't.

Some care about UI/UX, others with a trapped audience don't.

Some care about efficiency and optimisation, others don't.

You can't be a "master" until you have a sense of what your business is interested in. Not what it CLAIMS to be interested in, but really cares about.

It's been different in every company I've ever worked for.

Good luck.

> Some businesses care about maintenance. Some don't.

Yes, that's right. It's also a choice. You don't have to work for a company who does not care about maintenance.

At least I wouldn't, people should have own their standards.

With that codebase you are going to spend your 1/3 of your days. It really matters.

An opinion from a Product Manager: When you truly "trust" the engineer. You know their opinions are honest and well thought out. They do not have junior dev energy of saying "two days!" optimistically and not old beard energy of "it can't be done, you won't be able to launch it".

"Master" really is a great word for it, you have complete faith in the individuals word.

This means they never work on things they have not worked on before.

I am not sure that it does. Honestly responding with "I haven't tried that before" seems to be harder than it sounds.

I would trust a master to take the appropriate amount of time to do a research spike or to bring in the right people in and understand how to get going.

Fabrice Bellard, the mind behind FFMpeg and QEMU.

He is one of 3 people that came to mind immediately reading this post. One of his latest creations, QuickJS, is quite remarkable.

The other two I thought of are Peter Norton and Linus Torvalds.

Fabrice, despite his tremendous contributions to the field, doesn't reach for acclaim and just seems to go his own way.

Peter Norton was a genius in his field. His book on Assembly Language was one of my favorites as a youth. Norton tools were impressive for their time.

Linus, as the namesake for Linux also made a huge impact on the field... and comes off as somewhat of an uncontrolled lunatic.

I don't though think that these three people are the highest level masters in the field. I think they are just the ones who have chosen to do things that have high impact and visibility.

>Linus, as the namesake for Linux also made a huge impact on the field... and comes off as somewhat of an uncontrolled lunatic.

What? Linus is one of the most Rational, Direct, No-Nonsense, Get Things Done Leader there is. Whenever i hear some self-appointed "expert" pontificate on Leadership/Management/etc. i always think of what Linus would say/do in that situation. People only think of him as a "Technical Guy" but his Leadership/Management of something so vital, so huge, so distributed, with so many "employees" and with so few resources, so many stakeholders is what is amazing to me. Nobody comes close.

You really need to take back the "uncontrolled lunatic" phrase.

As an "uncontrolled lunatic" myself, they are rather obvious in the field.

I'll agree that many of the things he says are reasonable. An example is his recent defense of long lines and dismissal of the insane "80 characters per line" peeps.

What I mean specifically by "uncontrolled lunatic" is that he often ignores convention and current opinion and does and says things that get him into trouble. He also has a temper that he often is bad at controlling. I myself have this issue, and I don't see how one could say he does not have issues in this regard.

While it requires some amount of perpendicular thinking to be a master of software, having such an attitude and working with other people in that way will cause too much conflict that is unnecessary.

I think what you are missing in my statement is that I consider calling someone an "uncontrolled lunatic" as a sort of compliment.

I agree also that he is less of a technical person and more of a manager. His skills lie in herding.

On the other hand; Git is a flaming piece of garbage and he is directly responsible for its popularity... so... He did though reasonably tell people he didn't intend for anyone outside of kernel developers to use it. I just wish he corrected its deficiencies. Maybe someday he can apply his "arbitrary character restrictions are silly" logic to Git comments and become less contradictory.

I have heard these arguments before. You cannot separate Linus' so-called "shortcomings" from how they were instrumental in getting him to what he has delivered and where he is today.

Genius cannot be constrained by every single artificial social more and etiquette; we are Humans not Automatons. As long as they do not lead to destruction of product/project/self/others it is merely a character trait which makes the person unique. All successful companies know this and "manage" their most important people accordingly.

I disagree. The notion that "you have to accept the arrogance and obnoxious attitude of high level software engineers because it is inevitable that the type of people who excel at creating software are that way because they don't focus on social skills". Every one of us can work to be more polite and caring of the emotions of others. Especially if you know you suck at it you ought to use effort to be better in that way.

Justifying treating others poorly just enables more people being hurt. We should not reward people for this sort of behavior. Turning a blind eye to it because "they are great software engineers" is not right.

Your comment treads very much into the "for the greater good" mentality where you can justify anything based on the results.

"Unique character trait" my ass. Obnoxious aholes are just that. Obnoxious aholes. They need to fucking stop and be more kind.

You are now reading things which were simply not said nor implied.

It is also quite ironic that while you talk about "being nice/kind" your posts are the ones containing inflammatory phrases like "uncontrolled lunatic", "arrogance and obnoxious attitude", "my ass" and "obnoxious aholes" !

Coming back specifically to Linus, he has never been any of the above. He has been direct and harsh when needed (there is a world of difference between this and the phrases you have used), otherwise he has shown a lot of restraint. For example, he has said that due to the nature of email communication, one has to be direct since a lot of non-verbal and personal nuances cannot be conveyed which is exactly right.

I am sure we can all recollect email chains/discussions/meetings where nothing was ever achieved because people did not want to offend somebody with thin skin in spite of the fact that they were squarely to blame. Being direct and calling them out is not being obnoxious/arrogant but simply moving things along towards a goal. To be nice/kind does not mean everybody has to be mollycoddled and tip-toed around due not wishing to "hurt their feelings". Engineering is a hard science and while we have to follow social mores and etiquettes this should be regulated (i.e. we should know when to break them) so that progress towards the end goal is not derailed.

There is a big difference between what you communicate broadly as a public figure and random comments under a throwaway.

Linus has said many attacking things publicly under a position of authority.

What I say here bears no weight because if what I say is disliked I am simply downvoted and dismissed.

I disagree that being offensive solves anything. I am fine ( as you've pointed out ) with being extremely offensive and attacking the shit out of anyone I see fit, but I don't think it is particularly effective or a quality trait.

Anytime you say things in an offensive way, you are intentionally being hurtful. This is not a good thing, and I don't think is justifiable.

My doing it in no way makes it right, nor invalidates my judgement of those who make similar statements to a broad audience.

Consider the effect of me ranting here. No one is going to go: "Wow I'd better pay attention to what permille42 says he is an expert. He must be attacking people for a good reason."

Nope. Anytime I rant most readers will just immediately dismiss everything I said, mostly because my tone tends to be so aggressive. I don't think such people are wrong to dismiss as such aggressive statements do tend to be from people who are offbase and don't know what they are talking about...

>Linus, as the namesake for Linux also made a huge impact on the field... and comes off as somewhat of an uncontrolled lunatic.

Ha! Would you consider Musk also as a Lunatic? :-)

Perhaps a Marsatic ;D

Musk isn't great enough to deserve such a high title of lunatic. More like arrogant madman.

Pay attention to who was the lead dev on the code you are using. When you see that you are using 2+ (sometimes 5+, rarely 10+) projects from the same person, then you've found a master. Start looking closely at what they are doing, what they are reading, what they are saying on their blog, twitter, etc.

I think of Linus, Lars, Anders, TJ, Rich, etc

Can you add the last names? Some these are difficult to tell who you are referring to.

Linus TechTips, Lars Ulrich, Anders Holm, TJ Maxx, Rich Nixon


Linus Torvalds, Lars Bak, Anders Heijlsberg, TJ, Rich Hickey

I fail to decrypt who TJ can be

TJ Holowaychuk, who has written some of the most popular Node.js libraries. Express.js is probably the one most have heard of. He now operates in the Go space in which I presume he also has some influence as well for OP to bother mentioning. I would say that his handiwork in crafting good libraries was a significant reason that Node took off like it did so quickly.

This article from 2014 highlights just how many libraries he has written and how good he as at writing them: https://medium.com/@kelas/how-is-tj-holowaychuk-so-insanely-...

I don’t hear about his work often anymore, but I always appreciated his insights and how humble he was. Definitely seemed like the kind of person I’d like to work with and learn from. Though I suppose I did indirectly - I dug through his libraries for years out of curiosity and necessity.

This might explain the 'we repurposed npm to manage go deployment' articles I saw recently ..

> article [by @kelas is all about] how good he as at writing them

funny to see how this is still relevant.

i'm sorry to say, but anyone who read this ancient piece at least marginally past tl;dr would know that your conclusion can't be more false (must be due to my poor command of your language, sorry about that.)

i originally wrote this text in response to eponymous question on quora, which saw some unexpected gargantuan success with 100k+ views in the first year or something like that.

tj said "meow" under that quora answer, and disappeared for good - while i was left exposed to some really agitated tech bloggers who wanted an interview about how did i get so smart to figure out that the entire headless chicken called node community was just brutally duped.

no such interviews could be granted, but in wake of the story some people bothered to look for the clues in his gh activity - mostly frequency analysis of "his" commit logs in a galaxy of repos. this is why most tj's repos were promptly republished elsewhere after that.

bottomline: the article says that tj was a SCAM, so there's that.

Mastery in Software engineering is the ability to conceive and design a program or app in ones mind and then build it and have it work flawlessly. In my experience when a company wanted something done they set up a small team offsite with little corporate oversite. This is why small startups drive innovation. Simplicity is genius and is often seen by users as magic.

Excellent, Great link and Thank You !

This answers the OP's question exactly; a proper empirical study on various dimensions of attributes.

Everybody here should read this.

Is it possible? Maybe if you say a specific language, yes, but even then, there are new versions or iterations where whole new features are introduced.

Mastery in software engineering needs to be defined very specifically.

An example, I used to build Flash microsites, campaigns and games for an ad agency. I had a very good grasp of the tech, built projects for large clients etc. If you looked at me at that point in time you could say I had mastery, but now Flash is gone, and I didn’t switch over to React and other web based tech soon enough so my “skill” is lesser than someone who purely started in that domain.

Amongst other signs, they make it look effortless by identifing problems long before they become problems and taking small steps now to make a better future in a few months time.

I don't see them engaged in "heroic" coding marathons to desperately get something fixed or delivered; they already fixed it weeks or months ago.

Ironically, it's often when there's no mastery that you realize what mastery is. (I.e. when things just work, are shipped on time and are easy to maintain, there's not much fanfare about it)

Handling errors rather than ignoring them.

Knowing that the correct answer to almost every question is "it depends".

Knowing how to somewhat-less-inefficiently produce larger-scale software that adequately meets the need. (Note that I did not say "efficiently", and I did not say "bug-free".) This takes at least some skill in dealing with people, not just computers.

The ability to master complexity.

A master will be able to understand the relationship between systems so he can reduce combinatorial possibilities and reduce complexity to a minimum.

In other words, a master will not shoot herself in the foot. She will also not let others shoot themselves in the foot.

Then, depending on what you do, you will need technical ability: -Understanding basic physics or economics or whatever you interface with your software. -Understanding of low level systems (assembler and C) -Understanding of different paradigms(objects, functional) -Understanding of very High level systems (Lisp, Haskell) -Understanding of serialization(parsing and binary) -Understanding communications. -Understanding data handling. -Understanding interfaces(like command line, desktop or Web). -Understanding standards.

But this depends on the particular work you need or want to do. You will be stronger or weaker in different areas.

But complexity handling is common to any area in engineering.

It’s fiction. No one is a master. There’s always stuff to learn.

Competence is a better term. What it looks like is being able to make things happen quickly with minimal errors or problems.

Unless you’re talking about the most extreme cases ..... Fabrice Bellard and John Carmack .... genius developers who are true masters. There are few of these.

I recently got a masters in software engineering, not that this means I've mastered the discipline, but I think it set a decent idea of what is important.

Here's a incomplete list of topics that I is worthwhile:

Creating a data schema (sql, no-sql, api based, whatever). This seems simple and obvious, but it becomes very hard very fast, especially when you need to model a complex subject that you know nothing about. Consider being hired by a hospital to model their records, or an insurance company. You need to talk to many people and understand how everything they say and do relates to everything else.

Project management: You may not want to be a project manager, but you should familiar with scrum, agile, waterfall, lean, and kanban. At least you can have an informed opinion when you argue for or against how things are done.

QA: You should know how to write a test plan for a large feature or application. This includes unit tests, manual testing, deciding what areas need more effort because getting it wrong is very bad and what is less important. This may include security and performance testing.

Architecture and design: How would you design a new application? How would you add a new feature to an existing application? How do you communicate this design to a team or many teams?

How to evaluate new things like languages, tools, libraries, technologies, etc. This isn't just reading a couple blogs, this is doing small scale test, proof of concepts, looking at the code to an extent, getting opinions for others you trust.

Finally, communicating. Software engineering is a team sport. You need to know how to write design documents, test plans, maybe architecture plans, progress reports, etc. If you can't effectively communicate your designs, plans, or even why someone else's thing is bad or good, you won't be able to convince others that you are right. And remember, you need to not just convince your peers, but also non-technical people, such as managers, VPs, and many other.

Your point about databases strikes me as domain-specific. If you write high-performance game engines, or avionics software, or drivers, I imagine you could go your whole career without encountering a conventional database.

> Creating a data schema (sql, no-sql, api based, whatever)

Schemas apply to more than databases. That may be less important for drivers, where the developer is also the domain expert for what they are implementing, but not necessarily so for avionics software. Lets saw you are implementing a black box. Are you the developer also a flight expert that knows everything that needs to be recorded and how each data point relates to each other? Not just in the sense of the hardware, but everything an FAA investigator wants to know. Probably not. So you need to work with pilots, FAA, and other non-developers to understand that domain.

Knowing how to construct a data model by talking to the experts of that domain is not just for databases.

Masterful code has some kind of straightforward simplicity. Every function does one thing and does exactly what it is supposed to do. Everything is very predictable and boring. You can see from the code how clearly the programmer was thinking and how well the program structure was planned.

That's an interesting question and I'm going to give you a somewhat snarky but truthful answer: Software mastery is exhibited by the code that I wrote today - and oh how horrible it is to look at what I wrote six months ago.

Through-out my career, which is now over four decades if you include the software I wrote as a teenager (before I got paid to do it), I've continuously found a better, more elegant (which can almost always be read simpler or clearer) way to tell the computer what to do.

So my non-snarky view-point is that there's no such thing as mastery but rather that it's the proverbial journey. There is however a baseline at the other end ... if it's not functional and maintainable, there's a definite lack of mastery.

More likely that you a) overrate the quality of the code you wrote today (recency bias) and/or b) have forgotten the context/constraints that you wrote the code 6 months ago under

A simple requisite of mastery in any domain is age. Not to say that young people can't be brilliant and impactfull at their craft. But such qualities fall more rightfully described as having flair. The difference between mastery and flair is that the former is more reliable and stable.

As an art teacher, I have seen many young artists go on to have great careers shortly after leaving school... but most of them burn out or fail in one way or another. Conversely... their aged teachers have acquired character, depth and stability but have in the process lost their wildfire.

Some acceptance tests for a software engineer:

- Should know many tools to the level where they know their strengths and weaknesses. This allows them to select a useful collection of them for any new piece of work.

- Should produce incremental project changes which all either improve the value or reduce the cost.

- Should balance all the improvements to produce useful, working software with a reasonable cost. For example, producing super-secure software with no useful features, featureful software with a bajillion bugs, or bug-free software with a gigantic cost are all bad.

When is "mastery" a meaningful concept for a field of endeavor? I think we wouldn't believe it makes sense to "master" physics or math, because the advanced work in those fields focuses on open problems. Even if one understands classical physics well, one cannot make specific predictions about medium-sized, low-ish energy systems like a double pendulum. Can anyone claim to be a "master" of an area in which there are such large known gaps in everyone's knowledge?

Though in software engineering we have a lot of prior examples of successful and unsuccessful projects, we also have lots of open frontiers. And in some ways, it's much harder to "know" that an engineering approach or paradigm is "right" than it is to know that a theorem is true.

How can we make types track the "important" invariances of a system? How can we convince ourselves that a distributed system can guarantee certain properties, or that a modification to that system doesn't break those guarantees? If I build a homomorphic encryption system as a service, how would I build debugging tools for it? Acknowledging the halting problem and its cousins, when can static analysis tools make useful, meaningful predictions about programs?

In the bronze age, you could build an impressive stone tower. Sometimes you could even make it stay standing. But I don't think there were any master civil engineers.

Very nice analogy to physics/math. I agree: the "best" people are always working on the next big problem.

"Software" is the implementation of logic. "Engineering" is solving problems with science, within a set of constraints.

Therefore software engineering, is solving problems with logic, within a set of constraints.

Where constraints can be; business requirements, hardware limitations, development time limitations, performance limits, solution simplicity, release frequency... Etc

Mastery of software engineering is efficiently solving problems, and optimising for the constraints that matter...

I'm somewhat doubtful that 'mastering' Software Engineering is possible.

You wouldn't ask what it looks like to master the practice of medicine today because there are dozens or hundreds of specialities and roles all of which contribute to medicine.

Firmware engineering and 'agile' website development are very different practices with different assumptions, requirements, etc. I wouldn't expect someone to master both web development and video encoder development just like I wouldn't expect a doctor to be a master pancreatic surgeon and develop vaccines.

On the other hand there is a 'journeyman' level of software development and engineering skill that carries over between different development areas. It's definitely not algorithmic interviews though.

> You wouldn't ask what it looks like to master the practice of medicine today because there are dozens or hundreds of specialities and roles all of which contribute to medicine.

This is like saying you can't have a favorite type of rectangle because some rectangles are squares. If you're a master of neurosurgery, a reasonable person would also consider that to be a master of medicine. Just as I would expect a master neurosurgeon to not be a master dermatologist but be able to master dermatology much faster than I could as a non-medical person, I would similarly expect a master C++ developer to master Javascript frontend development much faster than a junior dev, let alone a non-software person.

I'd say the key point is the ability to identify and reason about complexity.

Figuring out what the irreducible complexities of a problem are and at what tradeoffs these complexities could be addressed in different components of an application (including handing them off to the user).

A few corollaries of this are:

- Masters will write less code, as they will eliminate most of the complexity when there is time for this.

- Masters can more easily put the complexity where they want it, having more control over trade-offs between performance, usability, flexibility, etc.

- Masters will have an easier time estimating the required work needed to implement a project, as experience gives them a good intuition for what the irreducible complexity of a problem is.

- Masters will rarely tell you a "right" solution except for simple problems. Their answer will depend as much on your specific requirements as the problem you're trying to solve[1].

- Masters will often fix problems by simplifying code. Refactoring will be a natural part to their coding workflow, not a separate "housekeeping" activity.

- Those who hide complexity behind more complexity are not masters. Those who always fix problems by adding more code are not masters.

[1] It could be argued that "add to numbers and do it fast" is a single problem and that's not wrong. Requirements like "speed" and "usability" are really just another aspect of the desired outcome of a program, but it's rarely thought of as part of the problem to be solved, thus I am considering these constrains as separate from the "core" of the problem.

I have already made the mistake you are about to make.

This is of course a matter of opinion, but for me, seems like there are three sides to this:

1) Knowledge of the core theories of computers: core ideas of computer architecture, good understanding of computational complexity (how long a program will take to run), networking...

2) Knowledge of software technologies: Python, Javascript, Java, C, Docker, Functional Programming, Object-Oriented Programming...

3) Knowledge of software engineering concepts: Software architecture, software process (agile, requirements gathering, testing), software complexity (and how to minimize it through good architecture and processes), general engineering principles (redundancy, fault-tolerance, solving problems early in the dev process...).

To me at least, the one that is neglected the most is the third one, "software-engineering concepts." Being able to think about systems at a high-level and well at the detail-level is one the most useful skills for an engineer.

For me, mastery is all about managing complexity. In my experience, most of the complexity in a software system emerges from excessive shared state between components and poor modeling of the domain.

If you can break your problem up into smaller, independent pieces, you can pretty easily manage complexity throughout.

By having a good domain model (which to me means context-agnostic and represented approximately in 3NF/BCNF), you automatically clear up most of the nasty interfacing between components. Also, having a domain model in a normalized form enables much easier querying for any required dimension of fact (i.e. SQL/LINQ/et. al.). The methods will almost automatically follow from a good domain model.

Being able to develop good models of the domain and manage incremental complexity are the hallmarks of a master software engineer. You should note that neither of these fundamental skills requires the use of a computer.

IMO, it's knowing how to balance code quality and handle errors within time constraints and other restrictions. Any simple application has the potential to be very complex when one wants to handle every possible scenario. Knowing where to draw the line(s) would be what I consider mastery.

I heard a story that Dan Day - Rose Hulman class of 79, once sat down and typed in a complete system of programs and it worked the first time.

Ward Christensen did it once as well, to the annoyance of my late friend Lloyd Smith, may he rest in peace.

Lots of people here seem to think they know what mastery looks like, but to tell whether someone is a master in something takes another master. And I doubt most of the people who think they are one, actually are.

I will try to avoid doing that myself, specially I will avoid implying I am one, but I think it's possible to come up with a few criteria to help you "judge" the level of mastery one has in software engineering:

* can create a project from scratch without pondering forever about each and every choice, while picking reasonable choices that, together, approach optimality given the circumstances (notice that this depends mostly on the team/company involved so there's not one right universal answer).

* can break up the work in manageable pieces so that progress can be made (regardless of how many people actually work on the project) and measured easily. This is really hard and can only be done properly by a practitioner (meaning, no, your PM can't do that for you).

* can establish a good base design that facilitates achievement of the project's objectives (e.g. if performance-focused, then architecture might differ significantly from a more maintainability-focused one).

* knows to apply the right amount of testing/automation (too much or too little can be damaging).

* can focus on the task at hand, avoiding unnecessary work (many great technical developers fail to do this due to their preference for harder challenges that may not be the right ones to address).

* can communicate well (because knowing it all but not being able to pass the knowledge on or convince others will cause most of your knowledge to become inaccessible).

Notice that to be able to effectively rate a person or team against each criterion is itself something subjective sometimes, so you won't get a clear-cut answer no matter how you look at it... but I am sure that there are ways to use metrics for each one, though we all know the problem with metrics (people will game it), so yeah, it's difficult to figure this out. Just make sure you don't fall into the trap of judging people solely on subjective grounds though as our natural biases are quite crippling (see psychological studies about human bias) and will cause you to misjudge others, sometimes disastrously.

Ability to: Start small with a shitty demo which can get buy-in from other folks on a team and continue pounding out high-impact features in no time first, to sell the invention to anyone. Then get this demo cleaned up to the point it ships with docs, tests, telemetry in production, and there are no bugs and crashes. Just couple of improvement requests. And when this thing can be enabled/disabled dynamically, and enhanced/expanded for the future without major rewrites.

1. Understand that Software Engineering is not a discipline yet. There are some foundational elements, but the field is less than a century old.

2. Think in the abstract. Implementation details are just that, details.

3. Ideas and concepts can be reused, code reuse (in business logic areas, not technical support) is rare.

4. "Design is about constraints" - Charles Eames

5. Understand the foundations, finite state machines, what REST as a style actually means, why Nouns are more important than Verbs, don't reinvent things...

6. Learning never ends.

Uncle Bob Martin coined the term "Software Craftsmanship", you can watch his talks about the topic. I intend to follow it throughout my career.

Not sure about software engineering, but if I have seen anyone absolutely master anything "programming" related, it'd be Martin Shkreli. The programming environment: Microsoft Excel.


Mastery of software engineering means, given any task, you can do it, at any point along the fast/correct/cheap triangle gradient. In a corporate environment, you might lean toward fast and correct. In an open-source context you may lean toward correct and cheap. At a pre-funding startup, building an MVP, you may go with fast and cheap.

I think a better wording is “you can learn how to do it”; treading new waters is a daily task for software engineers.

My definition of a "Master" is someone that can churn out software that is both;

- High performance (in terms of efficiency in using computational resources)

- Reliable i.e does exactly what we want and doesn't crash. This also includes clear documentation.

I think to reach there, some of the things one may want do are;

a) Learn TLA+

b) Study hardware (processors, memory)

c) Study software, protocols like tcp/ip

d) Build experiments & ship

I don't know, but I one practice along my journey has had a surprising impact upon my skill development. That one thing is: I started coding in VIM. For some reason, making that change has improved my thinking, and that's been a big part of my growth.

So, maybe you'll find that to be a helpful practice as well. It's worth a try.

I don't want to sound over critical. It's not about the vim. Can you generalize it a bit more? Let me take a shot at it(!?)

You introduced a new tool to your workflow. The consequences of that was

- Lower productivity initially - You where forced to think about how you create/edit your code

So, what made it work for you?

- Thinking about how you structure and edit your code. This gave you some clarity around how to think and solve a given problem. Longer you practiced this, better you became at it.

- Learning a new tool made you a better at certain things (Say how you manipulate large amount of text?). Better you became, more confidence you derived out of it. More confidence resulted in taking up more harder problems, and the cycle continues.

- You have started thinking about your tools. You spent time and energy in learning it. This has broadened how you think about software development. This in turn has widened your ability to look at the software problems.

I am not sure what I wrote resonates with you or not. But this is what I took away from you response "Making that change has improved my thinking"

I feel, it's not the choice of the specific tool that made a difference, but the result of changing your regular habits that VIM bought about in your way of writing code. I am sure, a person who changed to emacs or Jetbrains also would have seen something change :-)

Great question and it's not overly critical. I'm afraid I can't give you a satisfying answer even though I would like to because even I'm not sure why VIM acted as a catalyst for me.

What I think it did for me is two things:

- the splits allows me to have multiple files (aka buffers) open at ones time and this might decrease the number of times I have costly context switches.

- the vi way of manipulating text is faster and more efficient in terms of steps needed to complete an edit. I believe this reduces the cognitive load of mundane tasks and lets my mind stay focused on the actual problem I'm solving.

VI may not help everyone obviously. But I think it opened a flood gate for me.

Also the initial lower productivity wasn't really that bad so I don't think it had too much of an impact.

Mastery in any field involves 4 components: Accumulation of knowledge, conceptual understanding, judgement and skill

Nothing specific to software engineering.

But I'd say a master is simply someone you have a lot to learn from.

I'd say you have mastered the discipline when even though you know the limits of your abilities and you are eager to learn, it becomes difficult to find someone to teach you something new.


The ability to judge risk in terms of time and money.

The ability to judge the amount of security that is needed (a productive level that is still safe).

To think long-term, in terms of avoiding complexity buildup over time, and in terms of avoiding vendor lock-in.

To help others get up to speed.

To stay productive over time.

To stay open to learn something new.

Having an accurate intuitive assessment of how difficult a task will be, and;

knowing what to Google.

The code you don't write is more important than the code you do write.

Ultimately where you want to be with soft eng. is where you can produce and deliver value, regardless of mastery. That includes communication and steering of projects to value

Problem solving skills. It doesn't matter if your tool is the best, it only matters which tool is suitable for the job.

So the master to me is the one who knows which tools for which job !

In my experience it means you rarely write software but you've moved into architecting software platforms and telling other people how to write software.

I'm just a devops guy but my current project is like that, where our lead architect has really impressed me by drawing up the design of a very scalable system. My task is merely to implement and manage kubernetes for it and we have other devs who are using java, .net and golang to write the components.

This impresses me a lot how our lead can come up with such a design and make it work from paper to practice.

If you rarely write software then you are not moving towards mastery in engineering it. There is no such thing as a master painter who is primarily a manager of painters.

You can be a masterful manager, can deliver much more value than a single programmer, etc. But the engineering of software occurs primarily in the thinking about and directly working on it in its specifics.

I see what you mean but it's more nuanced than that in my case.

It's not like he turned 50 and suddenly stopped coding. I'm talking about a real nerd, a person who codes even on their free time.

And he still writes code in other projects, he's a consultant, but in our project he's not touching any code, only advising. And he's 50+ now so he has 15 more years until retirement.

Of course I've seen people here work beyond retirement because our field is so easy on the body.

Jeff Koons likes to think he is

Just so. A lot of the problems have already been solved before anyone starts typing code.

It is SO common in this industry for people to literally not know what some software is meant to do, and just start typing code anyway. There's an entire software philosophy, "agile", based around that. If it IS known in advance what the software is meant to do, the quality of software that can be created is just astounding.

Nintendo, Doom, Unreal, Maya (not Autodesk), Nuke, VRay... beautiful products altogether. Its almost always teams of people but leads are key.

Excellent question, but how does one measure the length of a string constantly being extended on moving sands?

Something that makes sense to the next developer without too much effort (assuming that it works).

See the paper linked in this thread by user "still_grokking"; it answers your question.

How many times a year do they have to wake up in the middle of the night to fix something broken?

Software engineering mastery occurs when a person brings donuts for everyone every single day.

They're the ones who understand there's no silver bullet for all problems.

Among other things a master splits the I/O code and core logic code.

They build better software. They are both strong contributors individually, and strong team members. Better is relative to whatever the purpose of that software is. If it needs to be fast, it is. If it needs to be secure, it is. If it needs to be made quickly, it is.

Ability to design and implement a large scale system from the ground up.

Being able to break a complex project into granular bite-sized tasks.

Highly competent in at least 3 languages; general understanding of 5 others; good written communication and presentation skills; able to create gui; understanding of distributed systems and networking; unix command line; can at least rebase in git

Why on earth would number of languages have anything to do with it. That doesn’t make sense. Parochial number of languages doesn’t capture the idea of understanding multiple paradigms, low level / high level, type system considerations.

A person might have zero experience except Node.js yet still show high mastery of functional programming, mixed OOP, design patterns, compilers, etc.

Setting any threshold on languages just sets up a meaningless metric.

It’s just a simple and objective yet general measure of mastery

If you have these skills there is a very high likelihood that you can do most other things that are thrown at you

Most of the other answers have all these high level wishy washy specifications, I thought I’d take a more brass tacks approach.

It is mostly beginners and students that think learning programming languages is difficult or is a big part of the difficulty of writing software.

Well I’m neither of these so ...

I suppose this list could be called necessary but not sufficient. The question is what does a master “look like”. If you can only work with one or two languages you are by no means a master.

Actually coding something is the last resort.

George Hotz lol

Someone who is good at mental models.

I agree with what you say

Perfect estimates, deep insights, and anticipating challenges

I would say that even just aiming at perfect estimates is a sign that mastery has not been achieved yet.

Wisdom is to acknowledge uncertainty and that estimates are uncertain in nature because the information available at the time is always incomplete.

That's only if the challenge is completely new. Sure, if you're researching something novel in an area you've not worked on, the information you have is likely very far from complete. But if you're writing a backend server for a new POC for the umpteenth time in your career, you're likely to be able to do it fast, well, and be able to estimate how long it's gonna take. The reason being that the unknowns are slim to none.

Yes, but there are also situations that demand certainty and accuracy in estimates. One must appease them by looking as though you are trying.

- Sqlite

- Symfony framework


To answer this question, one must first operantly define what mastery is. So what is mastery? To start, mastery is something on which one can be on the path towards, yet mastery is also a thing which has been achieved. So we need to talk about flow along a path and achievement of the objective.


The path to mastery is characterized by humility and child-like exploration combined with an intrinsic drive to integrate learning a and take paths that make individual sense to one on the apprentice’s path towards mastery. It is concerned with thoughtful action and adaptation. The ultimate focus is on the seeking of truth (an intrinsic reward) rather than and sometimes at the detriment to receiving external rewards (accolades, financial renumeration, and other materialistic artifacts). Such sacrifices and focus is made early in the mastery process and pay off once one inevitably achieves it. This is a pattern common in most individuals we would consider to be masters and the difficulty lies in staying on such a path despite internalized intuitions and the listening to an internal voice/drive pulling us away from society, the majority of who are not on the path at any given time. Mastery is high risk because it a deviant process often focusing on long term rewards rather than instant gratification or even short-term survival.


What can a master do? Why is that beneficial?

Mastery is the seamless ability to fuse the intuitive with the rational while performing and understanding at a high level of competency in a given discipline or domain. It manifests as as such a deep internalization of a domain that one is able to spend cognitive effort on seamless cross-pollination between other disciplines, sculpting domains at will. Mastery is only achieved through embracing the humane, which means internalizing the fact that what makes us human is the blending of the rational (a step-by-step-step process) with the intuitive (a distributed and probabilistic process).


What is engineering? What is software? What commonalities do they share?

Given a definition of mastery, we see that the question of what engineering and software are next to be defined. These three questions should serve to form a foundation for discussion.

Engineering is the process of designing reliable processes and systems given constraints on resources, tools, and available thought patterns. It is also fundamentally concerned with risk management on the path to achieving an objective.

Software is a system which interfaces with either humans, machines, or both to achieve an objective. It serves as a medium for sending conceptual communicative signals across, within, and between various levels of abstraction to include physical computing done at the level of hardware.

As an aside, it must be stated that the delineation we place between software and hardware is an arbitrary though sometimes useful fiction to allow us to get tasks done. With this being stated, such a simplification is often over-used to our collective detriment.

The master software engineer understands hardware and software deeply at both the intuitiveness rational levels in order to design systems and process to specifications and with clarity to both machines and humans alike. This ability to provide and communicate with clarity is especially important when we consider that our colloquial models of machines themselves are over-simplified, a fact that one will quickly become aware of when trying to design applications across platforms that perform “low level” file system operations. In this case, it becomes apparent that even operations such as opening and closing files, tasks which one would think are stable and solved problems, have such variability that cross-platform development is more challenging than it should seem.

Not only does a master software engineer have the ability to communicate at different levels of abstraction of hardware and software—such a master also recognizes that communication is the operant word. Communication is signal propagation, filtering, and more, occurring at the personal, interpersonal, and organizational level as well. The master software engineer is seamlessly able to apply all principles of software development to psychological phenomena as well. To such an individual, there is no difference conceptually from a root pattern perspective.

Ship more, talk less.

story of mel.

Pai Mei mustache, sits on a rock meditating and dispensing advice to juniors, quotes Martin Fowler by heart, seems to never touch a keyboard but every commit will replace entire module(s) flawlessly, demonstrating high level architectural knowledge that lies on the far side of the organisation's learning curve.

>but every commit will replace entire module(s) flawlessly

That's big commits, you're not supposed to do that. Masters commit individual characters that replace entire modules flawlessly.

Every module Pai Mei implements fits on a single page of his 80-column terminal, including comments. He manages this brevity not with obscure one-liners, but through algorithmic simplicity. Every module is precisely as complex as it needs to be to accomplish its purpose, no more, no less.

Pai Mei never deletes or modifies a single character. Every keystroke is perfect and can only be as it was initially.

He never said the commit will be big. He just said the commit will "replace entire module(s) flawlessly" which you seem to acknowledge can be sometimes done with as little as a single character.

He squashes commits on merge.

The Master does his job

and then stops.

He understands that the universe

is forever out of control,

and that trying to dominate events

goes against the current of the Tao.

Hahahahaha. This is the funniest thing I’ve read on HN.

In the field of programming languages design and implementation look no further than Erlang, MIT Scheme (a true gem), GHC, Scala and Go.

Those are creations of exceptional masters.

For smaller projects take a look at nginx, Tokyo cabinet (a DB), redis, and, perhaps, python's requests and Clojure (one man's effort to unify obvious things).

Again, these are masterpieces, not just merely good things.

Que all the managers that will immediately list off 5 manager activities as software engineering "mastery."

Two words: Functional Programming

Functional programming is taught in schools, so engineers straight out of college know it. I was one of them!

"Who is John Galt?" Mastery could most closely be viewed as a state of enlightenment. To the non-enlightened it will appear to be dismissive and lazy.

There are a variety of positions one could take once reaching enlightenment: 1. Domination. One could choose to be controlling of the entire field and use it for selfish benefit. 2. Dismissive. Once you reach the pinnacle it becomes apparent that both humanity and the society it has created are horrid and aren't worth interacting with. 3. Appreciation. One could choose to be thankful for being able to reach such a position and to respond by generously using the mastery to use it for the good of humanity. 4. Constructive Legacy. One could choose to form ones own group around that mastery to preserve it beyond themselves.

I believe the dismissive position is the most reasonable and hence most likely to be chosen by those who reach true mastery.

All four positions regularly occur and you can see it readily in masters of respective fields.

The way a master appears depends on their reaction to having gained mastery.

I think the dismissive position is also most likely because I believe there are far more masters than we ever notice. They are not noticed because the majority of them don't bother to use their mastery in an obvious way.

Why should a master bother to correct those beneath them?

If a master interacts with society they have an uphill battle to being treated with the respect they deserve. For the true master there is great value in going their own way and rejecting society.

It reminds me of the Way of Tao

Who is John Galt?

Clearing a FANG interview. It does take months to prepare for even if you are a master.

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